View Full Version : Native Sun 3/4 Day Trip 12/21

12-23-2009, 12:19 AM
Finally got to get out on the water again this past Monday. Took a look around and did not see too many boats going out during the week so we decided to head back to Long Beach Sportfishing and the 3/4 day trip on the Native Sun. We had gone out back in September on a twilight sculpin run and had a good time.

Called in for the tickets on the Friday before and got the $43 dollar special and reserved 4 spots, one for myself, my son Jonathan, my cousin Jason and my friend Chauhan. Got down to the landing around 6:20, and we were the first ones in. They told us in the office they had 11 on the reservation list, and a total of 14 showed up. Boarded up and left right at 7am. Ah, nice light day for everyone.

Got my son to work right away putting up and tagging the bags.

Captain got on the horn, no live bait today, frozen squid and shallow bottom fishing off of Point Fermin working our way up the coast. So we had about a half an hour or so to kill till we got out. Got us all in on the jackpot, which only 8 of us was in for $5 each. Felt bad for about 4 of the people who went out, they were sick and in the galley the whole time, so only 10 of us fished. Got rigged up with a two hook dropper loop set up on all of our rigs, 3 and 4 oz sinkers and #2 and #2/0 hooks.

Jonathan with his number, red 15

Very overcast and cool all day. No wind or current the whole day either, it was nice to have no wind in the afternoon and flat all day.



Pulled up to our first stop right past Point Fermin, right infront of the Korean Bell area. Got in near the kelp line between all the lobster traps, which were lined up all along the coast. We followed them the whole day as we moved north.


First stop was slow (all of our stops were slow all day) but a few fish started coming up.


My cousin Jason got the skunk off first with a Gopher Rockfish


A few more rockfish came on board, and some short calico bass and we moved on north a little way. Made a total of about 6 moves in the morning heading north, farthest we go was to the Trump golf course.


On the next stop I got my stunk off with a 13 inch Sand Bass that put up a good fight. Got to give it a kiss for good luck.



Jonathan got his skunk off as well with a short Calico Bass. First fish of the day made him smile. The deckhand was great with him through the day, and helped out my friend Chauhan as well.

Jonathan's first fish of the day

I got a Gopher Rockfish as well at this stop. We just kept pecking away.

Right before we were pulling up on the spot Jonathan brought up his second fish of the day, a small Lizard Fish. Slimy little things. Amazing thing was he hooked it on a #2 hook.

Next stop Chauhan got his skunk off finally, short Sand Bass.

Jonathan then got his first rockfish ever. Looks like a Calico Rockfish. Nice size fish for him on his light tackle.


We also caught about 10 mackerel that we released, mostly hooked towards the surface while checking for bait. Jonathan had a good time with them.

My cousin Jason got a nice Sand Bass at this stop as well. It was the biggest fish on the boat up to this point and was in the lead for the jackpot.

Chauhan with another short calico.

I got hit hard at this spot, finally had something with some meat on it. After a nice fight I got my largest white fish of the year, and one of the bigger fish of the day on the boat.

My son and me with our catches.

Pulled anchor again and tried another spot. Chauhan got his big half moon perch of the day, one of the bigger ones I've seen in a while.


After a few more fish we pulled anchor around 1pm and headed back to the entrance to Angles Gate and did some drift fishing. First drift was good getting about 6 or 7 whitefish on the boat. Jonathan lost one right at the boat then the mackerel came in.


Tried a few more times drifting with no love so we headed out to the Horseshoe. It was slow there as well, same as the morning just picking away a little at a time. I got a Johnny Bass at the first stop. We had a few come on board earlier.


I also snagged a jacksmelt at the stop as well. He went into the bait tank, I think someone tried using him as bait at the next stop.

We also caught Blacksmith Perch at all our stops. We ended up catching about 8 of them. At one stop I went to a small hook to catch some for my mother in law. She loves these, cooks them whole with just the head and guts cut out.

My son caught on to doing his own bait this trip. All afternoon he took care of it himself. Proud of the little guy, he's catching on. Now we need to teach him how to tie up his own tackle.


We moved spots one more time and something happened to my friend Chauhan that I had not see in a long long time. We had just finished dropping anchor and he went to cast out (don't know why) next to my cousin. The next thing I know I see a splash and the rod and reel are sinking to the bottom. He is new to all this, and we think the reel backlashed on him and tied up his finger (he had a cut) and he just let go.

Now this was not his rod, it was my cousins. The deckhand saw it and ran with the gaff but it was long gone by then. The best part was Jason just laughed it off, saying that was the funniest f***ing thing he ever saw. I could tell Chauhan was upset, Jason just said it was fine because he was getting a new rod and reel now at the Fred Hall show in March! It was an older rod, with a Penn 310 reel on it. Jason did say if it was his Calcutta he would have dove in after it. Ah the stories we can tell now, and never let him live it down.

