View Full Version : Got Swine Flu... anybody have advice?

11-10-2009, 02:54 PM
So I'm stuck at home rocking the high fever, dead tiredness, and sore throat. :Sad: Anybody have any idea on how to make this go away ASAP? I went to the Dr. and got Tamiflu, so if you guys have anything else I could do to get better that'd be appreciated.

Suggestions like recipes or good movies to rent would be nice.

Thanks guys!

11-10-2009, 03:05 PM
gotta take it easy...easiest way to get rid of it so far is to rest. As far as movies...

Comedy: I love you man, hangover, role models, old school
Action: Phelam 123
Comedy/chick flick (actually decent): My best friends girl, ugly truth

Haven't seen much of anything else lately...

Hang in there bro, get some rest and bounce back soon!


11-10-2009, 03:57 PM
I agree with flyforfish21...get alot of rest. drink plenty of liquids. Some guy at work got really sick, his flu turned into something more serious, it just kicked his ***** and he ended up with asthma. So the doc gave him an inhaler and some meds for the next few months til it all clears up. So just relax and take it easy. BTW, all the movies mentioned are good choices. Hope you feel better soon.

fisherman from long beach
11-10-2009, 04:20 PM
take 800mgs of iboufren,take some tylenol,plenty of fluids,and rest.i just took my son to the dr,and he has flu,not swine,but she said they treat it the same.if not getting better,go back and see the dr.

11-10-2009, 04:56 PM
go to www.hulu.com and enjoy

11-10-2009, 10:39 PM
Theraflu. It will make you feel a whole lot better. Trust me, this stuff is magic.

11-11-2009, 12:08 AM
Nyquil, vit C, sleep sleep and more sleep and don't forget the chicken soup.......lots of H20 too......feel better soon

11-11-2009, 12:10 AM
Fishing usually makes me feel better.

11-11-2009, 12:19 AM
Damn Marc... sorry to hear... :Neutral: Rest up and get well buddy. :Cool:

11-11-2009, 12:23 AM
Sorry to hear that Marc, get well soon buddy....all the above is solid advice and some good home made chicken soup with rice couldn't hurt either. Get well soon.


11-11-2009, 01:14 AM
Every Pharmisist told me this..... "drink plenty of liquids".

I hope I dont catch it.I havent been sick since like may !:Cool:

11-11-2009, 03:15 AM
So I'm stuck at home rocking the high fever, dead tiredness, and sore throat. :Sad: Anybody have any idea on how to make this go away ASAP? I went to the Dr. and got Tamiflu, so if you guys have anything else I could do to get better that'd be appreciated.

Suggestions like recipes or good movies to rent would be nice.

Thanks guys!

My advice is follow your medications prescribed by you Dr., take Tylenol 1000mg for the fever. haha i have so many patients coming into hospital with so many different types of the flu, but the treatments for most of them are the same. Maybe for congestion, you could try one of those vicks vaporizers.
For food, I'm not Vietnamese, but I think it's tough to beat a nice hot bowl pho haha. Well get well soon

11-11-2009, 10:52 AM
Cannabis. Very useful for influenza, not only does it combat inflammation, but it will also make you feel a little better. It will give your lungs relief, stop you from puking your guts out, and allow you to relax and heal quicker.

And music will sound better =P

11-11-2009, 12:48 PM
I've heard that the russians are showing promising reults with animal sacrifice. Tamiflu is probably your best bet at this point, take your time off work to enjoy a few good movies.

11-11-2009, 01:22 PM
flyforfish21: Good movie suggestions Geoff. I asked one of my buddies to drop I love you man and the Hangover by the house today. Never seen them, so it should be fun.

evalrez: The Dr was concerned that it not go into my lungs too (have asthma), and told me to chug water bottles all day. I think I am on the 4th right now.

FFLB: Tylenol is definitely helpful (got my fever to below 100), and hope your son gets better soon.

Simpleyman: I've managed to catch up on House thanks to Hulu... I thought it was an appropriate choice.

guest007: Is that any different than Tamiflu?

olfishergal: Never thought about additional Vitamin C. My dad's got some lying around, so I'll mix it in with some water in a bit. 1 teaspoon good?

Sansou: Fishing would be nice, but I doubt I could make it down to the beach let alone stand for a few hours. :LOL:

Wingnut: Will do Arthur. The surf is calling me!

TD: Thanks Aaron, my grandmother's been filling me with the chicken soup remedy. Much better than the pills. No weird side effects!

HittsOn: Hope you don't either... it is not fun.

ryanr0cks: I'll give those Vick's a shot since I got stuffed up last night and it's not going away. Too bad I don't live near any pho places otherwise I'd definitely pick up a bowl.

smokehound: Cannabis not good for me. One of my friends has it for a legit football injury (spine/kidney damage) and it helps him a lot, but I don't touch that stuff (hate things that mess with my mind).

