View Full Version : Striper/Swimbait rod combos?

11-06-2009, 01:24 PM
Whats up guys. Im going to hit DVL tomorrow to try to get in on the big stripers hitting the stocker trout. I have never thrown a swimbait, but I decided to buy some 6" stocker trout. Now I have some rods that I think are suitable. The biggest freshwater reel I have to use is a penn captiva 4000, but it doesnt hold much. I think 160 @12 lbs.

Anyway, I might as well buy a striper/swimbait setup, but I dont want to spend like 400 bucks. I dont mind spending 200 perhaps. 200 is my limit. Keep in mind I would like to make it a spinning combo if at all possible. Do you guys have any suggestions?

I am going to basspro tonight to get some dropshot hooks, so I can buy the rod and reel there if I can get some good suggestions in the next couple of hours. How long of a rod do I need, what strength/action should it have? How big of a reel do I need? Can this be done in a spinning setup, for 200 bucks, or do I need to save up to buy a baitcaster and fight through the backlash until I get the hang of it?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you guys.

11-06-2009, 01:37 PM
Are any of these 3 strong enough?

http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_10203728_100002006_100000000_100002000?cmC at=CROSSSELL_SEARCH
http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_104157_100002006_100000000_100002000?cmCat =CROSSSELL_SEARCH

And if so, what would be a good reel to pair it with?

11-06-2009, 01:54 PM
BTW, what reel is comparable in size to a calcutta 400 without the 400 dollar price tag?

Thanks again.

tall tales
11-06-2009, 02:08 PM
try the bass pro swimbait combo i think its the nitro or extreme not sure. spinning rods will work but the bait cast to me is better. i also have a shimano corvalus reel which is there cheaper model but have got lots yellowtail and fish to 40lbs on that reel. to me its up to how much you want to spend. check ebay for the calcutta i just bought 2 in the last month. each i got for $60 plus whatever shimano charges for tune ups. good luck just might go to dvl this weekend also. tt

Fire Ball
11-06-2009, 03:49 PM
You could get a St Croix Mojo Bass rod and then Shimano Cardiff reel. My friend suggests the Cardiff (it is what he uses for swimbaits) and I have a Mojo Bass rod, but the drop shot version. It is well built and I checked out the swimbait rod too and it seems like it would be great for swimbaits. It is a baitcasting combo, I don't know how well a spinning combo will work.

The combo should be a little over $200, I think. Definitely worth it to spend a little more.

11-06-2009, 04:08 PM
I would n't go the way of a spinning rod, your finger will be cut up from the line diggin in your finger, casting that large swimbait. BPS and Cabelas have great combos for under $200. Just match the average weight of the swimbaits being used and buy a 7 footer medium to heavy action, prob throwing 1- 3 ounces. Check the reviews on the reel you are picking out, they can really help narrow down what reel you want. I wouldn't get anything less than 7 ball bearings. This would work http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_102965_100003001_100000000_100003000_100-3-1
or this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20166-cat20285&id=0065499124277a&navCount=1&podId=0065499&parentId=cat20285&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=IK&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true

good luck on those pigs linesides.

11-06-2009, 04:25 PM
Up your limit to about $250-300 because for $200 you'll be really limited...

Fireball is right on the money! Mojobass+Cardiff(or Corvalus) would be a good setup.

Don't get the carrot stix. I have one, as much as I love it, you can't use braid because the guides aren't too good,,,I don't use braid so I love it....


11-06-2009, 04:32 PM
The St. Croix Mojo Bass Swimbait Rod Lure 1-4 oz. is your best bet for a versatile rod. St. Croix makes awesome rods and offers them at great prices.


And for the reel I would definitely go with an Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 6500. Abu Garcia's are a reel with a reputation. With the 6500 you will have the line cap you want and the if you decide to bait and wait you got the bait clicker.


I believe that puts you right around 200 bucks!

11-06-2009, 07:28 PM
thanks for the advice everyone. I did up my max price, and I went bigger. I got an okuma 7111 xh and a shimano cardiff 400. The okuma rod was 124, and the reel was 119. so, after tax I spent about 260 for a really nice setup. Now, I dont have the dough to get a punker, so I got a castaic trout, and a couple of 6" soft trout swimbaits from wally world. We'll load em up and see what happens tomorrow at DVL. Thanks guys.

