View Full Version : Castaic Lagoon 11/29 - Fishing with Butch!

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 04:18 PM
I decided to hit the lagoon this morning with my friend swimbait101 and another friend. Ffejrobins30 showed up too about 10 minutes after we got there. I started fishing for a little while, when Butch Brown came over and asked if me and swimbait101 wanted to fish with him for a little while. Butch said he has seen my posts and wants me to catch some bigger fish and he also knew swimbait101 previously. So we hopped in his boat and hit a spot loaded with bass. Butch is an awesome guy and thanks to him, I caught a few personal best bass today!! Me and swimbait101 caught about 15 bass each in about 1 or 2 hours! Thanks Butch, it was really awesome! When I got back on shore, I didn't manage to catch any more fish, neither did swimbait101, but my other friend caught a 13" bass. Fishing from shore was tough today. I don't think Ffejrobins30 managed to catch any fish either. Butch is an awesome guy!


My 2nd bass of the day.

My 3rd bass of the day.

My 4th bass of the day.

We put a bunch in the livewell for a picture. WE RELEASED THEM ALL AFTER!



Bucket bay
11-29-2009, 04:40 PM
good job but why the srtinger?

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 04:46 PM
good job but why the srtinger?

So we could hold up a bunch of fish at once, lol. They were take off right after the picture, put back in the livewell, and then released a few minutes later.

11-29-2009, 04:59 PM
Yup, I came home about 4 o'clock with the skunk. Shore fishing was HORRIBLE today. Just have to go back out next weekend and see what we can do about that. This was my first ever skunk. :Crying:

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 05:01 PM
Yup, I came home about 4 o'clock with the skunk. Shore fishing was HORRIBLE today. Just have to go back out next weekend and see what we can do about that. This was my first ever skunk. :Crying:

That sucks. I went home at about 2:00, I think. Hopefully we can catch a lot from shore next week!

11-29-2009, 05:04 PM
Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 05:07 PM
Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?

I will probably hit the lagoon next Sunday, try out some new lures and such and maybe take my tube out.

11-29-2009, 05:23 PM
Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me...

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 05:24 PM
Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me...

Dude, the only thing I did to the pictures was crop them. :ROFL:
They are 100% original, other than cropping.

11-29-2009, 05:25 PM
Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me... good job....

11-29-2009, 05:55 PM
I can vouch for them. They went out...caught a crap-load of fish, then took pics with them. Butch seemed like an awesome guy. Glad to see the Fireball was able to catch his new personal best(s) today!

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 05:59 PM
I can vouch for them. They went out...caught a crap-load of fish, then took pics with them. Butch seemed like an awesome guy. Glad to see the Fireball was able to catch his new personal best(s) today!

Thanks Jeff. :Cool:
I caught some nice fish today, but not as nice as your personal best!

11-29-2009, 06:05 PM
Sometimes quantity counts more than quality. If we were in a tourny and counted my single PB against your limit catch today, you would have KILLED me. Lol. Great job out there. You would have destroyed my top 2...:EyePop:

11-29-2009, 06:41 PM
Photoshop??? The only thing fishy about this picture is the actual fish in the picture. Great job young guys and props to Butch Brown for putting some young up and comers on some fish. You guys did great and good job on the catch and release.

Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 06:45 PM
Photoshop??? The only thing fishy about this picture is the actual fish in the picture. Great job young guys and props to Butch Brown for putting some young up and comers on some fish. You guys did great and good job on the catch and release.

Thanks. Catch and release is the only way to go!

11-29-2009, 07:09 PM
Awesome! Butch is definitely a very cool guy. Glad you finally ran into him. I've met him twice and what's great about him is that he is so willing to share what he knows. Dude's forgotten more about bass fishing than the vast majority of people will ever know. Congrats on a killer day that is something any bass fisherman would be jealous of!

All these Lagoon reports and the lousy weather make me think it's swimbait time, especially with winter break coming up... maybe I'll run into you out there sometime.


Fire Ball
11-29-2009, 07:14 PM
Awesome! Butch is definitely a very cool guy. Glad you finally ran into him. I've met him twice and what's great about him is that he is so willing to share what he knows. Dude's forgotten more about bass fishing than the vast majority of people will ever know. Congrats on a killer day that is something any bass fisherman would be jealous of!

All these Lagoon reports and the lousy weather make me think it's swimbait time, especially with winter break coming up... maybe I'll run into you out there sometime.


He is really cool and extremely good at fishing. The last 2 time I have gone to the Lagoon, the weather has been really nice in the morning and then the wind picked up later in the day. It would be cool to see another person from FNN at the Lagoon.

11-29-2009, 08:39 PM
nice job out there

Santa Fe Eric
11-29-2009, 11:43 PM
Awesome Post! i've heard of Butch; he sounds like a really cool dude!
Congratulations guys! Keep fishing and posting!


11-30-2009, 07:41 AM
Butch is a class act and a great fisherman.


11-30-2009, 02:18 PM
Butch knows the hot spots that's for sure...and the right lures. I hope you can take what you've learned and build on it when you are shore fishing. Great pictures...I've seen Butch use that stringer to show off his many other catches. Makes me want to fishing real soon.

11-30-2009, 05:42 PM
Congrats on the catches and personal best, that was cool of Butch ta take you 2 out, hats off to him if he reads this (salute !)

If I may give you a little food for thought, not that the lures that were used aren't important, they certainly are but what you may want to be sure to put your focus on if you want to take any pc of longstanding info from your outing is:

what pattern the fish were in at that time and the condition that drove the fish into those patterns.

My guess is that you probably hit suspending fish in the thermocline but thats purely speculative of what conditions should be apparent in that lake right now.

Once you can learn to read the lake, it will lead to you being able to catch a liot of fish regularly in many different paternings.

anyway, enough technical jargon..

nice job and again congrats !

Oh yeah...P.S.

Photo shop ???? what the heck is that guy thinkin' (scratches head !)

Fire Ball
11-30-2009, 05:53 PM
Congrats on the catches and personal best, that was cool of Butch ta take you 2 out, hats off to him if he reads this (salute !)

If I may give you a little food for thought, not that the lures that were used aren't important, they certainly are but what you may want to be sure to put your focus on if you want to take any pc of longstanding info from your outing is:

what pattern the fish were in at that time and the condition that drove the fish into those patterns.

