View Full Version : End of a Era 'CITY OF REDONDO' So Sad

12-03-2009, 06:54 AM
What a Great Boat. Wide and Low.
Have not fished it in 25 years but see it almost every day.

I am really going to miss seeing her.

City of Redondo heads into the sunset
By Kristin S. Agostoni Staff Writer
Posted: 11/28/2009

After decades of serving South Bay fishermen, the City of Redondo Beach sport fishing boat is being sold. Brad Sawyer has been a captain on the boat for the past several months. (Scott Varley/Staff Photographer)
July 1989 photo of The City of Redondo Beach and its owner Roy Peters in July 1989 after the sportfishing boat had been rebuilt. The vessel may leave its longterm berth at the Redondo Beach Marina in the near future.
Redondo Beach program encourages youngsters to fit in exerciseRoy Peters took a long look at the picture of himself smiling in front of his sportfishing boat at Redondo Beach's King Harbor.

It was taken in the summer of 1989, when he and his wife, Doris, had just wrapped up an exhaustive restoration of the boat they'd run for 26 years - the City of Redondo. She'd sunk during a ferocious storm the year before, and the couple spent 19 months and hundreds of thousands of dollars repairing her.

Once rebuilt, the wooden boat would sail for 20 more years under the couple's ownership and carry generations of fishermen into the Santa Monica Bay.

But now, Roy and Doris Peters are hanging it up and moving on.

With a sale pending for the City of Redondo, they're ending

After decades of serving South Bay fishermen, the City of Redondo Beach sport fishing boat is being sold. Brad Sawyer has been a captain on the boat for the past several months. (Scott Varley/Staff Photographer)their twice-
daily fishing runs and a family business that goes back decades.

"We're tired, for one reason," said Roy, 80, as he leafed through photos last week in his south Redondo Beach home, where a framed painting of the vessel hangs in the dining room.

While the sale of the teal-and-white sportfishing boat has not been finalized, the couple said the City of Redondo will most likely go to a buyer up north.

And while the deal would end a yearlong search for a new owner in a flagging economy, the idea of the boat leaving its home port saddens both the family and the local fishing community.

"It's tearing my guts out," said weekend skipper Jack Leslie, who has worked for the couple since 1969.

"But nothing lasts forever. ... If she does go, she'll be in a good place."
Doris, who was the galley cook until two years ago and just recently stopped stocking the boat with food and drinks, said she wishes it would remain at King Harbor.

Built in 1953 by Sherman Boat Yards in Long Beach, the City of Redondo has known only one port, said Doris, 81.

"I'd like to see it stay in Redondo, which is where it belongs. ... It's the best boat down there as far as I'm concerned," she said. "But there comes a time when you get old and you can't keep up the pace."

The husband-and-wife team first met as junior high school students in Long Beach and reunited years later while working at Pierpoint Landing, where Doris was a waitress at a restaurant and Roy worked as a deckhand on another boat. They were both widowed when they married, with seven children between them.

In 1963, they started operating the City of Redondo for a former King Harbor leaseholder.

With a family to raise, the couple wanted to own the boat outright instead of operating under a leasing arrangement.

They got their wish in 1978 - with Doris telling their leaseholder "you either sell us the boat or kiss us goodbye" - and shelled out roughly $79,000 for the 84-passenger City of Redondo. And that demand came despite having "never fished a day in my life until I hooked up with Roy Peters here," said Doris, who also dabbled in real estate.

Roy, who was the skipper until health problems forced him to remain on shore just about the time the boat was rebuilt, knew he had something special in the City of Redondo.

"For what it's made for, it's still tough to beat," he said of the boat measuring 60 feet long and nearly 25 feet across the stern. "And you're low to the water. Most boats, you're fishing off a half-story building."

While the couple said business was slow in recent years, the City of Redondo was good to their family. As they put in long days, the trips at sea helped support their children and grandchildren.

They befriended regulars who were fishing for white sea bass, tuna and barracuda.