With all that fun over with someone on the other side of the boat brought up a big sheephead at this stop. We all looked at it and said there's the jackpot. It was really slow at this stop, which would the last of the day. During the slow time one of the highlights of the trip happened. Jonathan was sitting on his crate (it gets him to stand over the rail better) with his rod in the water but sitting to his side and it went bendo. I grabed it and handed it off to him and he started to crank. Whatever it was it was big enough to pull his WalMart rod with 12lb test to its limit. Working it hard we saw color, Sheephead, male with color.

Jonathan and his first sheepshead.



One side of the sheephead was lighter than the other. Here it is from the other side.


Things slowed down again, one of two fish coming over the rail. One of the other anglers on the boat had brought a bag of shrimp from the market with him and put it in the bait tank. I had just lost another 4oz sinker in the rocks and went to a 2oz egg sinker and #2 hook to keep it simple and maybe hit up a sheephead for myself. Put a big shrimp on it and dropped it down. Soaked it for about 5 minutes and got hit hard and fast. Fought it up and it turned out to be a big sand bass.

Both of our bass.


We wrapped it up around 4ish and it was starting to get cold. Time for jackpot. Both my cousin and I expected the big sheephead someone else had caught was coming out, when we asked they said he was not in the jackpot. So it came down to my bass vs Jason's bass.

No contest, and I got my second jackpot of the year (both winners were bass this year).

We had to check to see if Jonathan's sheephead was in the running, his first jackpot he was in.

Jackpot was $40 so I gave it to the deckhand for helping Jonathan out today. Ended up with a good mix of fish to take home.


Totals for today

Myself (Sean)
2 Sand Bass (Kept)
1 Johnny Bass (Kept)
1 Whitefish (Kept)
1 Calico Bass (Released)
4 Blacksmith Perch (Kept)
3 Mackerel (Released)
1 Jacksmelt (Kinda released)

1 Calico Rockfish (Kept)
1 Calico Bass (Released)
2 Blacksmith Perch (Kept)
1 Sheepshead (Kept)
6 Mackerel (Released)
1 Lizardfish (Released)

1 Sand Bass (Kept)
1 Gopher Rockfish (Kept)
2 Calico Bass (Released)
2 Blacksmith Perch (Kept)
3 Mackerel (Released)

1 Halfmoon Perch (Kept)
1 Johnny Bass (Kept)
1 Gopher Rockfish (gave away)
1 Sand Bass (Released)
1 Calico Bass (Released)
1 Blacksmith Perch (Released)
4 Mackerel (Released)

Only about 84 fish on the boat for 10 real anglers, like I said about 4 people were sick the whole time. The crew was good, the deckhand helped out alot and the captain tried hard to find fish, but they were just not biting at every stop. Water was cold in the bait tanks and with the cold front and storm moving in mixed with no wind or current I think we pulled out a good day. For those who stuck with it (like my son) it paid off. Chauhan learned to hold on to a rod no matter what, and Jason will get a new rod and reel out of it.

Last picture of the days kill

Final Totals from the landing...

14 Anglers 32 Halfmoon, 1 California Scorpionfish, 11 Barred Sand Bass, 15 Ocean Whitefish, 16 Rockfish, 7 California Sheephead, 2 Kelp Bass

12-23-2009, 01:43 AM
Very nice catch for this time of year , water looked glassy nice n calm .:Cool:

12-23-2009, 07:40 AM
Good job on the jackpot, its good to see your son slaying on the sheephead, nice report. :Cool:

fisherman from long beach
12-23-2009, 08:09 AM
nice catch.

murrieta angler
12-23-2009, 09:40 AM
Good job out there Dad. Loved the first pic with that Big O'l smile from Jonathan..:Big Grin:

Happy Holidays

12-23-2009, 03:01 PM
Wow! Awesome variety on your trip! Your son's first rockfish was a Whitebelly Rockfish, A.K.A., Chucklehead or Copper Rockfish. WTG!!!

12-23-2009, 05:40 PM
aw...i remember when that was me ....just a young lad....learning all the basics of fishing.......great father an son memories....priceless.....great report good job to the youngster and his first rockfish.....next is a ling........fishbones

12-23-2009, 06:10 PM
Wow...nice detailed report. Felt like i was there when your friend dropped his rod in the water LOL. The pic of the jacksmelt is actually a Spanish mackerel also known as a Jack Mackerel...

The Native is a big boat with the biggest galley ive ever been in. Must of been nice to only have a load of 14. Thanks for the report and props to you for giving the JP to the crew!

12-23-2009, 08:54 PM
Thanks, I had someone else email me about the jacksmelt being a spanish mac, I just took a quick pick of it and threw it in the bait tank. Also learned something about the rockfish (to be honest I used to just lump them all together in the past) thanks again! Looks like we are going out again this monday, before school starts. The Native Sun does have a huge galley, high out of the water as well.

12-24-2009, 05:30 AM
Nice Report.

Next time pin that Mac on and send him back down and set that rod aside with the clicker on. DR