View Full Version : Castaic Lagoon 02-01-10 tube report w/pics

Ray Lopez
02-02-2010, 07:27 AM
Took my tube out yesterday morning around 8am. Started in paradise cove and worked north towards the old csun dock. On the way up i had the 6" robo purple weenie dipped in bass fest smelly jelly. Other pole was a white glass shad rap deep diver. I worked the whole shoreline for nothing. But it was a beautiful day the water was glassed out all day long the water was very cold (frozen feet). Not much boat traffic since it was a Monday. Hardly any shore anglers. (i guess word is out that the lagoon is in a huge lull.

Once i got to the old csun dock i switched up to a 5 1/2" curly tail hologram shad roboworm, and a green weenie x-mas flake. Worked back south. Half way down passed the swim beach i witched the curly tail hologram over to i believe it is a red crawler 6" robo. I stopped under tree point and casted out both. I worked the green weenie first and then worked the red crawler. Pretty far out i get the slightest tap tap tap. I stop and let it rest . One small twitch and i feel a tiny bit of pressure then another small tap. So slight you would almost not notice it. I stop again and let it rest and reel up slack and then felt a decent amount of weight and one more big GULP!!! SLAM!!! I set the hook and bam a nice fight ensues. Took about 2 to 3 minutes to tire this one out. She didn't want to get lipped and kept swimming under my tube and trying to wrap around my legs hahaa. So once i landed her i snapped a few pics and put her back.



She went 4.7 on the digi and was about 17" long. Can't complain about that. It had been some time seeing as the last bass i caught was back in December. The lagoon has been punking me pretty good with a few skunks and a 13" trout in the month of January.

After that i worked more south into the cove and then down by the buoy line again for nothing.

Also seems like all around the lake yesterday no one was doing much everyone i overheard said they were not even getting any hits.

Also just FYI i fished the deep water on the way out and then shallow on the way in. Other then paradise cove i worked it like i was on the shoreline. Casting out in to deep water for every square inch of that bad boy lol.

i got off the water at 3:20pm.

So it is still rough fishing out there for them bass. If you go don't be surprised if you get the skunk, fishing is not easy at all. I had to work really hard for that one fish. But one good thing was over off the swim beach there were a few fish crashing the surface. Might be a good place to top water first thing in the morning.

Tight lines!!!!

02-02-2010, 07:47 AM
Thanks for the report there form the goon, its a good thing you dint get scunked, nice bass and beautiful day glassy water... AWESOME

Fire Ball
02-02-2010, 09:29 AM
Fish breaking the surface near the swim beach? Bass?? I might take my tube out Sunday. For my last few trips I think I have only gotten big crappie and maybe a bass or two. I can't see the picture right now, but when I get home I will check it out. A 17" fish that weighed 4.7 lb? That must have been some fat fish! I have gotten 3.5 and 4 lb bass that were 18" and those were pretty fat, lol.

Ray Lopez
02-02-2010, 10:41 AM
could've been longer i guessed the length. It was a very healthy fish thats for sure. Fought like a mofo too! It put up a fight like it was a much bigger fish. made 5 different hard drag pulling runs. gotta love a fish like that

02-02-2010, 10:54 AM
Nice bass ray good job beating the skunk....

02-02-2010, 01:12 PM
raylo, you need to fish more. maybe this spring ill see you. poke smot!

Fire Ball
02-02-2010, 06:23 PM
could've been longer i guessed the length. It was a very healthy fish thats for sure. Fought like a mofo too! It put up a fight like it was a much bigger fish. made 5 different hard drag pulling runs. gotta love a fish like that

Oh, alright. Gotta love fish like that!! Hopefully I will see you at the Lagoon sometime. I can't wait until things pick up at the Goon!

Captain Castaic
02-06-2010, 08:36 PM
Well done Ray lo! Goon has been really tough!!!

Way to make em pay


02-07-2010, 12:53 AM
nice RayLo... me and the kids are gonna hit the goon today lmao,,,,

Ray Lopez
02-08-2010, 07:49 AM
raylo, you need to fish more. maybe this spring ill see you. poke smot!
i fish at least once or twice a week mofo lol. If i fished anymore my woman would kick my butt lol. Just hit me up jeff when you wanna do some fishing or poke smoting lol you know im always down.

Oh, alright. Gotta love fish like that!! Hopefully I will see you at the Lagoon sometime. I can't wait until things pick up at the Goon!
i'm sure you will. If you give me a holler maybe i'll meet up with you guys. We can try to work in a new flot tube goon outing like we had a few years back. That was fun the boys from down south near perris came up to the goon with all of us and then we went down to perris after and we all traded styles and tips and took the others out for two good trips back to back. I think once things get warmer and fishing picks up i might try to put somthing like that together again. It is pretty fun to have a bunch of tubers kicking arund just nailing fish left and right

Well done Ray lo! Goon has been really tough!!!

Way to make em pay


nice RayLo... me and the kids are gonna hit the goon today lmao,,,,

Ray Lopez
02-08-2010, 07:50 AM
btw these new boards suck i can't do that many multiples replies without it messing up grrrrrrrrrrrrrr and scroll feature kept scrolling back up every time i tried to reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!