View Full Version : Fishing Cabo need some advice...

07-10-2007, 10:01 PM
I have a trip planned to Cabo for the end of the month and had a few questions for those who have been there before. I would really appreciate your input, suggestions, horror or success stories as all information is good informationā€¦

Who runs a reliable, not so terribly expensive Ā½. Ā¾ or full day outfit?

Do these guys book up quickly?

I will be staying right on the beach across the bay from the arch, is there good shore fishing?

I would like to bring my own gear down, any hang ups with customs, airlines, theft, or damage?

Can you rent rod and reel down there for both shore and charter fishing?

Again I would sincerely appreciate any input from those of you who have been there and done that! Thanks a ton and tight lines!


07-10-2007, 10:38 PM
Are staying in Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo? It's not the same place...but they call it Cabo collectively.

07-10-2007, 10:43 PM
Don't really know, it is the one with the cape or the bay that has the all topo famous arch in the rocks on the point...

07-10-2007, 10:46 PM
What do you mean you don't know?!?! What hotel are you staying at?!

You should definitely know where you're going!!

07-10-2007, 11:00 PM
LOL I just got an invite yesterday don't really have much info. I did find out it is san lucas cove though...

07-10-2007, 11:07 PM
What do you mean you don't know?!?! What hotel are you staying at?!

You should definitely know where you're going!!

:lol: you are classic dude

jump on the interet calico...unlss you want Junkie to do it for ya!

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... g+charters (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS228US229&q=cabo+sportfishing+charters)

Sorry I could not suggest an charter service, but I always fished further North at Rancho Buena Vista when I went to Baja.
I heard the Pisces fleet is top notch, based on my friends that went the past few years. Good luck!


Fish Dog
07-10-2007, 11:26 PM
Information for that area is very specific and it would be best if you paid my way so I could go with you and give you tips in person. It seem to work better that way, (at least for me... :wink: )

07-11-2007, 01:30 AM
jump on the interet calico...unlss you want Junkie to do it for ya!

Don't need ppl to do a search for me, I'm quite capable... I want info from people who have gone there and chartered a boat to respond, if you have not no need to reply. just to reply... Although I thank you for the Pisces tip :)

Information for that area is very specific and it would be best if you paid my way so I could go with you and give you tips in person. It seem to work better that way, (at least for me... )

Sounds like a plan, what other services do you perform on your long range guided trips? I think there is room for a pegboy on the trip... LOL

Seriously anyone who has had good or bad experiences with the skippers out of San Lucas I would like to hear about it...

07-11-2007, 01:54 AM
Information for that area is very specific and it would be best if you paid my way so I could go with you and give you tips in person. It seem to work better that way, (at least for me... :wink: )

Same here, you gotta put the time in down there and talk to ALL the skippers , almost all the boats are off the water by 2:pm, here's a site to check out Bro, http://www.mexfish.com/apgs/sitemap/sitemap.htm

Good Luck,
KJ13 8)

07-11-2007, 11:34 AM
Well if you are staying across the arch you will be in Cabo San Lucas...

I have no clue about shore fishing down there, I would think near Cabo San Lucas it would be tough since the amount of tourists etc you need to contend with. Maybe you could hook into a nice bikini top or something though.

As for places to check out, there are a bunch and it all depends on how much you want to pay. Do you want a cruiser, panga, etc...

Out of Cabo heard good things about Oso Blanco 2

Out of San Jose Del Cabo (where the airport is) use Gordo Banks Pangas...out of SJD is usually cheaper than CSL

As for gear all the pangas/cruisers usually have stuff and the condition of it can vary...from old to new....I would bring down maybe a 30lb and a 20 lb outfit...anything bigger they will have...No probs taking reels with line on planes and just stuff your rods in a tube.

07-12-2007, 03:40 AM
Hey dude

Im new to the board but i was just in Cabo last year

here is a few tips.

1 Shore fishing very tough,lots of tourists most the hotels overlap each other it`s a waste of time IMO
2 Charter boats there will be 100`s available so don`t worry about getting on one.
3 Negotiate a price,play hard ball , a lot of those guys try to get you right off the marina before the next guy comes up with a better offer.
a) I had one guy tell me it was $200 for an 8hour day not including bait and licenses on a 32ft boat plus gratuity(%15 of what you pay).I ended up with 2 guys almost throwing blows to take me fishing my final cost $100 (bait included,+$11 for the license+tip) for 6ppl.All equipment included Penn rods Shimano reels is the norm for boats down there.
b)ask to meet with the Cpt or crew to see the actual boat and equipment,remember its your money you pick yhe boat and crew you like not vice versa.
c)Fishing stands are a good start for looking for boats,whats biting, watch out for the time share guys they make a great deal but then try to sit you in a room for 6-8 hours.

that s it for now off the top of my head feel free to contact me for other info

By the way on that trip we caught 8 dorado ,1 wahoo, 2 small sword f

07-12-2007, 10:05 AM
Good rule is stay and party in Cabo San Lucas and do your fishing in San Jose Del Cabo.


