View Full Version : Drunk driving. So not worth it.

01-30-2010, 01:29 AM
Ok, I'm gonna be straight up here. 5 years ago I got a DUI, I'm not proud of it, but I'm not ashamed to say I got one, either. When I got mine, I had so many people say "phwewww, glad it was you, not me".

I pretty much learned my lesson since then. I live next door to my local bar....comes in handy when I'm too drunk to drive home.

Tonight, I needed a night out, and went to the local karaoke bar. Planned on getting a cab home. The cab company told me it would be an hour befor they could get there.
I made the decision to drive home. I SHOULD NOT HAVE DRIVEN. There's no way in hell can I justify why I drove home, but I did. I got back safe and sound, the general public who were out tonight got home safe as far as my driving was concerned.

I'm sat here shaking at the stupidity of what I did. Grateful I never got another DUI, but totally understanding I deserved one.
I got lucky tonight, but it ain't gonna happen again. I'm a fricking MORON. Not only could I have lost MY future, I could have killed someone.

I'm just grateful tonight that I'm home safe in my apartment, and that I didn't kill or injure someone. But I so easily could have. Am I swearing off alcohol forever? No. But next time I go out, just to get out, if I'm not the DD or I don't have a DD....I'd rather stay home and be lonely.

01-30-2010, 01:57 AM
good call for future plans...glad everything turned out ok!

01-30-2010, 03:01 PM
What would Melvin do :???:


01-30-2010, 03:08 PM
Rather than give up driving or my life, I gave up the liquor long ago...I took out five parked cars in a blackout 30 years ago--and got off scott free. That was my wake up call! Man, I drove drunk so many times that I can't believe I'm still alive--and that I didn't kill anyone.

Good for you for playing it smart from now on--it IS no not worth it to drink & drive!:Big Grin:

01-30-2010, 03:52 PM
Good for you Sue!

01-30-2010, 04:13 PM

01-30-2010, 05:07 PM
An aggravated DUI w/injury could actually affect your ability to become a U.S. citizen.

Best of luck Sue.

01-30-2010, 06:26 PM
Glad you made it safe and did not hurt anyone or get hurt. A lot of teens now a days just drink and party hard so if your teens are going to the movies with there friends watch out cause they are prob going to a party...


01-30-2010, 08:56 PM
Glad you made it safe and did not hurt anyone or get hurt. A lot of teens now a days just drink and party hard so if your teens are going to the movies with there friends watch out cause they are prob going to a party...


I for one do not agree with you assumption of teens. sure some do that but alot of kids dont have to lie to their parents about going to a party. i have never told my parents i was goin somewhere else and went to a party. what if something happened to me or my parents needed to find me asap. if i wasnt where i said i was they would worry so i know i tell my parents where im goin all the time even though im 20 almost 21. i still give them that curtesy. and most of my friends do the same. but there are a few kdis who are out there doin excatly what you said but if you raise you children properly they wont lie to you

01-30-2010, 09:38 PM
I for one do not agree with you assumption of teens. sure some do that but alot of kids dont have to lie to their parents about going to a party. i have never told my parents i was goin somewhere else and went to a party. what if something happened to me or my parents needed to find me asap. if i wasnt where i said i was they would worry so i know i tell my parents where im goin all the time even though im 20 almost 21. i still give them that curtesy. and most of my friends do the same. but there are a few kdis who are out there doin excatly what you said but if you raise you children properly they wont lie to you

Ha ha ha!!

That one is gonna come back to haunt you....:LOL:

01-30-2010, 10:04 PM
I lost an old best friend from a drunk driver. The drunk driver killed a mother of 4. My buddy was the drunk. My buddy said that he couldnt go back to jail, he was out on bail, so he took the easy way out. He killed himself. Pisses me off that he did that. He was an old best friend that I knew for 15 years. Lost contact with him for about 10 years and find him via a message board about motorcycles. Couple of pms go by and turns out he was my old best buddy. Only got to see him a couple of times before he not only screwed up his life and the lives of 4 kids and the husband, but also his wifes. If I know I am going to be drinking, I will not drive with more than two beers in me. Those beers have to be had with food. If I am drinking more than that, its at home by myself. This way I know I am sure of a few things, one that no one gets hurt and two I am not paying several bucks for a single beer!!!.

