View Full Version : Questions and stuff.

02-20-2010, 11:42 AM
Hey, first time here. I'm 14 years old and have been into fishing my whole life, mainly trout in lakes. I don't go too often but I'm hoping to get a lot of fishing in this season. Hopefully I'll be able to fish local lakes early before my family goes on there summer trip to Mammoth too. I just have a few things that I've been wondering about. I also mainly fish lip ripperz, power worms, nymphs, etc, with a splitshot. Plastics only really.

1. I have a G. Loomis ultralight/light 6' rod I think it is (not too sure about any of it besides the fact that it's a pretty good G. Loomis) with a decent Cardinal reel.

2. What's the max pound test line you want to use with the above rig? I usually use 2 or 3 pound test but I'm wondering if it's possible to just squeeze out 4. Also what type? Fluorocarbon, etc, or what?

3. I'm pretty sure my brother and I use Owner mosquito hooks #10 and I was curious if there's also a certain pound test line you want to use with those/do not want to go over?

4. What's the proper/ideal way to knot/tie a hook (specifically mosquito/owner hooks)? I know that seems like a stupid question but my brother basically always had the poles rigged up and when I did tie the hooks I don't know if I was doing it right. A video or explanation would be nice.

Any help is appreciated. Could have asked my brother but he's not here at the moment and I figured I'd find out by myself, lol.

I'll find out the exact specs on my reel and rod when I get a chance.

02-21-2010, 06:25 AM
Q2: 4lb fluorocarbon
Q3: you can use a 2 or 3 lb leader for hook then connect it to your main line with a joining knot or a snap.
Q4: Palomar or improve clinch, there are lots of sites on-line with illustrations

good luck!!