View Full Version : Happy New Years, West Coast Style!

murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 03:15 PM
During dinner Christmas day, my brother-in-law asked if I had been fishing lately..:Rolls Eyes: I told him that I had been fishing alot and did he want to get out with me. In the past he has always told me, NO, cause he gets seasick. I explained about Dramamine and just not thinking about it and getting out with me and the kids, New Years Day.
We decided to take all 6 kids, 3 his, 3 mine, and meet up at Oceanside at 8:00 to head out for some fishing. We got there to a beautiful morning and I was looking forward to getting the kids on some fish.


On our way up to San Onofre, by the nuclear reactor water outlet, I told Frank to follow the path on the GPS and enjoy the view. While Frank was piloting the boat I started showing the kids how to tie up the weights and hooks. I decided dropper loop system would be the easiest since we were going to be releasing all the fish we caught...:Wink:
After 45 minutes we were almost there, so I took out the fishfinder and to my dismay the power cord that goes from the battery to the moniter was not in it's rightful place...:Surprised: I asked my kids where it could be and they said maybe at home.:Neutral: I now need to buy a new power cord..:Smile:
When we arrived at our first stop I informed the kids, and Frank, how to properly bait the hook. We were using frozen anchovies and shrimp. I had asked Frank to pick up some squid the day before but he failed to do so or give me a call to inform me that he hadn't.
After and hour of nothing I decided to move closer to the plant. Sure as heck, 15 minutes later, Sheriff!! He informs us that the area is closed off again cause of the terrorist attack on Christmas. By no means was he rude or anything, so we wished him a Happy New Years and moved on out.
We finally started to get some mackeral, smelt and lizard fish. Nothing good was coming over board but with no fish finder I couldn't find any large fish.

One cool thing did happen during the day though. While my son, Gabe, was bringing in one of the mackeral his line suddenly went tight, his pole went bendo and as I follow his line, out of the water jumps a 4-5 foot Thresher shark, 15-20 feet in front of the boat. Gabe yells; "It's a big one dad!" I tell him it's a shark and then it breaks his 15lb line. Even though it didn't come overboard or close enough for a picture it was very cool to see and it was the conversation piece for the rest of the day...:Big Grin:

Even though I didnt fish, I really enjoyed getting my nephews on to some fish. They said they had a blast and wanted to do it again...:Smile:
In the near future, I told them...:Wink:

Good Luck To All & Live Life To The Fullest

fisherman from long beach
01-04-2010, 03:51 PM
thats cool for the kiddo to get hooked up on a thresher.

Jackpot Jimmy
01-04-2010, 03:58 PM
Nice report Robert, good job getting out with the kids. San Onofre definitely is a fish-rich area. I remember after 9/11 the area was closed off for 3 miles.

01-04-2010, 06:25 PM
Nice outing with the kids robert, I could imagine the excitement of the thresher shark coming out of the water, definetley they'll be another shot. :Cool:

01-04-2010, 06:46 PM
Nice report Robert, good job getting out with the kids. San Onofre definitely is a fish-rich area. I remember after 9/11 the area was closed off for 3 miles.

Weren't you still in diapers?

01-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Nice report and great family picture!! It was a beautiful day!!!

01-04-2010, 06:52 PM
Weren't you still in diapers?

LOL Dean, that is wayyy to funny. :ROFL:

01-04-2010, 07:12 PM
Hi murrieta angler,

WTG on the belated Christmas present to all those kids !! Lotsa fishy karma for that !! Buddy caught a 150 lb Thresher on last Wednesdays trip.


murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 08:57 PM
thats cool for the kiddo to get hooked up on a thresher.

He was pretty stoked, even though he didn't get it in.

I haven't forgotten out lobster trip...:Big Grin:

murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 08:59 PM
Nice report Robert, good job getting out with the kids. San Onofre definitely is a fish-rich area. I remember after 9/11 the area was closed off for 3 miles.

Thanks Jimmy. I too remember when there was fishing allowed there. I was fishing Dana Point alot back then, on the 3/4 day boat.

murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 09:00 PM
Nice outing with the kids robert, I could imagine the excitement of the thresher shark coming out of the water, definetley they'll be another shot. :Cool:

Thanks Hariel. When we all getting togehter again?

murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 09:05 PM
Nice report and great family picture!! It was a beautiful day!!!

Thanks Dean. They are a bunch of jokesters when they get together...:Smile:

murrieta angler
01-04-2010, 09:07 PM
Hi murrieta angler,

WTG on the belated Christmas present to all those kids !! Lotsa fishy karma for that !! Buddy caught a 150 lb Thresher on last Wednesdays trip.


150lbs!! What was the length of the shark? I would have really liked to get a picture of it jumping out of the water, but it was so unexpected..
Take Care Ron

Bucket bay
01-09-2010, 07:27 PM
good job MA lets go to cat for some bugs.

01-09-2010, 07:49 PM
Dont know how I missed this...Good job taking the kids out and putting them on some fish. Must of been really cool to see that thresher jump out of the water.

murrieta angler
01-13-2010, 07:58 AM
Dont know how I missed this...Good job taking the kids out and putting them on some fish. Must of been really cool to see that thresher jump out of the water.

No biggie Vic. It was quite a sight to see it jump out like that, especially since it was so unexpected.
When you headed back out back this way?