My guess is that you probably hit suspending fish in the thermocline but thats purely speculative of what conditions should be apparent in that lake right now.

Once you can learn to read the lake, it will lead to you being able to catch a liot of fish regularly in many different paternings.

anyway, enough technical jargon..

nice job and again congrats !

Oh yeah...P.S.

Photo shop ???? what the heck is that guy thinkin' (scratches head !)

The fish that we caught were mostly hugging the bottom. I'm guessing they were there because there is more oxygen down there. All I know is that they head deep in the Winter and Summer, lol. I'm not too good at figuring out patterns yet. Thanks Gary!

11-30-2009, 06:17 PM
Patterns for shore fishermen are especially hard to piece together. On a boat, electronics help a lot with pinpointing specifics. Your lure tells you a lot too. Just some questions to ask yourself are, what's the water temperature, what's the bottom composition like, did I get bit hopping the bait across the bottom or did I get hit on a slow drag, was I bit on the fall, when the bait was sitting still, or when the bait was moving?

Most of bass fishing is figuring out the spot within the spot concept. For example, say you are slow dragging a jig along the sides of a point and you get bit. Right before you got bit, you noticed that the bottom changed from chunk rock to sand. Being a smart angler, you start focusing on the structure change along the sides of the point at the depth where you got bit. You don't get another bite though, and wonder what happened. Thinking back, you remember that you pulled a strand of aquatic plant life off your jig when you were unhooking the bass. Then you start focusing on aquatic weed beds off points right next to a transition change from chunk rock to sand and the bass start coming into the boat.

Very rarely will you be able to dial in on a pattern with the very first fish you catch lie in the example, but after 2 or 3 you should be starting to have an idea. In reality, you'd have to try a few different types of lures and take water conditions into account too like clarity, temperature, and current before you got your first bite. Dragging a black and blue jig on the bottom when bass are boiling on shad probably isn't the best idea. The bass can sometimes tell you what lure to use too. If they have red gums and ground down teeth then they've been eating crayfish, and if their teeth are still noticeable and there's no red then they've been eating a lot of shad or other baitfish. Seeing bass attack bluegills or each other is a good hint too. :LOL:

Hope this helps a it, and keep in mind what I wrote is a very simplified version of reading conditions and patterning bass. You can find an endless amount of information in magazines, online, books, and sometimes videos that all try to decipher the habits of the glorified, gigantic sunfish we call largemouth bass.

11-30-2009, 07:10 PM
atta boy, nice job out there... nice to see there are more kid fishermen on the boards,

Fire Ball
11-30-2009, 07:15 PM
Patterns for shore fishermen are especially hard to piece together. On a boat, electronics help a lot with pinpointing specifics. Your lure tells you a lot too. Just some questions to ask yourself are, what's the water temperature, what's the bottom composition like, did I get bit hopping the bait across the bottom or did I get hit on a slow drag, was I bit on the fall, when the bait was sitting still, or when the bait was moving?

Most of bass fishing is figuring out the spot within the spot concept. For example, say you are slow dragging a jig along the sides of a point and you get bit. Right before you got bit, you noticed that the bottom changed from chunk rock to sand. Being a smart angler, you start focusing on the structure change along the sides of the point at the depth where you got bit. You don't get another bite though, and wonder what happened. Thinking back, you remember that you pulled a strand of aquatic plant life off your jig when you were unhooking the bass. Then you start focusing on aquatic weed beds off points right next to a transition change from chunk rock to sand and the bass start coming into the boat.

Very rarely will you be able to dial in on a pattern with the very first fish you catch lie in the example, but after 2 or 3 you should be starting to have an idea. In reality, you'd have to try a few different types of lures and take water conditions into account too like clarity, temperature, and current before you got your first bite. Dragging a black and blue jig on the bottom when bass are boiling on shad probably isn't the best idea. The bass can sometimes tell you what lure to use too. If they have red gums and ground down teeth then they've been eating crayfish, and if their teeth are still noticeable and there's no red then they've been eating a lot of shad or other baitfish. Seeing bass attack bluegills or each other is a good hint too. :LOL:

Hope this helps a it, and keep in mind what I wrote is a very simplified version of reading conditions and patterning bass. You can find an endless amount of information in magazines, online, books, and sometimes videos that all try to decipher the habits of the glorified, gigantic sunfish we call largemouth bass.

Hopefully I won't have to do much shore fishing anymore, now that I have a tube for the lagoon and then boat for the upper lake. I just need some waders and I'm set. I only noticed one fish with red gums. I was wondering what that was from. Aren't crawfish more of a spring time snack?

atta boy, nice job out there... nice to see there are more kid fishermen on the boards,

Thanks. There aren't too many kids on here, lol.

11-30-2009, 09:05 PM
Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me...

The only picture I've seen in this thread thats photoshop is your Avatar...

Fireball nice job on the fish, Butch is the Man.

Fire Ball
11-30-2009, 09:09 PM
The only picture I've seen in this thread thats photoshop is your Avatar...

Fireball nice job on the fish, Butch is the Man.

Thanks. Didn't you go to the Lagoon this weekend? How did you do?

11-30-2009, 09:13 PM
Nope, ended up doing HoneyDo's Fish late tonight at the west ramp, going to hit the lake tomorrow, trout plant today at the westramp, the striper went nuts right after the truck dumped the fish, gonna try again in the am.

11-30-2009, 11:16 PM
nice day you had there, good job..

But on a side note, what was the idea behind stringing them up and then releasing them? Some didn't look legal and to keep the shorts in a livewell is illegal. Also to have them and over your limit is illegal.

Just letting ya know incase dfg hits you up..

11-30-2009, 11:36 PM
What an awesome experience to be able to fish with a such a well known legend. Great day on the water for you guys. Hopefully you will keep in mind the lesson you had today, the next time your out on the water.

12-01-2009, 05:43 AM
Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me...Really. Photoshop? How so?

Looks like a largely un-touched set of photos to me.

I think that bass in your Avatar is photoshopped :LOL:

Way to go on the buckets, Fireball. Glad to see you guys had a great time.

12-01-2009, 11:24 AM
What lures did Butch have you guys use?
Hope you learned alot out there!

12-01-2009, 01:41 PM
Don't hate, congratulate!