TB: Animal sacrifice is too messy. Appreciate that tidbit of info though. :LOL:

To all: Thanks and I appreciate the well wishes and advice!

11-11-2009, 02:18 PM
ask your friend if he will go to the cannabis dispensary for you and pick up a couple edibles, like brownies or something. the effects are way different, more of a relaxing body feeling. trust me you will thank me.

11-11-2009, 04:00 PM
Sorry to hear that, man. My BFF just got out of the hosp after getting dengue fever. Not very fun at all...

Quick tip for sore throats and relief from coughing your lungs out: Hot tea with freshly squeezed lemon and some honey. That'll let you get some sleep as well.

Get well soon!

11-11-2009, 04:31 PM
some vaporU and a 7ap

Hope you feel better soon...

11-11-2009, 05:25 PM
This is an old wives remedy, but I remember my grandma giving us q teaspoon of kerosene with honey in it for a cough. I would never do that myself but interesting to say the least. Use the vicks steam vaporizer and rub some extra vicks on your chest. Very effective since you have asthma. Hopefully your Doc gave you an inhaler to use to open the clogged air sacks in your lungs. Any trouble breathing or coughing up green goobers, go back to the doc right away. For the Vit C 500 to 1000mg is a good dose when your sick. Hot tea, chicken soup, water, gatoraide or anything else clear liquid style will all help relieve those aches and pains. Be careful with the tylenol. It can be quite hard on the liver if you use too much. Cannibus! Oh pleeze, just what you need for the asthma. stay away from that chit......Look peeps, don't bother with the hate mail about MJ, I've heard it all allready.........Feel better, flu is no fun.....OFG

Granny Fish
11-11-2009, 08:19 PM
If you have asthma, I would advise you to stay away from the Vicks. The strong smell could trigger an asthma attack. If you are certain it is not a trigger for you then go for it. Otherwise, I think the advise of lots of rest and liquids is the best medicin. I hear the Tamaflu works pretty fast. Hope you feel better and don't have any complications.

11-11-2009, 09:02 PM
Pr0n cures all!

calico killer kevin
11-11-2009, 09:34 PM
Pr0n cures all!
:LOL::ROFL::LOL: Classic

Pho my friend, Pho...
Okay since you legitimately have swine flu, I am curious as to how the symptoms differ from regular flu. How do you feel? Very interested because I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone, even the swine flu wannabes.

Feel better bro. Buying tackle always, always make time go by quickly.:Envious:

mil sonrisas
11-12-2009, 06:52 PM
First of all, hope you feel better. There's nothing better for you than rest.
As for what the symptoms are, the answer varies from doc to doc. What I do know is that when you go to you healthcare provider and show any symptoms similar to flu A, you will automatically be tested to rule it out. If your test comes back positive, it only means you tested positive for the flu A antigen, Not necessarilly swine flu. Most of the tests I've run, were positive for "swine flu like " virus. By the time these results were out, the patient was already feeling better.
It takes a couple days to finalize these results. So if your doctor told you you had swine flu the same day, he might mean you had flu A and possible it was h1n1 inflluenza. if you were in generally good health before, you really have nothing to worry about. A few days rest and you should be all better. Now if conditions worsen, then a trip to the er is definately due.

(Just so you know, I work in a lab, and out of about 3000 test, only 164 cases were confirmed to be a swine like flu virus)

11-12-2009, 08:19 PM
Me and my seven year old just got over it. Pregnant wife dodged it. The kid got tamiflu, I killed mine with rest, lots of liquids and a slight vitamin c overload, lol. We were both over it in three days. It was no worse then any other flu i've had. Fever, aches, chest cold, generally not feeling up to par. Some of our friends would not come over to our house five days after we were better. Media skeered em. :ROFL:

11-25-2009, 01:41 PM
Drink 3-4 mountain dews a day. Don't laugh it works. mountain dew does have orange juice in it.

11-25-2009, 09:58 PM
Drink 3-4 mountain dews a day. Don't laugh it works. mountain dew does have orange juice in it.


Aside from getting a stomache ache and triggering temporary tweakish behavior, what does it do for the flu???

11-26-2009, 01:05 AM

Aside from getting a stomache ache and triggering temporary tweakish behavior, what does it do for the flu???

I was thinking the same thing . :LOL:

11-26-2009, 01:20 AM
take two prostitutes in the evening, with a glass of water.

Oh, and to totally ruin things for everyone, vitamin C actually does NOTHING to stop you from catching a cold/the flu. No matter how powerful your immune system is, a virus will still easily infect you.

11-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the advice guys... even the questionable ones.:ROFL:

I mainly slept and drank soup all day for 5 days before I could start being normal again. The annoying thing about it was a sore throat that stuck around for a few days after the fever died down. That's gone now, so I am totally fine.