View Full Version : Fishing Mentors Needed for LA County Foster Kids

CL SmooV
02-03-2010, 11:23 AM
Dear Anglers,

I posted a thread late last year in regards to a Fishing Mentor Program starting for the spring 2010 fishing season. This program will accomodate our foster kids living in LA County. When screened by social workers, many foster kids stated they would LOVE to be invloved in a consistent fishing program. As a social worker and angler myself, I KNOW this program will be a winner for the kids, anglers, and the community.

I have recruited other anglers and non from other locations to participate but thought I'd post a thread in regards to the program to FNN once more.

Its easy to do: must be 21 and over, pass a simple background check that my organization will fund; and be able to fish with the foster kids at LA County freshwater locations at least once per month. Lastly, before school lets out for the summer, be able to participate with Fox 11 News, the Daily News, and the LA Times to talk about our Fishning Mentor Program for Foster Youth for publicity.

Foster Kids are ready for fishing. If you want to participate or know of anyone or any groups who would, shoot me a PM to get started.

In service,

CL SmooV