Don't mean to start nothin' but, looks like photoshop to me... good job....

12-01-2009, 02:43 PM
We put a bunch in the livewell for a picture. WE RELEASED THEM ALL AFTER!

i bet only half of these made it :EyePop::EyePop::EyePop:

12-01-2009, 02:56 PM

12-01-2009, 02:57 PM

12-01-2009, 03:10 PM
i bet only half of these made it :EyePop::EyePop::EyePop:

I was thinking of all the responses in the past regarding how LMB's and other fish are treated where are those guys now?

I guess if you have the name you get treated differently than the rest. If this was Butch and he's the man really curious as to why the fish would be handled this way, why not pics on the boat?

Just curious.

Hey guys great job on the catching, no way am I giving you guys a hard time!

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 03:26 PM
nice day you had there, good job..

But on a side note, what was the idea behind stringing them up and then releasing them? Some didn't look legal and to keep the shorts in a livewell is illegal. Also to have them and over your limit is illegal.

Just letting ya know incase dfg hits you up..

Butch said he was pretty sure the limit is 5 for the Lagoon and then 2 for the upper lake, but I don't know if he was right. I think they were pretty much all legal.

i bet only half of these made it :EyePop::EyePop::EyePop:

They were only out of the water for about a minute or two, just for the picture. They were in the water the rest of the time.

I was thinking of all the responses in the past regarding how LMB's and other fish are treated where are those guys now?

I guess if you have the name you get treated differently than the rest. If this was Butch and he's the man really curious as to why the fish would be handled this way, why not pics on the boat?

Just curious.

Hey guys great job on the catching, no way am I giving you guys a hard time!

They were taken out of the livewell, put on the stringer and stuck in the water while he was putting more on and then took them out of the water for the picture. Then they were put back in the water while we were taking them off. We put them on the stringer and took the picture right on shore. The boat was less than 5 feet away. It is just a lot easier than trying to do it while in Butch's boat, because it is not very big.

12-01-2009, 04:01 PM
so WHAT did you catch them on?
do tell!

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 04:01 PM
so WHAT did you catch them on?
do tell!

It is a secret! Sorry.

12-01-2009, 05:13 PM
those bass will suffer in the long run...why you cant just take pictures of it and release it right away....hate to see them floating the next time i head out there :Twisted::Evil:

12-01-2009, 05:36 PM
Photoshop!? What? You've got to be kidding! If anything BIGBASS MB, the bass your holding in your avatar looks photoshopped. Dude give these kids some credit. And that stringer/pole shot is great!

12-01-2009, 05:44 PM
those bass will suffer in the long run...why you cant just take pictures of it and release it right away....hate to see them floating the next time i head out there :Twisted::Evil:

Lil Brother don't listen to these hater's, all the fish pictured will swim another day, and be chompin on this guys bait and spit it long before he' knows he's bit... lol
But this is what you get when you put yourself out there in public, lesson learned.

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 06:06 PM
those bass will suffer in the long run...why you cant just take pictures of it and release it right away....hate to see them floating the next time i head out there :Twisted::Evil:

We released at least 70% of them without putting them in the livewell or anything. The bass are fine.

Photoshop!? What? You've got to be kidding! If anything BIGBASS MB, the bass your holding in your avatar looks photoshopped. Dude give these kids some credit. And that stringer/pole shot is great!

Thanks man. Butch said to put 5 each in the livewell so we could take a nice picture of all the fish. At the time, I had no idea how we were going to hold them all! It does look cool.

Lil Brother don't listen to these hater's, all the fish pictured will swim another day, and be chompin on this guys bait and spit it long before he' knows he's bit... lol
But this is what you get when you put yourself out there in public, lesson learned.


12-01-2009, 06:15 PM
Its great to see butch has matured. Myself, and other fnners have listened to buthches whimpering on the lake about being with in 100 yards of his boat. Some of us used to hear it from crupi and ignored the b.s. Waiting to see butch on the western outdoor aaa tour! Great job and beautiful fish!!!!!!!

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 06:26 PM
Its great to see butch has matured. Myself, and other fnners have listened to buthches whimpering on the lake about being with in 100 yards of his boat. Some of us used to hear it from crupi and ignored the b.s. Waiting to see butch on the western outdoor aaa tour! Great job and beautiful fish!!!!!!!

Wtf are you talking about? :Angry:
Butch is an awesome guy.

12-01-2009, 06:46 PM
Wtf are you talking about? :Angry:
Butch is an awesome guy.

Once again curious. If this awesome guy turned you on to fish what would be the reason not to tell what lure was used? I completely understand not giving spots or secrets away but I think most know who his sponsors are.

Doesn't make sense.

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 06:48 PM
Once again curious. If this awesome guy turned you on to fish what would be the reason not to tell what lure was used? I completely understand not giving spots or secrets away but I think most know who his sponsors are.

Doesn't make sense.

He said don't tell anyone the spot or what we were using. He doesn't only use lures that his sponsors give him...

12-01-2009, 06:54 PM
Cool you were lucky to hook up with him and catch some fish. Sometimes the logic escapes me as to why some info is not included, but that's just me.

Nice day on the water, congrats again!

12-01-2009, 06:58 PM
Live Shad? ;)

Fire Ball
12-01-2009, 06:59 PM
Live Shad? ;)

Nope. All I use are lures for bass.

12-02-2009, 11:51 AM
Awesome job guys!

That was very cool of Butch to take ya out and put you on some fish.

12-02-2009, 01:50 PM
were there 5 people on the boat? Looks like you were way over limits.

12-02-2009, 02:00 PM
Damn guys - quit giving the kid a hard time...

Fire Ball
12-02-2009, 03:08 PM
were there 5 people on the boat? Looks like you were way over limits.

Here is what I wrote earlier in the thread: "Butch said he was pretty sure the limit is 5 for the Lagoon and then 2 for the upper lake, but I don't know if he was right." I was actually with 4 other people and then myself, but not all on boat. They were close when we were taking the pictures though.

Damn guys - quit giving the kid a hard time...


12-02-2009, 03:56 PM
Don't let these lurkers harp on you bro, just smile, and move on. No big you wanted a pic for your photo album. Now, just take pics when you get one bigger then the PB. For me, after I caught my 10, I haven't taken any more.

