View Full Version : Closer Report

Big Country
11-16-2009, 03:22 PM
After kicking and screaming about having to leave a day early (I wanted to see the Fu Manchu show in Hollywood Wed. night), we left socal Tuesday night for the ride north.

Met up with the rest of the group in Bishop Wednesday am and forged on toward the Loop to our cabin at Interlaken. Dropped off the supplies and headed to Rush for no love. The wind was howling as a nice storm was on its way into town. After Rush, we found a sheltered cove on Grant. The wind was ripping and the whitecaps off the point we were fishing were certainly worthy of riding if anyone had the nuts to do it. I made 1 cast off that point and felt like I was sticking my head out my car window while driving down the freeway. Anyway, we got a stocker bow (pb), a 2 lb brown (nc) and I got about a 2 lb bow on a Lucky Craft lure a couple of feet from the shore. As the sun dropped we all headed back for an evening of spaghetti and meatballs followed by a little poker.

Thursday we wake to more wind and snow which is awesome if you don't get to see it that often. We took off to Silver to fish the outlet which was frustrating because the fish were jumping all morning but wanted nothing we had to offer in the form of lures, bait or flies. We shot back to Gull for a festival of dinks from both the campground area and where nazi floattubers launch in the back. After some discussion, we decide to head to the Grant dam in hopes of finding a hungry brown on the swim bait. The wind was gone and the snow had stopped falling, but there was no luck for me while my bro caught another stocker on pb.

Friday we head to B-port to fish the Twins and meet up with some other buddies. The big skunk stripes us all on the Upper and then we finally settle in a spot on the lower that produces 4 or 5 stockers. We split by noon and head to the Res to set up for the evening bite at the dam. I run across an old friend that was camping at the dam the whole week and he proceeds to tell me that they have been getting at least 1 or 2 bid browns each day for the past week. We all pick our spots and start throwing out. As the rapalas are flying through the air like swarm of bats, I go stealth with a jig and hit a nice 2.5 lb bow. About 20 minutes later, I get hammered and after I determine that it isn't one of the hundreds of water chickens swimming and diving in the vacinity, I realize I'm on a good fish and start screaming for the net. Yep, we brought a net this time, but forgot to bring it to the water. So, as my Marlboro inhaling bro struggles up the rocks and to the truck, I have a nice crowd gathering to see my fish which has surfaced a few feet from shore and looks to be a solid 7 to 8 lb fish with my line corkscrewed around its body. The great part about having a crowd of buddies surrounding you is that the laughter is incredible when the beautiful fish breaks you off and swims away with your $18 lure in its mouth. It's quite theraputic actually because I probably would have hurt myself if I was there all by my lonesome. Anyway, if anything good came out of this, it was that we finally had the camera and net available if another good one gets on, which is what happened about 40 minutes later to one of my buddies. His brown tipped the digital at 6.1 lbs and was caught on a nc.

Saturday we blazed an early morning trail back to the Res. in hope of finding another hungry bruiser, but the skunk was in full effect for all 20+ people fishing the dam area. We were back down in the loop by noon and finished the day off at Gull for a solid bite of stockers with 2 cutthroats in the mix.

I have 2 crappy photos of the 6.1, but can't seem to load them here. If anyone has a tip on the photo process here, please let me know and I'll post them.

Overall it was a decent trip to close out the season with a bunch of good friends and a couple of stories of the one that got away. Unless I bag a nice size marlin in Maui next week or get my boat out on to DVL when the ramp gets finished, this is probabaly my last thread until the 2010 opener.

11-16-2009, 04:00 PM
With all the great fishing spots in the Eastern Sierra, I think PVR is my favorite. Not the prettiest spot, but the chance for a monster is always there. I'd planned on doing more fishing when I was there a few weeks back, but the quail hunting's pretty good this year, and I've got a young dog that needs work.
Heading back up in two days for bird hunting, and I keep walking past my fishing gear in my garage wondering if I should take it or just hunt. I think you just convinced me to take my fishing pole...

11-18-2009, 10:24 PM
Sweet report bud, wish I could've made it up there with you guys, but dang soccer playoffs... See ya round town..

Big Country
11-19-2009, 07:38 AM
I was going to talk to you about it at the girls soccer game Monday night, but I got there real late.

I'll catch up with you later and hopefully have a cool story about a 400 lb Blue I'm going after in Maui next week.

11-19-2009, 12:54 PM
dang dude you lead the life first the Sierras then Maui, forget it you're not invited to Big Bear... Kiddin of course hopefully I'll pick up a boat before the spring and we can make some runs up the mtn.. See ya Saturday at the games.

11-29-2009, 08:53 AM
Where's the flics?:???:

11-29-2009, 05:31 PM
Reading reports like this makes me anxious to get back to the sierras!!
I can relate to your no net situation,and the one that got away!:Thumbs Up: