View Full Version : Duct fishing and security

12-17-2009, 09:41 AM
While I've yet to venture out there, I'm wondering about security and safety out there.

I'm not referring to watching your steps and avoid falling into the water (but obviously a number one concern), it's more like:

-- leaving a vehicle alone, know you have to lock the doors and turn on your alarm if you have.

-- have heard you need to be careful of some local gang bangers out there. :Angry:

-- wild animal life, in mind are the big cats, of which the mountain lions can get up to 130-150 lbs. coyote packs that can surround your freshly caught dinner and soon want to take a few off from you. :EyePop:

What other issues are out there and any sort of things that others have done or had to take as a pre-caution? Am I missing anything else to watch for?

One side note: can one take their ATV's or dirt bikes? I don't have either one, but do have a neighbor who does and in exchange of using them, I just have to give him a fish or two. :Big Grin:

12-17-2009, 09:56 AM
Depends on what part of the Duct I would suppose. Hesperia area duct (by airport) I know has had issues with security and just this week a Mountain Lion was spotted several times over by that area. The lions use the Duct as a freeway, I have seen plenty of large cat scat.

I know a lot of guys never have a problem, but when I go I take all my extra fishing gear out of the truck before I go so as not to tempt the bad guys. Also remember when those types most likely will be out looking for trouble, evening to late night would be my biggest concern. I like to fish early morning before the losers get out of bed.

12-17-2009, 10:49 AM

I posted the above link so that hope one can take advice but hope you never have to use. As you know, there are all sorts of reported cases of people getting killed or mauled by these big cats every year, from people just walking in the park or riding their bikes.

Yea, I think between a mountain lion and some gang bangers are probably the two worst scenarios. While the chances of mountain lion attack is probably very little, I think it may be increased due to them finding out that you have something they may consider "easy prey", your fish.

The chances of attacks probably increases with the night time, as the cats can go stealth and before you know it, there's one right in your face or grabbing your arms and legs, as no one can out-run them.

Stay safe out there.

12-17-2009, 05:48 PM
A bicycle with removable basket/pole holders that I could carry in the back of my truck sure could be useful:LOL:........I believe its only bicycles allowed. I've never fished the duct at night yet. It's pretty desolate out in this area 395 thru Hesperia, Silverwood I need to get some kind of lamp or headlight.

12-18-2009, 08:10 AM
Sig 45 Cal. Problem solved.


12-18-2009, 10:09 AM
GLOCK 19 Austria 9 x 19

GLOCK 26 Austia 9 x 19

But you never carry :Guns::Secret:

unless you know how to pull it out and shoot someone coming at you

It take someone 2 seconds to ludge at you from 20 feet away on there back with a knife to stab you. It takes 3 sec to pull, **** aim and shoot I got it down to 1.5 seconds ( Quick Draw magraw)

J. Owen
12-18-2009, 04:37 PM
Sig 45 Cal. Problem solved.


ya man i take the 12 gauge when i go there is alot of wild life ive seen bears mostly out of bakersfield but you got to remember if someone wants to f with you out there and you have no protection you are in the middle of no where
ther is security but you will only see them every couple hours if that
bee safe man especialy at night:Shocked:

12-18-2009, 04:53 PM
Dont get caught with a gun in the property whatever you do

12-18-2009, 10:21 PM
Stay home and watch t.v., sweet pea!!!

Bassnman Mike
12-19-2009, 01:08 PM
When the same question was asked.

While it is against the law to carry a firearm while fishing the duct there are plenty of rules that the "Bad Guys" don’t obey so why become a victim

Let’s say that you and your lady and kids are out fishing, or anywhere for that matter. Then up walks a group of say 5 or 6 undesirables and they all have knives. They say that they are gonna rape your lady then steal everything you have as well as cut you all up. Are they obeying the rules?

Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying that you go around and advertise the fact that you’re carrying a piece or act invincible just because you have it. Even in the situation I mentioned above, actually making it known that you’re carrying is a very, very LAST resort, when all other options have been exhausted and you have no other choice.

Me personally, I stand well over 6 foot with very broad shoulders so that’s usually a good enough deterrent but I always carry at least a .45. Sure, I would feel bad if I shot and killed someone because it is some ones son or father but I would feel much worse if my family got messed up and I could have done something to have stopped it.

I also believe that if you avoid certain situations, like going to area's that are known as unsafe, especially after dark, you can usually stay safe but the bottom line is that its not a perfect world and I for one refuse to be a victim.

old pudd fisher
12-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Nice post Bassnman Mike my 9mm saved me one time. All I did was pull it out and point and I think that dude broke the world record for 100 yard dash. The guy was a nut case.