Fire Ball
12-02-2009, 05:29 PM
Hey guys! Butch just called DFG and they said it is 5 bass at least 12 inches for the Lagoon.
The DFG officer was Marty Wall and his office number is 909-484-0167.


12-02-2009, 05:51 PM
good job man..all these guys are idiots..keep at it and hopefully soon i will see a post of a double digit from you

Fire Ball
12-02-2009, 05:53 PM
good job man..all these guys are idiots..keep at it and hopefully soon i will see a post of a double digit from you

It would be really awesome to catch a double digit sometime!! Thanks!

12-02-2009, 05:55 PM
Last thing I've got to say is don't let this discourage you from putting up any reports in the future dude. You caught several very nice bass, fished with the guy who knows the Lagoon better than anybody, and had a good day with your friends. Focus on that and not on the controversial responses you got. Again, congrats on a good day and hope to run into you at the Lagoon sometime.

Fire Ball
12-02-2009, 05:57 PM
Last comment from me: Don't let this discourage you from putting up any reports in the future dude. You caught several very nice bass, fished with the guy who knows the Lagoon better than anybody, and had a good day with your friends. Focus on that and not on the negative responses you got. Again, congrats on a good day and hope to run into you at the Lagoon sometime.

I won't let it discourage me. I fish the Lagoon just about every week, so maybe I will see you out there sometime.

12-02-2009, 08:37 PM
Very nice catch out there "Fireball" and props to Butch "The Lagoon Master" to take you guys out there for a fishing trip to remember for a long time. Back in the day, I used to fish that little pond in the late 80's almost every weekend with my bro and friends and every now and then, see Butch's little bass machine zoom by since he had one of the fastest rig on the lagoon and he was always the first one to get to the best spots.....lol.

Anyways, if you ever get the opportunity to fish with the trophy bass legend again, hopefully he can show you how to fish the "Huddy's" to get you a "DD" Bass or better yet, a trophy Striper at the upper lake fishing the dam area from shore.

By the way, I haven't launched and fished out of the lagoon for over 15 years but if I do someday in the near future and if I see you out on the shoreline, I will holler over to you and you are always welcome to be my backseater since I'm always going fishing by myself just like Butch.

Congrats again and thanks for posting up an awesome report of your catch and continue your success in the years to come.

Tight Lines.....


Fire Ball
12-02-2009, 08:41 PM
Very nice catch out there "Fireball" and props to Butch "The Lagoon Master" to take you guys out there for a fishing trip to remember for a long time. Back in the day, I used to fish that little pond in the late 80's almost every weekend with my bro and friends and every now and then, see Butch's little bass machine zoom by since he had one of the fastest rig on the lagoon and he was always the first one to get to the best spots.....lol.

Anyways, if you ever get the opportunity to fish with the trophy bass legend again, hopefully he can show you how to fish the "Huddy's" to get you a "DD" Bass or better yet, a trophy Striper at the upper lake fishing the dam area from shore.

By the way, I haven't launched and fished out of the lagoon for over 15 years but if I do someday in the near future and if I see you out on the shoreline, I will holler over to you and you are always welcome to be my backseater since I'm always going fishing by myself just like Butch.

Congrats again and thanks for posting up an awesome report of your catch and continue your success in the years to come.

Tight Lines.....


I really want to learn how to fish a Huddleston. I just need to get a decent swimbait setup first. I could only dream of catching a double digit bass... Thanks man.

Robo Bass
12-03-2009, 03:22 PM
What's up with all the haters? I'm the guy that went with him and stayed on shore. They caught a massive amount of fish and THEY ARE ALL FINE.

They didn't break any rules or laws or anything.

Butch asked him not to reveal anything so he's not going to. (Even though just because you use the same lures doesn't mean you will catch fish like Butch can).

Finally, don't be jealous just cause two young fishermen caught a bunch of nice fish in 2 hours thanks to the awesome Butch.

12-04-2009, 11:07 AM
the only picture i've seen in this thread thats photoshop is your avatar...

Fireball nice job on the fish, butch is the man.

never have i ever seen a so called bass fisherman handle bass in this manner, that looks like a trout stringer to me... Avatar photo taken with a old school cell phone back in june 2005 100% real

12-04-2009, 11:09 AM
what's up with all the haters? I'm the guy that went with him and stayed on shore. They caught a massive amount of fish and they are all fine.

They didn't break any rules or laws or anything.

Butch asked him not to reveal anything so he's not going to. (even though just because you use the same lures doesn't mean you will catch fish like butch can).

Finally, don't be jealous just cause two young fishermen caught a bunch of nice fish in 2 hours thanks to the awesome butch.

bass on a trout stringer...... Haters wtf ????

12-04-2009, 11:16 AM
photoshop!? What? You've got to be kidding! If anything bigbass mb, the bass your holding in your avatar looks photoshopped. Dude give these kids some credit. And that stringer/pole shot is great!

i'm all about kids and bass fishing, you got this all wrong.
If those kids really had this epic day on the lagoon and hung all that bass on a stringer for this report than you should be saying somthing too...
Congtarts on your avetar photo biggbass mb

12-04-2009, 11:23 AM
congrats on the catches and personal best, that was cool of butch ta take you 2 out, hats off to him if he reads this (salute !)

if i may give you a little food for thought, not that the lures that were used aren't important, they certainly are but what you may want to be sure to put your focus on if you want to take any pc of longstanding info from your outing is:

What pattern the fish were in at that time and the condition that drove the fish into those patterns.

My guess is that you probably hit suspending fish in the thermocline but thats purely speculative of what conditions should be apparent in that lake right now.

Once you can learn to read the lake, it will lead to you being able to catch a liot of fish regularly in many different paternings.

Anyway, enough technical jargon..

Nice job and again congrats !

oh yeah...p.s.

Photo shop ???? What the heck is that guy thinkin' (scratches head !)

i really didnt want to start anything but i think i did.... Dont kill the bass

12-04-2009, 12:36 PM
really. Photoshop? How so?

Looks like a largely un-touched set of photos to me.

