View Full Version : wtb: old curado and wading boots

02-06-2010, 04:17 PM
hey guys - been looking for this stuff for a while
but i have been too lazy to post here to ask
driving from sb to sd next weekend
so, figured i would post before
so i could pick meet people
and trade face to face

1) shimano curado 201b
looking for a nice low profile reel
but don't want to spend too much money
really only interested in a left handed retrieve
preferably with a fairly fast retrieve ratio (6-7:1)

2) wading boots
bought my first pair of waders for christmas
haven't used them yet because they are stocking foot
and my understanding is i am supposed to wear boots with them?
like i said, first pair of waders, so, don't really know much anything
so, open to suggestion or any advice but hoping to not spend too much
i bought "medium hodgman wadelite breathable stocking foot waders"
also, i wear a size 9 shoe, so, if anyone has any advice or whatever
or maybe an old pair of wading boots they don't need anymore

if you have this stuff please let me know; thanks a bunch
feel free to pm me or e-mail me at q3fishboy at yahoo dot com