View Full Version : Is it Veterans Day this week???

bruce watson
11-10-2009, 05:04 PM
I just got through reading my morning newspaper. Dozens of Veterans day sales ads. How does a store, in their words, "honor America's veterans", by having a sale.

First of all, Veterans Day is November 11th. That is tomorrow, Wednesday. Not last weekend, when the sales started. Not next weekend when the parades are over and the flags put away until the next patriotic holiday. Tomorrow.

Last night, the veterans of Orange County were treated to a great concert put on by the Beckman High School band of Tustin. Afterwards we were served coffee and cookies. The band members thanked the vets for their service and asked questions of what was it like and how it has been since they came home. The oldest veteran there was a 91 year old world war II sailor and the youngest was a guy fresh back from the middle east. Everyone felt like they were truly being honored.

These businesses that use the pain and suffering that our veterans went though, just to make a couple of extra bucks, should learn a few things from the kids of Beckman. What are they really doing to honor that guy or gal who has seen their friends die at a young age? What are they doing for that GI that bled on the beaches of Normandy, froze at the Chosen Reservoir, wounded in VietNam, Grenada, Beruit, Kuwait, or Iraq, and spends their life as a cripple? Nothing. Just making money.

It is true that some companies are starting to tell the vets that they care and want to do something for them. For 20 years Knotts has allowed the vets a day with their families for free. Now some restaurants are having a free meal or a discount of some type. Why can't the others? A small discount on a car, free delivery of your order, a donation to the VA hospital of a book or a television? There is a lot of possibilities.

Forty some years ago I was laying in a bed and my platoon leader came to pin on a purple heart. He wanted to point out how little people thought of veterans even at that time. He said "You're a lucky man. When you get back to the world, this purple heart, and a nickel, will get you a free cup of coffee at almost any diner".

I'm sorry for the rant. For my fellow vets, happy Veterans Day, tomorrow, November 11th.

11-10-2009, 05:53 PM
Bruce allthough I did not serve I have so much respect for people like yourself who went through so much for this great country my son is in the navy and my grandfather served 25 years in the army just wanted to say thank you to ALL VETS i will be thinking of all alive and dead when i im out fishing tomorrow thank you to all :HOMETOWN:

11-10-2009, 06:08 PM
Happy Veterans day back at you Bruce Watson & to everyone who has ever served, and a big middle finger to my drill instructor to whom I still harbor a grudge after all these years...ha ha! :LOL:

11-10-2009, 06:39 PM
Hey Bruce, thank you for your service. The reason I can do what I do, when I want to do it - is because of vets like you. Thank you

Nessie Hunter
11-11-2009, 07:49 AM
Well said Mr Watson, well said!!!

My flag was up at Dawn...

Many thanks to those that are serving, have served, and a special Thanks to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice..

Your service to our country and freedom is appreciated.


In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned.

When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
~Mark Twain, Notebook, 1935

This Nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
~ Elmer Davis

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
~ Cynthia Ozick

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke


mil sonrisas
11-11-2009, 08:34 AM
Happy Veteran's Day to all. Thank You for serving our country!

trail blazer
11-11-2009, 09:01 AM
THANK YOU,,,,,to all our fellow VETS,,,,,,,,,

11-11-2009, 09:15 AM

11-11-2009, 11:29 AM
Happy Veteran's day to all vets! My flag never comes down holiday or not!


11-11-2009, 12:57 PM
Yeah Bruce! You guys deserve more for the services you guys provided and what you guys went through. America thanks you guys!

My grandpa spent over 20 years in the Coast Guard and worked his way up to Chief Engineer. He patrolled the canals back in the day with a 50 caliber and is lucky to survive it. A scary job to have. My dad served in Vietnam and is one subject he won't often talk about.

11-11-2009, 01:22 PM
Happy Veteran's day to all vets too ..

But when is a holiday not a holiday , just wondering as we all
sitting around here at work bored

Granny Fish
11-11-2009, 02:14 PM
Bruce, sometimes I feel like Veteran's day is just another day for government workers to get paid to do nothing. I think emlployed Vets should get the day off as a paid holiday.

There are plenty of programs being put on around town for the Veterans, but those sale ads always irk me. Stores are using the holiday to boost sales rather than show appreciation for the Vets.