I think that bass in your avatar is photoshopped :lol:

Way to go on the buckets, fireball. Glad to see you guys had a great time.

i'm not a photo expert but i do know thats no way to handle lmb for a fishing trip report, i don't care who theese kids were fishing with, makes no difference... Unsportsman like... If my avetar was photoshopped it would have the quality and clearity... Sorry just a cell phone photo is all i got. Dont kill the lmb. Mb

Robo Bass
12-04-2009, 12:37 PM
Wtf are you talking about Bigbass bg? Nobody killed any fish

12-04-2009, 02:32 PM
Great job young dudes!! Anytime you get on a good bite and don't spill the beans your going to get hammered from all ends!! Add to the fact you got to fish with one of the "best big bass anglers" adds fuel to the fire.

From Marty Wall, the limit for bass on the lagoon is 5 fish 12 inch minimum and obviously all these fish meet that requirement. You would think this site being family oriented and all that this type of railroading especially on kids is unacceptable!! Some of you guys need to learn how to communicate without sounding like as$holes!!

Again, GREAT job fellas and I wish you continiued success!! You deffinatelly experienced a GREAT day with one of the best out there!!

Fire Ball
12-04-2009, 05:33 PM
i'm not a photo expert but i do know thats no way to handle lmb for a fishing trip report, i don't care who theese kids were fishing with, makes no difference... Unsportsman like... If my avetar was photoshopped it would have the quality and clearity... Sorry just a cell phone photo is all i got. Dont kill the lmb. Mb

Unsportsmanlike? Would you have preferred that I kept them and ate them? Did you not hear that THEY WERE ALL RELEASED AND ALL FINE?

Btw, I don't take pictures for reports. I take pictures for personal records, photo albums, etc. and then just write reports and use those pictures. I like looking at my old pictures and remember the day when I caught that fish!

Great job young dudes!! Anytime you get on a good bite and don't spill the beans your going to get hammered from all ends!! Add to the fact you got to fish with one of the "best big bass anglers" adds fuel to the fire.

From Marty Wall, the limit for bass on the lagoon is 5 fish 12 inch minimum and obviously all these fish meet that requirement. You would think this site being family oriented and all that this type of railroading especially on kids is unacceptable!! Some of you guys need to learn how to communicate without sounding like as$holes!!

Again, GREAT job fellas and I wish you continiued success!! You deffinatelly experienced a GREAT day with one of the best out there!!


12-04-2009, 06:10 PM
I'll admit, I was a little peeved over the stringer pic...but, I trust you, and I think most 'em (hopefully all) will be fine. Awesome catches out there, way to go.

Why hate on him for keeping the lure(s) a secret? C'mon guys...

12-04-2009, 06:25 PM
Great job young dudes!! Anytime you get on a good bite and don't spill the beans your going to get hammered from all ends!! Add to the fact you got to fish with one of the "best big bass anglers" adds fuel to the fire.

From Marty Wall, the limit for bass on the lagoon is 5 fish 12 inch minimum and obviously all these fish meet that requirement. You would think this site being family oriented and all that this type of railroading especially on kids is unacceptable!! Some of you guys need to learn how to communicate without sounding like as$holes!!

Again, GREAT job fellas and I wish you continiued success!! You deffinatelly experienced a GREAT day with one of the best out there!!

Don't know who Marty Wall is, but this is cut from the Castaic Lake home page under rules and Regs... 2 bass 18" both lakes.... but who cares...

All California Fish and Game regulations are strictly enforced.
All fishermen MUST have a valid fishing license if 16 years or older (additional rods require stamps).
Fishing from docks, launch ramps is NOT allowed.
Fishing from the dam is permitted, within the designated areas.
Fighing in coves "Closed for spawning" is prohibited.
Cleaning of fish on the water or shoreline is strictly prohibited.
Live bait can only be used if caught in the same day and location.
Trolling in the Main Reservoir ski area is NOT permitted.
Please follow all Limit and Size Requirements Species Limit Size
Bass (Largemouth) 2 18 inch+
Bass (Striped) 10 None
Bluegill None None
Bullhead 10 None
Channel Catfish 10 None
Crappie 25 None
Rainbow Trout 5 None

12-04-2009, 06:55 PM
unsportsmanlike? Would you have preferred that i kept them and ate them? Did you not hear that they were all released and all fine?

Btw, i don't take pictures for reports. I take pictures for personal records, photo albums, etc. And then just write reports and use those pictures. I like looking at my old pictures and remember the day when i caught that fish!

Thank you spooky! :cool:

how can they all go on a f---en stringer with metal clip type hooks for a photo and not be for a photo report.... Thats is bull sh--. Some day yo will undestand that is not the way to handle lmb but i know your not ther yet... You are still too young to understand, congrats on your awesome day on the lake hope you have more days like that, but if you continue to handle bass that way your kids wont have any bass to catch there.... Mb

12-04-2009, 08:00 PM
Why hate on him for keeping the lure(s) a secret? C'mon guys...

Asking a question is not hating, I think that indicating the lure type (not necessarily the make), conditions and other stuff might help others that are trying to learn.

I sure hope that from all this BS that Butch continues to take young men out on his boat and helps them learn how to fish. That's how most of us learned, somebody that cares wanted to teach us how to fish.

12-04-2009, 08:07 PM
asking a question is not hating, i think that indicating the lure type (not necessarily the make), conditions and other stuff might help others that are trying to learn.

I sure hope that from all this bs that butch continues to take young men out on his boat and helps them learn how to fish. That's how most of us learned, somebody that cares wanted to teach us how to fish.

aymen brother, i'm all for that (teach) is the key word mb

Robo Bass
12-04-2009, 08:13 PM
how can they all go on a f---en stringer with metal clip type hooks for a photo and not be for a photo report.... Thats is bull sh--. Some day yo will undestand that is not the way to handle lmb but i know your not ther yet... You are still too young to understand, congrats on your awesome day on the lake hope you have more days like that, but if you continue to handle bass that way your kids wont have any bass to catch there.... Mb

Stop just posting the same thing over and over again.

12-04-2009, 08:25 PM
Hey robo bass stfup. I'm sure your buddy is happy i started all this sh-t. Mb
look at all of the attension he got!!!! You need to go and get your own fish.

Fire Ball
12-04-2009, 08:40 PM
how can they all go on a f---en stringer with metal clip type hooks for a photo and not be for a photo report.... Thats is bull sh--. Some day yo will undestand that is not the way to handle lmb but i know your not ther yet... You are still too young to understand, congrats on your awesome day on the lake hope you have more days like that, but if you continue to handle bass that way your kids wont have any bass to catch there.... Mb

LOL! What don't you understand about that the bass are all fine!! The stringer photo was not my idea, but it was a cool picture! When I first started bass fishing, I never posted reports and always just took pictures for my own use.

