View Full Version : Newport Giant Squid Slay 1/30 - Holy Crap!!!

01-31-2010, 09:39 AM

If anyone hasn't gone out for squid before - GO!!!!! It was super fun and lets face it, there isn't much else going on in the ocean right now.

Didn't plan on doing this trip but on a lark we made a little family fishing excursion in the saltwater - myself, my bro Evan, littls sis Lindsey and my Dad all hopped on the Patriot out of the Newport Landing last night. Boat left a 6pm. After a short ride to the edge of the canon the skipper put us on squid. It was WFO within an hour with just about every rod doubled over and giant squid in the 20-40lb class coming over the rail constantly. Their official count was 175 squid for 31 anglers....it was silly good.

My first squid was well over 30lbs and pulled a lot harder than I'd expected....felt kinda like a bat ray but it was still a total blast to pull on. Guys with the lighter gear were getting absolutely owned at times....I brought my 30lb setup and had no problems, just fun.

It's been almost a year since I was out on the big pond...dang it felt good. Wish I had more time to spend down here so could chase all the good stuff.

It took a few hours for the crew to clean all the calamari but we were off the boat around 11:30pm....if you end up going, plan on taking a nap or bringing something to entertain yourself with while you wait.

BTW - take your sister, mom, wife, g-friend or kids with you if you go - this is the type of wide-open fishing that will get 'em hooked on fishing forever! I didn't see any kids on the boat last night but the ladies were kickin arse and takin' names.

We kept two each and one for my uncle.....$3 a squid to clean them (gutting only, membrane removal is all you). I tested some out this morning - nasty ammonia action going on. Soaking more in milk to see if that helps but I dunno. Been about 7 years since I had my last batch - no funky taste in that batch, albeit a little smaller grade of cephalopod back then. We'll see. Will be catfish bait if the funk doesn't come out with milk.

6" jigs were the deal...although the next size down would have probably done fine. We drifted for these jumbos....found 'em deep at first but towards the end they were way up, even saw a few breezing through at one point....pretty cool to watch. Stupid sealions caused some problems for a bit....wish Mr. Mako have been around to help out with that.

Anyhow - it was messy rod-bending hilarity and we had a great time.



-----PS - Its definitely worth mentioning that the capt. and crew were EXCEPTIONAL on Saturday night. The skipper communicated with the passengers and the deck hands were friendly, personable and efficient. Even with all of those bent rods the second you had color they were there with the gaff...very good job. Tip 'em well guys & gals! --------

The three siblings

Hooked up

My Dear Ol' Dad with a jumbo

Me with a Jumbo

Lil' sis with a fresh one...

Squid Party

Hells ya

Ray Lopez
01-31-2010, 10:21 AM
yea man them humboldt squid are super crazy fun to catch. I went with my woman a few years ago during a huge swell of dem squids. The one guy i was standing next to was telling me that he was pissed because he said they were like pulling up a wet boot. Well needless to say the second we stopped and everyone doubled over the rails with a monster squid on the other end i looked at him struggling and said "wet boot eh?" We both started laughing.

01-31-2010, 10:45 AM
sounds like alot of fun. im probably gonna be taking my son on the squid boat out of oceanside. it should be a fun night

01-31-2010, 11:47 AM
ya, great fun!
It will be interesting to see how long they hang around.


01-31-2010, 02:03 PM
sounds real fun...thinking bout it just for the fight and squid bait....now all i need is a really big leadhead ...

01-31-2010, 02:30 PM
:???: what do you do with the big squid. CPR, eat them or save them for bait. Looks like a lot of fun catching them.
Thanks for the cool pic's and your report.


01-31-2010, 03:00 PM
:???: what do you do with the big squid. CPR, eat them or save them for bait. Looks like a lot of fun catching them.
Thanks for the cool pic's and your report.


Well...in the past I ate them...they were delicious. This time around not so much....good bait I reckon.

01-31-2010, 04:40 PM

01-31-2010, 04:48 PM
Caught one yesterday myself!! Man are they ugly! Thought I had something else but we weren't targeting them like you guys. They do look like alot of work to get them tasting good. Good job out there.

murrieta angler
01-31-2010, 05:53 PM
That was cool to get out with your family and fish, even though it was Humboldts...hehe
Thanks for the report and pics.

01-31-2010, 06:10 PM
even though it was Humboldts...hehe

hAHAH - ya, definitely not YT at Clemente but I'll take what I can get these days. And you're right - it was great getting out with the fam...fishing with the people you care most about is the best.

01-31-2010, 07:12 PM
Good times with the family, that's what is all about...thanks for sharing the trip with us! :Thumbs Up:


01-31-2010, 10:50 PM
Oh man I would love to do this, but is there a safer way to release these bad boys? I mean those things are huge! I don't want to kill it.

Nessie Hunter
02-01-2010, 08:47 AM
The Smith Family Strikes again!!!

Outstanding Jared & Fam.. Priceless!!!!

For those that dont know, kill every one you can!!!
They travel & migrate in large packs and destroy/eat every living thing in their path.
That means no "fish" for you or any one else..........

02-01-2010, 05:45 PM
Dont worry about harming them on the release... For the most part if they are worn out they will just get eaten by the others around... Kill em all!!!! stomp em and kick em back in the water... Anglers can never hurt the population.. They eat everything!!! If you notice, over the past couple years they have been around we have had the worst summer sand bass fishing ever...Like I said they eat everything..on a side note, they do eat well.. If you can remove the head and guts right when you catch them, it helps with the amonia taste..I know the boats dont like you doing it, but if you only keep the ones at the end of the night and get em cleaned right away they should be alright. my 2 cents...tight lines


02-02-2010, 02:59 AM
Thanks! I feel a little better I guess. hahaha! Well tonight in few hours I'm hitting up Newport Pier my buddy said those suckers are around. And my chinese friend said bring it back home to them! so ill slay them tonight/Morning.

02-02-2010, 09:46 AM

02-02-2010, 12:06 PM
awesome report man. me and my buddies are going out for the first time tonight. its gonna be one helluva night!

02-02-2010, 03:34 PM
awesome report man. me and my buddies are going out for the first time tonight. its gonna be one helluva night!

Youre gonna have a blast dude! Good fishing