Sue next time wait for the cab and have another beer, sing another song, but please don't drive. Its just not worth it.

01-30-2010, 10:22 PM
I for one do not agree with you assumption of teens. sure some do that but alot of kids dont have to lie to their parents about going to a party. i have never told my parents i was goin somewhere else and went to a party. what if something happened to me or my parents needed to find me asap. if i wasnt where i said i was they would worry so i know i tell my parents where im goin all the time even though im 20 almost 21. i still give them that curtesy. and most of my friends do the same. but there are a few kdis who are out there doin excatly what you said but if you raise you children properly they wont lie to you

You don't need to agree with me
I am not saying all teens do but a lot of them in high school did i graduated last year and most teens would have a little cover up why would they be out late esp girls because they don't want their parents to worry about them staying out late. I agree with you to be honest with your parents and to never lie thats what i did and they were cool with that but if i broke a promise they would lose trust and i cant go out to late. A lot of kids cant do that esp if they have strict parents and most parents know what happens at party. ''where ever your drinking thats the place your sleeping"


01-31-2010, 11:06 AM
An aggravated DUI w/injury could actually affect your ability to become a U.S. citizen.

Best of luck Sue.

Yeah and if you kill someone its gona be a felony DUI, not only will your insurance go up. You'll have a lovely room with a big window view. The only problem is that it has a few bars obstructing your view. Its not all that bad, at least you'll have a new fishing buddy...err...I mean your new sexing buddy in a lovely new room, just remember to have some one send you some money or some good knee pads.


01-31-2010, 12:14 PM
My fiance and I made a big stupid decision a few years back. We were out in Whittier @ a Chili's with our daughters godfather and a few other friends of his. We were celebrating him becoming a new daddy. So we hit the bar and started up the shots and the beer flowing. So long story short....we ended up driving home from whittier and almost ended our lives when we jumped a sidewalk, missed a light pole and almost hit a tree. We thought "dude, how stupid are we to be so selfish this way" We would have ruined alot of lives.......our 2 kids, parents, friends, family.

01-31-2010, 10:05 PM
The reason I posted this, is because at some point, everyone screws up. Regardless of the reason. I made a STUPID decision Friday night (oooh, well it's less than a mile) but I so shouldn't have done it and quite honestly, I'm still beating myself up about it. And I want other people to realize that those kind of decisions are bloody stupid!

I got lucky in so very many ways, and after 5 years, it's the first time I made that mistake. I've learned again, and I hope this post makes other people learn.

01-31-2010, 10:23 PM
They say texting while driving is the same thing as drunk driving.

They also say sleeping while driving has a higher accident rate.

So I guess if all things are created equal.

drunk driving = texting while driving < sleeping while driving.

All which are negligence by the driver. Its just that drunk driving is more stigmatized by society.

I use to hate drunk driver because some thing so simple could be avoided, but that statement can be applied to texting while driving and sleeping while driving. :Rolls Eyes::Rolls Eyes:

01-31-2010, 10:32 PM
They say texting while driving is the same thing as drunk driving.

They also say sleeping while driving has a higher accident rate.

So I guess if all things are created equal.

drunk driving = texting while driving < sleeping while driving.

All which are negligence by the driver. Its just that drunk driving is more stigmatized by society.

I use to hate drunk driver because some thing so simple could be avoided, but that statement can be applied to texting while driving and sleeping while driving. :Rolls Eyes::Rolls Eyes:

Or eating while driving, or putting on makeup while driving......