Robo Bass
12-04-2009, 08:43 PM
Hey robo bass stfup. I'm sure your buddy is happy i started all this sh-t. Mb
look at all of the attension he got!!!! You need to go and get your own fish.

First off my buddy isn't an attention whore like you. Second, congrats on picking fights with kids, I'm sure you feel so tough and cool about that. Last, I catch plenty of my own fish, although not quite as much as FB.

12-04-2009, 08:45 PM
Please read my pm and keep on fishing fire ball

12-04-2009, 08:47 PM
first off my buddy isn't an attention whore like you. Second, congrats on picking fights with kids, i'm sure you feel so tough and cool about that. Last, i catch plenty of my own fish, although not quite as much as fb.

you are steping out of line

Fire Ball
12-04-2009, 08:51 PM
Please read my pm and keep on fishing fire ball

I read the PM and replied. All is alright and now we can stop fighting and start fishing.

12-04-2009, 08:52 PM
man FNN is full of haters now-a-days.. hence why i dont post anymore.

12-04-2009, 08:53 PM
and also full of lurkers.

12-04-2009, 08:53 PM
[QUOTE=Robo Bass;411489]First off my buddy isn't an attention whore like you. Second, congrats on picking fights with kids, I'm sure you feel so tough and cool about that. Last, I catch plenty of my own fish, although not quite as much as FB.[/QUO

relax my friend don't get all feathered, you havent caought as many fish as fire ball...

Robo Bass
12-04-2009, 08:54 PM
you are steping out of line

Ok you are right, and I apologize. Hope we can put this behind us. Best of wishes with you're future fishing expeditions.

12-04-2009, 08:54 PM
I read the PM and replied. All is alright and now we can stop fighting and start fishing.

i can respect that

12-04-2009, 08:55 PM
Ok you are right, and I apologize. Hope we can put this behind us. Best of wishes with you're future fishing expeditions.

i can respect that too

Robo Bass
12-04-2009, 09:00 PM
i can respect that too

Good :Big Grin:

12-04-2009, 09:05 PM
i read the pm and replied. All is alright and now we can stop fighting and start fishing.

you guys are the future and you may thing that us older guys are in the past, but untill were gone, remember if it wasn't for the past gen. We wouldn't be catching lmb out of the lagoon today. Bigbass mb peace.

12-04-2009, 09:32 PM
pretty stupid man. do you know how many foreigners from all walks kill bass at the lower lake everyday. just worry about yourself. those fish are fine. atleast they let them go.

12-04-2009, 10:08 PM
Nice going on the bass Kids. I thought I already replyed to this post once today ?

12-04-2009, 10:39 PM
This is why I love bass fishermen. All the love and sharing is unbelievable, especially considering that its all directed toward a couple of kids.They released the fish they caught. Ef all you haters.

12-05-2009, 03:48 PM
my biddy xfishbonex was there on friday and he landed a nice 7+ Pounder ! off the fluke

12-05-2009, 06:11 PM
Some Bass fishermans just get too over sensitive about bass.

12-06-2009, 07:50 AM
Those are some nice fish.I own the tackle shop on the old rd.Come by I want to give you something.Its a gift for Butch that Ive been thinking he might have a use for.You and your buddy Swimbait look pretty cool with those fish.Dont worry about the fish.We put the same clips with culling balls on all our fish in tournaments all over the country every weekend.They stay in the livewell all day and are realeased just fine.Im sure Butch has a good system.As for Bigbassmd get a life loser.Your avatar is a joke your two fingers in your picture are bigger than your head.

12-06-2009, 09:02 AM
those are some nice fish.i own the tackle shop on the old rd.come by i want to give you something.its a gift for butch that ive been thinking he might have a use for.you and your buddy swimbait look pretty cool with those fish.dont worry about the fish.we put the same clips with culling balls on all our fish in tournaments all over the country every weekend.they stay in the livewell all day and are realeased just fine.im sure butch has a good system.as for bigbassmd get a life loser.your avatar is a joke your two fingers in your picture are bigger than your head.

i hope the gift wont be more metal clips on a broom handle stringer, try to advertise your store and that may work better...
Or better yet....... Shut the **** up............ Mb

Fire Ball
12-06-2009, 05:36 PM
Those are some nice fish.I own the tackle shop on the old rd.Come by I want to give you something.Its a gift for Butch that Ive been thinking he might have a use for.You and your buddy Swimbait look pretty cool with those fish.Dont worry about the fish.We put the same clips with culling balls on all our fish in tournaments all over the country every weekend.They stay in the livewell all day and are realeased just fine.Im sure Butch has a good system.As for Bigbassmd get a life loser.Your avatar is a joke your two fingers in your picture are bigger than your head.

Went to your shop today on the way home from the Lagoon, but it said be back by 3:00. Too bad. What is the gift?

12-06-2009, 06:19 PM
i hope the gift wont be more metal clips on a broom handle stringer, try to advertise your store and that may work better...
Or better yet....... Shut the **** up............ Mb

whats wrong with you man?

12-06-2009, 09:30 PM
whats wrong with you man?

fireball and i have nothing goning on, its you *** holes who want to jump in and talk ****.... Whats wrog with you????

12-09-2009, 05:21 PM
WOW!!! What a read!!! :Shocked:

Thanks for the soap opera guys. J/K

I hope this thread "locks" with a happy ending. :Wink:

Fire Ball
12-09-2009, 05:24 PM
WOW!!! What a read!!! :Shocked:

Thanks for the soap opera guys. J/K

I hope this thread "locks" with a happy ending. :Wink:

Haha!! I don't think it is going to be locked because there isn't any more fighting going on.

12-09-2009, 05:35 PM
man FNN is full of haters now-a-days.. hence why i dont post anymore.

I Agree with that one

12-09-2009, 05:47 PM
Not often you see a thread run this long, just thought I'd get in on this historic event. Nice job guys, that's more bass than I've caught in my entire life!