As friends died over the years, the City of Redondo held funerals at sea.

And that's probably why the couple couldn't abandon their business following the disastrous January 1988 storm that flipped the City of Redondo upside down in King Harbor.

As the waves became unruly that night, the boat was moved from its slip to a mooring near the breakwater, where it was thought to pose less of a risk to nearby buildings.

But they shouldn't have underestimated Mother Nature, Roy said, because not long afterward "all hell broke loose."

The boat was torn from its anchorage and slipped into the harbor, where it rolled onto the sandy bottom, recalled Leslie, the longtime skipper.

The next day's Daily Breeze reported that the boat "was listing helplessly upside down in the harbor" because the surf was too rough for emergency crews to rescue her.

"The boat was a wreck when we got her turned upright again," Roy said in another old article. "I was thinking about letting them cut her up. But they had this big chain saw, and I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it."

Richard Jesswein, the couple's oldest grandchild, said the incident "was devastating for our family."

"They could have hung it up and had better golden years," he said of his grandparents, "but they rebuilt this boat out of love for what we do."

Although insurance paid for $150,000 of the damage, that wasn't nearly enough for the restoration. The couple said they probably pulled $300,000 from savings, and they also secured a low-interest loan from the Small Business Administration.

Separately, a community group tried to drum up donations.

For months, the City of Redondo underwent repairs at Al Larson Boat Shop on Terminal Island. The vessel finally returned in July 1989 to King Harbor, which welcomed her back with a rechristening ceremony.

"It's not a thing you can throw away when it supported you for so many years," Roy said.

The City of Redondo today is one of two half-day sportfishing boats docked at Redondo Beach Marina. But assuming the sale goes through, property manager Leslie Page said it's unlikely another vessel would take its place.

The Redondo Special, which also makes two runs daily, will most likely pick up the extra business, she said, or potentially the Tradition, which spends three-quarters of a day at sea.

As he cleaned off the deck of the City of Redondo on a recent afternoon, Brad Sawyer spoke about the many anglers it has served over the years.

Sawyer, 43, will most likely be the last Redondo Beach-based captain.

"There's people who have fished off this boat who now bring their grandchildren," said Sawyer. "It's an honor that I can say I captained this boat."

I hate reading stories like this. DR

12-03-2009, 09:37 AM

I've enjoyed lots of time on that particular boat..... Roy & Doris are two QUALITY people....... and although I rarely head out on the salt anymore (other than surf fishing)..... it's a bit sad to know they are going to part ways with a BIG part of their lives.......


I spent lots of time in my younger days fishing everything Redondo had to offer.......
I sure miss the "Isle of Redondo" too.................. :Sad:


12-03-2009, 06:02 PM
Had some good times a long time ago on board with my dad. Used to go out to the Isle on her as well. Not many left like her, the City of Long Beach, Matt Walsh.

Fish Dog
12-03-2009, 09:47 PM
Wow! Be sad to see her go. 37 years ago I caught my first yellowtail on that boat.

12-05-2009, 08:34 AM
Yes end of and era for sure.. long live the Isle...

12-05-2009, 09:00 AM
Hopefully who ever buys it keeps the fishing boat where its at.

12-05-2009, 09:17 AM
Here is the city of redondo sunk the day after the big storm of 1987. you can see the starboard stern quarter and the keel. It ended up here after it broke its mooring just to the west.

fisherman from long beach
12-05-2009, 09:53 AM
i remember the isle when i was a young tot,good good memories.fisherman from the L.B

12-07-2009, 01:24 PM
I caught my first yellowtail on that boat, as did my son, he was 9yrs old, this fish was 12lbs. Along with many tails, we caught alot of nice butts, on that boat, they also had some nice Calico spots, I remember they (Rick Ofinger) would pull onto a spot, catch a few calicos 4-7lbs, pull anchor and say it's time to leave them alone. Also use to kill them on the scrounger! Was always cool to have brkfst on the pier before going out.

:Cool:Tuna Vic <(((((><

12-07-2009, 03:05 PM
Hopefully who ever buys it keeps the fishing boat where its at.