11-06-2009, 07:35 PM
thanks for the advice everyone. I did up my max price, and I went bigger. I got an okuma 7111 xh and a shimano cardiff 400. The okuma rod was 124, and the reel was 119. so, after tax I spent about 260 for a really nice setup. Now, I dont have the dough to get a punker, so I got a castaic trout, and a couple of 6" soft trout swimbaits from wally world. We'll load em up and see what happens tomorrow at DVL. Thanks guys.
Nice! I totally forgot about the Okumas! lol... those rods are seriously the best bang for the buck! Lifetime warranty is nice too! Good luck out there bro!

11-07-2009, 10:39 AM
Return the Castaics and wally world trouts if you can. Swimbaiting is not the plae to skimp on lures. You'll waste more money buying cheaply made swimbaits and not catching much as opposed to picking up good quality baits that you KNOW will catch fish from the get go.

Some affordable baits that are high quality are plastic 8in or 6in Lunker Punkers, all the Huddlestons, Spro BBZs, Mattlures Bluegills and Bass (hard and soft versions), all the Tylures, and the 3:16 Rising Son and Mission Fish (highly recommend these). Those have all caught a lot of big bass, and don't break the bank.

Brands to avoid would be Castaic and Reaction Strike.

Wait until you get into the 3:16 hardbaits... you'll know you've been bitten by the swimbait bug when you are tossing a lure that costs more than what you paid for your reel. :ROFL:

11-07-2009, 07:04 PM
Return the Castaics and wally world trouts if you can. Swimbaiting is not the plae to skimp on lures. You'll waste more money buying cheaply made swimbaits and not catching much as opposed to picking up good quality baits that you KNOW will catch fish from the get go.

Some affordable baits that are high quality are plastic 8in or 6in Lunker Punkers, all the Huddlestons, Spro BBZs, Mattlures Bluegills and Bass (hard and soft versions), all the Tylures, and the 3:16 Rising Son and Mission Fish (highly recommend these). Those have all caught a lot of big bass, and don't break the bank.

Brands to avoid would be Castaic and Reaction Strike.

Wait until you get into the 3:16 hardbaits... you'll know you've been bitten by the swimbait bug when you are tossing a lure that costs more than what you paid for your reel. :ROFL:

I actually got a strike today on the castaic platinum trout, but I missed it. I was looking at the 3:16 armageddon last night. 140 bucks for a damn swimbait? I want that lure to at least kiss me after I pay it 140 bucks.

11-07-2009, 07:29 PM
I actually got a strike today on the castaic platinum trout, but I missed it. I was looking at the 3:16 armageddon last night. 140 bucks for a damn swimbait? I want that lure to at least kiss me after I pay it 140 bucks.

A Castaic got a strike! :Shocked::Surprised::EyePop:

The orginal 12 in castaic hard head trouts and original castaic hardbaits were actually killer lures, but the new stuff just hasn't been up to par with what other makers are doing.

If it worked for you though, keep at it. Confidence in your lures is the most important thing.

Where'd you find an Armageddon for $140? That's a steal! Normally they are $200 after tax.

The price might be a shocker, but nothing else on the market really compares to it. You get what you pay for, and Born Again Armageddons really catch fish. Are they worth it.... to me yes. I've caught as many bass under 10lbs that I care to do. What I want is one over 10lb, and I think the BAA gives me a great shot at that. I'm a more active fisherman, and I can work that bait in so many ways that I never get bored. I can also cover water a little more quickly.

All that being said, a Huddleston Deluxe or Rising Son will stick you a 10lb fish and not break the bank. No need to drop the $$$ on a high end bait if you don't want to, but there is a reason people buy them. Maybe try a Wake Jr to give yourself an idea... or not since you'll be addicted afterwards! :LOL:

11-17-2009, 10:42 PM
I have only tried it a few times.
I use a Penn 965 w 25lb test on a Graftech GIS 80H 20-30lb 8ft rod.
She is almost stiff enough to get the job done.
My PB was a 9+ pounder from Casitas.
She bit a 8" Reaction rubber trout!
FWI, Turners has been blowing them out at $10! I now have a spare.
It's a nice looking bait, just add trap hook to the top and you are good to go.
She is heavy so you need some serious backbone to toss. You can pickup that rod for about $100 on sale. The reel was a quality Ebay item for about $120.
It's almost time to start packing it on my boat to show Mr Stripy.

Now you know