Tight lines -bfishin

12-09-2009, 07:07 PM
Yes, given enough time with no competition except youngsters, butch can catch a few fish. Nothing wrong with that!!! But when he starts screaming at recrational fisherman and throwing large baits at boats because he is butch, i have a problem. Some of you are too young to remember, arron martins was an established tournament angler at a young age. If butch is so grest, why is why isnt he in professional or ameteur competition!!!!!!!!!!!

Fire Ball
12-09-2009, 07:20 PM
Yes, given enough time with no competition except youngsters, butch can catch a few fish. Nothing wrong with that!!! But when he starts screaming at recrational fisherman and throwing large baits at boats because he is butch, i have a problem. Some of you are too young to remember, arron martins was an established tournament angler at a young age. If butch is so grest, why is why isnt he in professional or ameteur competition!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF? Stop hating on Butch!! You are just jealous that he catches bigger fish than you! :ROFL:

Fire Ball
12-09-2009, 07:21 PM
By the way, the Castaic website has been updated to show the real regulations for the Lagoon! It is 5 bass, each at least 12". Go check it out if you don't believe me. Thanks.

Robo Bass
12-09-2009, 08:10 PM
WTF? Stop hating on Butch!! You are just jealous that he catches bigger fish than you! :ROFL:

Ya, I dont get why anyone would hate on Butch, what has he done to you?

12-09-2009, 08:10 PM
The lagoon is a fun place to fish,glad to see you enjoying yourself.
FFN is a great place to learn alot about fishing,meet some interesting folks and share info.Time on the water pays dividends and you have been earning.
Now i suggest you get that swimbait rod soon and start chucking the Hudd.
You will be rewarded with a 10 lb+fish i know cause it happens for me and everyone i know thats willing to put in the work and time. Dec - March are
fantastic months to catch big swimbait fish.
Hope to see you on the water sometime.
Dont let the haters get to you keep slaying those bass and posting!

12-09-2009, 10:08 PM
Yes, given enough time with no competition except youngsters, butch can catch a few fish. Nothing wrong with that!!! But when he starts screaming at recrational fisherman and throwing large baits at boats because he is butch, i have a problem. Some of you are too young to remember, arron martins was an established tournament angler at a young age. If butch is so grest, why is why isnt he in professional or ameteur competition!!!!!!!!!!!

Fishing for DD bass is completely different than numbers fishing for a standard 5 fish limit BASS or FLW style tournament. Mike Long is another incredible trophy bass angler, but you don't see him weighing in limits with KVD or Skeet Reese and cashing $100k or more checks. Both Butch and Mike have caught more doule digit bass than either of those guys though because that's what they like to do. Two totally different styles of fishing, so it's not really fair to compare the trophy, swimbait guys to the FLW or BASS guys. They are all killer fisherman in their own specialties.

12-10-2009, 06:04 AM
Awesome! Looks like a great time! I need some bendo, myself...

12-10-2009, 06:41 AM
Yes, given enough time with no competition except youngsters, butch can catch a few fish. Nothing wrong with that!!! But when he starts screaming at recrational fisherman and throwing large baits at boats because he is butch, i have a problem. Some of you are too young to remember, arron martins was an established tournament angler at a young age. If butch is so grest, why is why isnt he in professional or ameteur competition!!!!!!!!!!!

Butch is after the world record not tournament wins! To some people catching one fish is more important than catching five fish! Come on now! Give the man credit he is taking kids out and teaching them how to fish. I have fished along side Butch Brown before he ever knew who I was and he was a class act!
Cruppi, Long, Dickerson anyone who fishes big bass does not like being encroached upon. Give people some space! Just because someone is sitting on a point does not mean that people can sit on the same point. When I fish places like the Lagoon or Casitas I anchor up and I have allmost 75yrds of rope scopped out to hold me still! So maybe he is telling you something when he is asking you to back off!
Not trying to start anything with all this but simply putting it out there that maybe instead of posting negetive stuff you should focus on the fact that the man is teaching the youth of our nation a great pasttime. One that both of us grew up on! I respect those kinds of people!

12-10-2009, 08:10 AM
I dont know how this thread went under my radar, but now I sure wish it continued to do so. I cant believe I read all that.

12-10-2009, 08:13 AM
I guess we sure screwed this thread up bad! I'm sure this will influence others to help the youngsters out after reading this thread. Do it and you will be trashed by others.

In some ways I think I contributed to this mess with my earlier posts. I think I've learned my lesson, hope others will.

12-10-2009, 09:20 PM
Im not hating on butch, just remembering a few weird blowups by him. I have seen him fish over thirty times and never anchored up. I used to fish with harrison and cavenaugh back in the castaic bass heydays and i never saw them react with the immaturity butch has displayed to many fishermen!!!!!! Nuff said!! Butch is a polesmoker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

Robo Bass
12-10-2009, 09:34 PM
Im not hating on butch, just remembering a few weird blowups by him. I have seen him fish over thirty times and never anchored up. I used to fish with harrison and cavenaugh back in the castaic bass heydays and i never saw them react with the immaturity butch has displayed to many fishermen!!!!!! Nuff said!! Butch is a polesmoker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

How is what you just said not hating on Butch?

12-10-2009, 11:29 PM
Don't pay attention to all this $#&%*$% negative crap about Butch Brown.

It sounds like a whining chorus of tin pan jealous bozoes to me.

He's one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He has been very helpful to me.

I won't be at all surprised when he catches the next world record LMB at the Lagoon.

12-11-2009, 12:16 AM
LOL some things will never change

Ray Lopez
12-11-2009, 01:39 PM
Don't know who Marty Wall is, but this is cut from the Castaic Lake home page under rules and Regs... 2 bass 18" both lakes.... but who cares...

All California Fish and Game regulations are strictly enforced.
All fishermen MUST have a valid fishing license if 16 years or older (additional rods require stamps).
Fishing from docks, launch ramps is NOT allowed.
Fishing from the dam is permitted, within the designated areas.
Fishing in coves "Closed for spawning" is prohibited.
Cleaning of fish on the water or shoreline is strictly prohibited.
Live bait can only be used if caught in the same day and location.
Trolling in the Main Reservoir ski area is NOT permitted.
Please follow all Limit and Size Requirements Species Limit Size
Bass (Largemouth) 2 18 inch+
Bass (Striped) 10 None
Bluegill None None
Bullhead 10 None
Channel Catfish 10 None
Crappie 25 None
Rainbow Trout 5 None

i was thinking the same thing too but they have it posted in two spots both with different details.

