View Full Version : Perris Lake Friday the 13th Skunk

Natural Lefty
11-14-2009, 03:37 PM
Well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade, the saying goes. I caught zero fish at Perris Lake yesterday, for the first time in quite awhile, amid poor weather conditions. I started composing a rhyme (another one of my pastimes) about my day even before I left Perris Lake yesterday. I did take a little poetic license and used a little hyperbole, but not much. Here it is:

Perris Lake Friday the 13th Skunk

I went fishing at Perris Lake yesterday
But the odorous Pepe Le Pieu held sway.
Yes, I got myself the smell of the skunk
And yes, for the first time in many a month.

I made it to Perris, equipment in trunk.
The store’s lone employee asked how old am I
“Not all that old!” was my curt reply.
He gave me a dock fishing permit to wear
At senior discount “because it was late.”
“I don’t look a day over forty-eight”
I grumbled to myself and went for my gear.

Then, on my way down I reached in my pocket --
No license was there; it seems I forgot it.
How absent-minded, for heaven’s sake --
That is the moment when my heart first sunk.

Back home I went, and back to the lake
And out to the docks, with a chill in the air
Clouds in the sky, and wind in my hair.
When I got out there, not much was biting --
A few little nibbles, and one was exciting.
Just when I went to a different spot
That’s when I got the best bite that I got
My neighbor grabbed my rod but the fish wasn’t there
Just like my luck on this day of the skunk.

The sun went down early, the man closed the gate
I tried close to shore but fish weren’t in my fate.
At only 5:30, it felt oh so late,
So I started writing this rhyme in my mind
And went back home wishing for better luck next time

Now I’m in some sort of deep fishing funk,
Eating from cans and living like a monk --
Opening my p,m.s, seeing emails from punks,
Full of self-righteous, disrespectful junk.
But soon my true love will come back home to me,
And bring good luck with her, if you know what I mean. :Smile:

old pudd fisher
11-14-2009, 04:23 PM
To bad for the skunk out their natural lefty, I bet your cats were disappointed to. I know they like to check out your catch of the day. Maybe because it was Friday the 13th. Better luck next time, the short days don't help.

Natural Lefty
11-15-2009, 05:00 PM
Old Pudd Fisher, thank you for your comments.

With me forgetting my license, I only got to fish for a couple of hours, but when the fishing is good, that is enough. Fortunately, I live pretty close to there, or i wouldn't have gone fishing at all.

Hopefully, better things will be in our future. My dad is out of the hospital, as of a week ago now. He seems in a good mood, too. He basically had high blood pressure, anxiety and bad reactions to medications. He didn't need any surgery, didn't have a heart attack or stroke.

My wife and daughter are coming home November 25. My cats have learned to share their food. And hopefully, I will have some actual good catches to write about. :Cool:

Anyway, I thought people should know that the Perris panfish bite seems to be cooling down with the water. I think we need to get out there and do some rain dances, though.

11-21-2009, 12:23 PM
Good poem, except for the last line. Me, Mean? don't exactly rhyme. still good though.

Now I’m in some sort of deep fishing funk,
Eating from cans and living like a monk --
Opening my p,m.s, seeing emails from punks,
Full of self-righteous, disrespectful junk.
But soon my true love will come back home to me,
And bring good luck with her, if you know what I mean. :Smile:[/QUOTE]

Natural Lefty
11-22-2009, 10:52 AM
Thanks Chuxder! Me, Mean, Mine -- well, they sort of rhyme. I guess I need to work on that one.