07-16-2007, 05:41 PM
BassinChef, welcome to the boards and I for one appreciate one of your fisrt posts being a helpful one!

BBL2Baja, uscjeffer, kingjester13, thanks for the tips certinly helps to have some idea of what to expect not only on new water but in a forigen country to boot.

Funjunkie74, what heppend to you man??? You ac t like I'm wasting your time and you somehow have a world of advice but yet...silence??? LMAO


07-16-2007, 11:19 PM
Funjunkie74, what heppend to you man??? You ac t like I'm wasting your time and you somehow have a world of advice but yet...silence??? LMAO


8lb, first, you're not wasting my time. I don't claim to know all, and since I don't know you I won't look down on you.

But, you have to realize, you still haven't answered my question.
How are you planning on getting any sound advise from anyone (all of the above are only valid if you're remotely close to it) if you haven't the slightest clue as to WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!?!

Laugh your ***** off all you want...but you still have no answers.

07-17-2007, 01:13 AM
LOL I just got an invite yesterday don't really have much info. I did find out it is san lucas cove though...

Not sure if you ever noticed this but yes I did answer your question the same night you asked...

Have you fished Cabo on a charter? Do you have advice? I've entertained your rude comments and would appreciate your experience period. I'm not interested in a pissing match over BS with a troll...

FYI San Jose and San Lucas apparently are 30 mins apart, this is considered more than remotely close. I honestly don't think you have ever been there, I bet you have only 2nd hand advice if you even have that. More than likely you are bored and looking to hi-jack a post... Maybe you need to fish more and type less bro... STOP TROLLING THE BOARDS!

07-17-2007, 04:48 AM
I'm not jacking this post. Just trying to help get some clarity.
I am sorry if I was a little too straight forward. It wasn't my intention of pissing any one off.

Here are some maps of where you're going. Locate "Santa Rosalia". The cove is about 10 miles south of there.

You're right, I've never been to this area, so I can't help you with local information for San Jose Cove. (I also don't have any second-hand info either! Sorry!! LOL!)

What I can tell you is, you are about 500 miles north of Cabo San Lucas. So any information I have is useless. All my experiences and information is for Cabo San Lucas.

In general though, the Sea of Cortez has always been known to hold some nice fishing grounds for YT. There seems to be some panga launches inside the cove that will take you there.

Good luck and look forward to the report!! 8)



07-17-2007, 08:17 AM
I am sorry if I was a little too straight forward. It wasn't my intention of pissing any one off.

Thanks... I sincerely appreciate a reasonable effort to help!

You're right, I've never been to this area

Nor have I, but I will pass along any info. I gain to you or anyone else who needs it!

The report will be up shortly after returning, looking forward to sharing with you all.


07-17-2007, 09:47 AM
What? Now I'm totally lost. Are you staying in Cabo or Santa Rosalia?
Cuz those are two very distinctly different places. That's like saying you got San Francisco and San Diego mixed up.


07-17-2007, 10:39 AM
Cabo San Lucas... You had it right!

07-17-2007, 03:51 PM
I look forward to the fishing reports / experiences from Cabo San Lucas.
I have been there afew times and am going again at the end of August. I normally stay at Pueblo Bontio -ROSE (theres 4 puebblo bonitos rose and blanco on the east side of cabo (sea of cortez) and holistic spa and ??? on the west coast (pacific ocean).

Since you've never been a few spots to hit
Gigglin Marlin
Squid Roe

Most around the harbor are pretty good
Theres a GREAT italian restaraunt on the main drag behind the harbor (the house wine is imported from California)

(BTW tourist tip - save all recipts from the office, try to get separate checks, you turn in 5 you get a free hat)

Feel free to PM me with any questions about Cabo

booyaa 4u
07-17-2007, 05:29 PM

07-17-2007, 10:30 PM
Cabo San Lucas... You had it right!

Wait, I thought you said "San Lucas Cove"....??
(Little confused)

San Lucas Cove is 10 miles south of Santa Rosalia.
Cabo San Lucas is at the tip.

Which is it?? :shock:

07-17-2007, 10:41 PM
booyaa 4u: No problem man, just trying to even the field out for you... I thought that was unfair of them to judge you then take your thread over!

WOW what can I say to an offer like that...ABSOLUTELY! Either way I really appreciate the thought! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I will send you a PM and we can take it from there!

booyaa 4u
07-18-2007, 07:42 PM
8 lb. cal i wasnt able to respond to your pm got some info for you try it again

08-14-2007, 02:07 PM
The report will be up shortly after returning, looking forward to sharing with you all.


8lb have you posted a report ?
Just curious

I'm leaving in 2 weeks