Please follow all Limit and Size Requirements Species Limit Size
Bass (Largemouth) 2 18 inch+
Bass (Striped) 10 None
Black Bass (LAGOON ONLY) 5 12 inch +
Bluegill None None
Bullhead 10 None
Channel Catfish 10 None
Crappie 25 None
Rainbow Trout 5 None

this is posted under the fishing section of castaiclake.com the one you posted is under the rules and regs section someone needs to notify FOCL of this on the website.

man FNN is full of haters now-a-days.. hence why i dont post anymore.
now a days hahahahahaha come on dude this site is always full of haters. Bass Nazis are a common thing on fnn. This is the reason i stopped posting on this site as much as i used to.

LOL some things will never change

and that's the truth!!!!

To fireball. Congrats on a great day on the water. And congrats on getting the chance to fish with Butch. That was very cool of him to do. You not saying anything about what you used and where you fished makes me think this should of been posted on the photo section more so then a report. Many people have offered up there advice to you on how to catch fish at the lake (including myself). It would be the least you could do on saying what lure you were using. I know butch hates these websites and I'm sure he was the one that told you not to say what you were using. I can understand not giving up a spot on a lake but keeping everything to yourself does not constitute as a fishing report IMHO.

I know it was not your idea to put the fish on the stringer. But hopefully you can understand that most bass fisherman are very much about keeping the bass as safe as possible and that means releasing the fish as soon as possible back to the water as to not cause any extra stress to the fish. But now you know not to post pics like that on FNN or any other fishing website lol.

The people that jumped down your throat about this post are childish. Most younger fisherman don't know about all the (inside fisherman) rules. Just as long as you follow the rules of the DFG your are good in my book. (even tho i never keep LMB) But when i was your age i never knew anything about C & R i kept everything i caught within the DFG limits. You at least know that C & R is an important rule of thumb to help with the bass populations.

So keep on doing what you're doing and hopefully i will run into you at the lake. The more time you put into that lake the better chance you will have at catching a DD LMB it just takes time on the water and bit of luck. I caught my 19+ pounder on a drop shot 5 1/2" hologram shad in the middle of winter. But for now just enjoy beating your PB allot.


Lay off people on here. As long as people are following the rules set forth by the DFG then they are doing nothing wrong. So for you to bash them for following the rules is just plain stupid. Also remeber when you first got into fishing or when you were younger. How would you feel getting bashed on by people who are into the same hobbie as you for doing nothing wrong. You can inform people of why you think C&R is important but do not force feed it to them and hate on them just because they don't follow the rules you set forth for yourself.

now go out and catch some fish and stop all the hating!

12-11-2009, 02:08 PM
fly boy & geo in the same thread...AWESOME!!!!

12-11-2009, 02:11 PM
Lots of jealousy and envy in this thread.

I suggest you fillet those dudes up for your next report. Be sure to add lots of LMB guts and blood for the haters.

All they are is green carp anyhow!

Good job Fireball. I love the look you two have going on here.

Way to go Butch.

Fire Ball
12-11-2009, 02:48 PM
i was thinking the same thing too but they have it posted in two spots both with different details.

Please follow all Limit and Size Requirements Species Limit Size
Bass (Largemouth) 2 18 inch+
Bass (Striped) 10 None
Black Bass (LAGOON ONLY) 5 12 inch +
Bluegill None None
Bullhead 10 None
Channel Catfish 10 None
Crappie 25 None
Rainbow Trout 5 None

this is posted under the fishing section of castaiclake.com the one you posted is under the rules and regs section someone needs to notify FOCL of this on the website.

now a days hahahahahaha come on dude this site is always full of haters. Bass Nazis are a common thing on fnn. This is the reason i stopped posting on this site as much as i used to.

and that's the truth!!!!

To fireball. Congrats on a great day on the water. And congrats on getting the chance to fish with Butch. That was very cool of him to do. You not saying anything about what you used and where you fished makes me think this should of been posted on the photo section more so then a report. Many people have offered up there advice to you on how to catch fish at the lake (including myself). It would be the least you could do on saying what lure you were using. I know butch hates these websites and I'm sure he was the one that told you not to say what you were using. I can understand not giving up a spot on a lake but keeping everything to yourself does not constitute as a fishing report IMHO.

I know it was not your idea to put the fish on the stringer. But hopefully you can understand that most bass fisherman are very much about keeping the bass as safe as possible and that means releasing the fish as soon as possible back to the water as to not cause any extra stress to the fish. But now you know not to post pics like that on FNN or any other fishing website lol.

The people that jumped down your throat about this post are childish. Most younger fisherman don't know about all the (inside fisherman) rules. Just as long as you follow the rules of the DFG your are good in my book. (even tho i never keep LMB) But when i was your age i never knew anything about C & R i kept everything i caught within the DFG limits. You at least know that C & R is an important rule of thumb to help with the bass populations.

So keep on doing what you're doing and hopefully i will run into you at the lake. The more time you put into that lake the better chance you will have at catching a DD LMB it just takes time on the water and bit of luck. I caught my 19+ pounder on a drop shot 5 1/2" hologram shad in the middle of winter. But for now just enjoy beating your PB allot.


Lay off people on here. As long as people are following the rules set forth by the DFG then they are doing nothing wrong. So for you to bash them for following the rules is just plain stupid. Also remeber when you first got into fishing or when you were younger. How would you feel getting bashed on by people who are into the same hobbie as you for doing nothing wrong. You can inform people of why you think C&R is important but do not force feed it to them and hate on them just because they don't follow the rules you set forth for yourself.

now go out and catch some fish and stop all the hating!

I assure you the regulations are 5 bass 12" each, if you are confused. They updated the site, but I guess they forgot update one of the pages.

Butch told me not to tell anyone about the lure, so I listened to him, but I still think this a report. It is not just pictures, it is a story and a little bit of info too.

I have definitely noticed an increase in bass quality and quantity since I started fishing the lagoon once to twice a week. Now that I have a float tube, I can hit more spots. If you check my most recent report, you can see my 7+ lb bass (personal best) that a caught from my float tube. Butch has really been helping me out and I wouldn't have been able to catch as many fish without his help! Thanks!