12-19-2009, 10:36 PM
Basic advice for fishing any potentially dangerous area (be it from people, animals, or nature) is to have a group of friends with you. Even though this may sound like a wuss move, bear spray isn't a bad bet either. You don't have to be accurate with it, and it will stop pretty much anything for a few seconds. The only downside is that it's not permanent, so you have to run after you use it.

12-20-2009, 12:45 AM
Nice post Bassnman Mike my 9mm saved me one time. All I did was pull it out and point and I think that dude broke the world record for 100 yard dash. The guy was a nut case.

Brb, i need to buy a firearm.

Bassnman Mike
12-20-2009, 06:23 AM
Basic advice for fishing any potentially dangerous area (be it from people, animals, or nature) is to have a group of friends with you.

Yes I agree, there is safety in numbers however, my best advice for being in potentially dangerous situations is to find a different fishing spot or fish it during the day light hours. Don’t put yourself in harms way

While it's true that its a free country and one should be allowed the freedom to fish when ever and where ever they please why put yourself into a potentially dangerous situation where someone, be it yourself or even a "Bad Guy" ends up in the hospital or even worse, the morgue.

Yes I have a boat and have a few more choices on my fishing spots, there are times that I go fishing without the boat and even though I am a big guy and I'm "carrying" I still try to stay away from spots that are known as trouble spots but the bottom line is that I will always continue to fish, that’s something that no body, except the "Big Guy Upstairs" will take from me.

12-21-2009, 10:41 AM
Points well taken, guys!!

Yea, I agree with the comments of it's every man for himself especially, if it comes to protecting any families members with you and more so if you're able to defend yourself if you had the chance and not end up in the hospital or funeral house first.

Shoot first then ask questions.

In my particular situation and maybe for several out there, I don't even own a weapon, in this case, a firing arm of any sort. I have thought about it and was going to take some of those firing range lessons, just so as to take practice but also get used to firing a weapon.

In regards to duct fishing, I would prefer to do it during the daylight hours, but can see myself going out in the late dark evenings (work schedule, etc).

I would always bring a friend along, not only for protection in numbers and jfor the companionship, but in the case of a man in the water floating down the concrete river.

I'm thinking I may not get to the duct till sometime next year and maybe I might carry some pepper spray :???: if I don't get a weapon.

I do like the idea if you're approached from some folks looking like "The Hills have Eyes" crew :Evil: that showing a weapon might be enough to make them move on and not mess with you.

Maybe getting a paintball gun or pellet gun? Maybe to some of the possible bad doods it might be enough to scare them off.

Of course, what if they have the real thing and now we're down to gunslinging thing? Parish the thoughts.... :EyePop:

12-22-2009, 12:41 PM
i always carry my Beretta 9mm and my AR-15 but i always bring friends just in case. especially if ur in hesperia.

12-22-2009, 01:08 PM
Ive wondered the same thing because at the aquaduct there are signs posted that say no swimming,bikes,firearms and etc...and have been out at the duct alone in AV a few times at night and wondered what could I do if something happened.Once you start making your way up/down the duct away from your car it gets pretty erie. Im 6'2 at about 215lbs and can handle my own but with the siuations that could happen taking a firearm along would be the best problem solver but would it be worth the risk to be caught with one.I only go during the day now but what would be the charges if youre caught with your own registered firearm?

12-22-2009, 01:10 PM
i always carry my Beretta 9mm and my AR-15 but i always bring friends just in case. especially if ur in hesperia.

Dude if you have to carry an AR to fish your fishing in the wrong places...

12-22-2009, 01:40 PM
I know two guys who went to jail for having guns inside the fence at the duct. Warden confiscated guns and heavy fines.

Keep the guns out of the duct for your own good. Its not a safety issue its a common sense issue.

Reevaluate where your fishing. Fishing can't be that good that you have to carry a weapon to feel safe

12-22-2009, 02:06 PM
I only go during the day now but what would be the charges if youre caught with your own registered firearm?

Do the "bad guys" register their guns? This is what's wrong with our ability to defend ourselves, worrying about what will happen if I refuse to be a victim to some bottom feeder.
I also agree that there must be better places to fish a little farther down the road. If you're gonna go so far as to arm yourself, you might as well go so far as to just find a safer spot.

12-22-2009, 02:06 PM
I know two guys who went to jail for having guns inside the fence at the duct. Warden confiscated guns and heavy fines.

Keep the guns out of the duct for your own good. Its not a safety issue its a common sense issue.

Reevaluate where your fishing. Fishing can't be that good that you have to carry a weapon to feel safe

I have to wonder what they were doing with said guns to get them taken away, and be put in jail? The warden should have had no reason to search them if they were just fishing.

12-22-2009, 09:16 PM
Dude if you have to carry an AR to fish your fishing in the wrong places...

ya its been bad lately,i work for san bernadino county sheriffs and i have a conceal carry weapons permit but the AR is hidden so ya.