Looks like the boat is headed up north.

12-08-2009, 05:08 AM
Here is the city of redondo sunk the day after the big storm of 1987.

Thanks for that pic. Was that the day the Blue Moon Saloon had its windows busted out and Portifino took a hit too ?

Check this wave !!!


12-08-2009, 09:55 AM
Yes that same day the harbor got destroyed..

12-08-2009, 01:29 PM
Fished on the City Of Redondo for years when I was 10 years old and fished on it till I was in my late 20's. I will remember her for a long time and Doris in the galley making the best burgers any where and Roy putting you on some of the best fishing spots in the area. I remember Darry what a great deck hand and Rick taking over captain duties. Sad to see her go.

12-10-2009, 08:57 AM

12-10-2009, 01:40 PM
my buddy bob and i used to fish the friday afternoon run. it was like going to church in sunday, except it was fishing every friday. when roy was running the boat, he'd give us the look, "oh no you guys again" there were a lot of good deckhands who worked on the boat that later became skippers, bob yoshihiro, derry later skippering the city, jim "bacon" and so on.whether it was chasing the big albacore in the channel in the early eighties or fishing rocky point for homeguard yellows or sea bass it was always a blast. those were some pretty good times, ill never forget!

12-25-2009, 12:23 AM
i too like many of us grew up fishing the city of redondo and isle of redondo barge with tons of great great fishing from both vessels. i would really hope that they decided to let her be where she belongs but if she must go then all we can do is remember those good ol days......kinda the same feeling i had when they sold the isle of redondo.......its too bad...............fishbones

12-25-2009, 07:49 PM
I've been lurking around lately due to school being busy, not to mention the college applications, but had to post after seeing this thread. I'm sure this boat will be surely missed throughout Southern California and its fishermen. I grew up fishing this boat and I remember to this day how nice of a person Doris was. She used to make my father, my friends and I PB&J sandwiches whenever we were hungry and always had a joke or two to tell. This literally brought a tear to my eye when reading this. Sad to think that the boat where I learned how to fish the ocean and gained my sea legs is leaving. :Crying:

Man, I haven't seen Doris since I was probably 10 or so! Hopefully they can find another stable business to continue. Either way, always will go to Redondo Sportfishing, great service and great people every since I can remember.

I wish Doris and Roy all the best, especially in these tough times.


01-04-2010, 08:33 AM
I see in the paper today the City of Redondo is now up the coast.

see link

01-05-2010, 05:46 AM
She'll soon be touring with a new name: the Channel Isle Plans call for the wooden deck to be "re-skinned," for new engines and generators to be installed and for the boat to be painted in generally the color scheme the Peterses picked out years ago, he said.

The Channel Isle will then start operating March 1


01-07-2010, 09:51 PM
She'll soon be touring with a new name: the Channel Isle Plans call for the wooden deck to be "re-skinned," for new engines and generators to be installed and for the boat to be painted in generally the color scheme the Peterses picked out years ago, he said.

The Channel Isle will then start operating March 1


She'll be at Captain Hooks, not so far away and I am sure I'll be aboard her throughout the season,,,,,,OFG

Fire Ball
01-07-2010, 10:39 PM
She'll be at Captain Hooks, not so far away and I am sure I'll be aboard her throughout the season,,,,,,OFG

Captain Hooks is pretty awesome. I have gone on one of their boats (Island Spirit) quite a few time before. Maybe I will eventually go on this boat!

01-07-2010, 11:19 PM
Captain Hooks is pretty awesome. I have gone on one of their boats (Island Spirit) quite a few time before. Maybe I will eventually go on this boat!

I am split, because across the bay is ventura sportsfishing with some really great boats too,., Mirage, Ranger 85, lots of others. Shawn at Cpt Hooks also owns the Aloha Spirit, he is one hellvah a captain. You'll have to hook up with me one of these days on the salt that is if you don't mind fishing with an old lady.........lmao OFG