Other companies should take an example from Knott's. Not only does the Vet get in to Knott's for free, the Vet can also take a guest for free and other family members get in for only $15 each. Also, they run the special for two weeks not just for the day.

Freedom is not free! Thank you to all who have made the sacrafice to serve.:UDaMan:

bruce watson
11-11-2009, 04:30 PM
Thanks for all the replies. Tammy brings up an unusual idea that I've sometimes thought about.That idea works out pretty good for only workers get off on labor day. Bosses would still have to show up to work. Only vets on Veterans day. Only Christians on Christmas. Only legal citizens would have picnics on the 4th of July. Now my problem would be Memorial Day. Do only the dead get the day off? Or should it be granted to only the next of kin of the dearly departed?

11-11-2009, 05:34 PM
Bruce, I will take a mnte to thank all the vets for all the freedom we have in this country. No where else in the world will you find what we have here in the USA. As You know, I work for the county and yes we have today off, vets day. We had a very special tribute to all the vets in our office and after all the thanks, we let them go home at noon with pay as well as having today off. I fly my AMERICAN flag everyday and remember all those scrafices that have been made over the years for us including many of my family members who have served from WWI through the current years. My family can boast vets in the Navy, airforce, marines, and the army. My own daughter is a R marine. Commericalism for any holiday needs to stop, sure makes it less of a rememberance "have a sale" Lets get back to giving honor to those who have served. OFG

11-11-2009, 05:51 PM
Bruce, I will take a mnte to thank all the vets for all the freedom we have in this country. No where else in the world will you find what we have here in the USA. As You know, I work for the county and yes we have today off, vets day. We had a very special tribute to all the vets in our office and after all the thanks, we let them go home at noon with pay as well as having today off. I fly my AMERICAN flag everyday and remember all those scrafices that have been made over the years for us including many of my family members who have served from WWI through the current years. My family can boast vets in the Navy, airforce, marines, and the army. My own daughter is a R marine. Commericalism for any holiday needs to stop, sure makes it less of a rememberance "have a sale" Lets get back to giving honor to those who have served. OFG
Well said I also work for county and will enjoy the time off work.But I also realize the true meaning of veterans day and thank all not on the holliday but everyday.

Sea Monkey
11-11-2009, 09:42 PM
Happy Veteran's Day Bruce.

I spent today at the Riverside Veteran's Cemetary with my brother.
Happy Veteran's Day Skeeter. I hope you're resting in peace. Semper Fi.

bruce watson
11-12-2009, 12:05 PM
Hey "Biker Chick" Sea Monkey.

I thought about you yesterday. I had some VVA friends riding as a group out to Riverside and remembered you were dating a guy with a bike. I gave up my last bike about 6 or 7 years ago when my illness was getting worse. But still keep that M1 endorsement on the license, cause hope springs eternal.

Nessie Hunter
11-12-2009, 12:26 PM
I gave up my last bike about 6 or 7 years ago when my illness was getting worse. But still keep that M1 endorsement on the license, cause hope springs eternal.

I keep my endorsement also Bruce, just in case!!!!!

By the way buddy.
I found that pic of you I was looking for, riding your last Chopper !!

Sea Monkey
11-12-2009, 12:53 PM
HAHA "Biker Chick"... well, so far every "EX" has had a bike... cept one and he just fishes. :)

I'm digging the "Chopper" pic.. haha, Scooter Gang!!!!

Hope all you Vets had a good day.

bruce watson
11-12-2009, 06:34 PM
HEY, Nessie,

I actually had a little Honda 50 that looked a lot like that Vespa back in '62. I saw the ad in Boys Life magazine and saved my pennies until I had $215.00.

Sea Monkey, you said you always dated guys that rode bikes. How old were you in 1962? In that case, how old was your mother?

Sea Monkey
11-13-2009, 09:56 PM
HAHA! I was 2!!! My mom was 24!

Granny Fish
11-13-2009, 10:52 PM
Bruce - How old were you in 62'?

bruce watson
11-14-2009, 08:15 AM
Let's see, I believe I was 14 in 1962. Just starting to steal my old man's Old Spice, Pall Malls, and Trojans.

And Tammy, were you even born yet? I think Mike and I are the same age.