View Full Version : Army Victims

11-06-2009, 01:16 PM
Thoughts and Prayers for the soldiers and thier families of yesterdays Ft Hood massacre. Just tragic.

11-06-2009, 01:32 PM
Same here. I hope that son of a ***** lives so the UCMJ will sentence him to death by firing squad.

11-06-2009, 01:45 PM
What a tragedy.

Will be interesting to see if he ultimately gets the firing squad or he gets a JAG that can pull off a "twinky defense" of some sort.

But honestly, I don't think I've ever met a shrink that wasn't one taco short of a combo plate.

11-06-2009, 03:29 PM
What a tragedy.

Will be interesting to see if he ultimately gets the firing squad or he gets a JAG that can pull off a "twinky defense" of some sort.

But honestly, I don't think I've ever met a shrink that wasn't one taco short of a combo plate.

Tragic indeed ..

I'm curious why it took a cop to plug him in the end , are the army out of bullets too ?

11-06-2009, 04:07 PM

When you are on post or in garrison, weapons are stored at the armory. So, it's not as if you can run around to the PX or hang out in the barracks or something with your M16 in tow.

Also, most major Army installations have Federal Police doing the day to day "police work" on post, with more military policework duties delegated to MPs (ie. post security, investigations, running the stockade etc...).

As to why that cop in particular got to plug that coward, well, I don't know.

11-07-2009, 12:01 AM
Reportedly he shouted allah akbar as he opened fire.

This is why i hate the media, they are so peecee, they wont highlight this as a terrorist attack!! He planned this from the get-go, you can tell!

We are a marine corps family. We share our condolences!

Im happy he survived. No glorious death for you, murderer!! Enjoy that plastic tube down your throat!!

Watch-- the instant he wakes up, he's gonna pull some other crap, and more people are gonna die.. >=(

The army funded his education, and this is how he repays them!? Makes me sick to my stomach.

11-08-2009, 08:36 AM
Not sure whAT code in the UCMJ that spells out what the consequences are for aiding the enemy in wartime- but I believe it is death. But when is the last time that the military justice system actually sentenced a service member and carried out an execution during past wartimes? WWII/KOREA/VIETNAM/GULF WAR? After this coward heals(if he heals) from his gunshots they may just throw the pos in leavensworth or Gitmo? with CBS/CNN/FOX all over it.....

11-08-2009, 08:58 AM
Not sure whAT code in the UCMJ that spells out what the consequences are for aiding the enemy in wartime- but I believe it is death. But when is the last time that the military justice system actually sentenced a service member and carried out an execution during past wartimes? WWII/KOREA/VIETNAM/GULF WAR? After this coward heals(if he heals) from his gunshots they may just throw the pos in leavensworth or Gitmo? with CBS/CNN/FOX all over it.....treason, terrorism, murder.. It will be an outrage if they go easy on this guy just because he's a muslim.

11-08-2009, 10:11 AM
IF and WHEN he goes up for sentencing, and IF the recommended sentence is the death penalty, the president as CINC has to sign off on it.

That should be an interesting political fiasco that I'm sure the current administration will want to dodge.

11-08-2009, 12:33 PM
If sentenced to death for crimes against our Country I personally would like to see the F*&^%$ go up against the firing squad. LAst time I saw that was the mid to late 70's for that guy from Gary Indiana. It was televised live across our Nation. Anyone remember that ? I can't remember the guys name or the terriable crimes he was sentanced to death for , but I do remember that he requested the firing squad for his death sentance. By God he got .

11-08-2009, 08:00 PM
IF and WHEN he goes up for sentencing, and IF the recommended sentence is the death penalty, the president as CINC has to sign off on it.

That should be an interesting political fiasco that I'm sure the current administration will want to dodge.

No doubt, with the multiple punitive UCMJ articles that will be charged against him and the process, it may take years for the families to see justice-if that day comes. Back in 03 a soldier hurled some grenades in a tent as his comrades slept, I believe that guy is still locked up... Man, just hearing about the recent Coast Guard & Marine Helo collision and now this senseless shooting, I am totally bummed out, gotta get out on the water and fish.

11-09-2009, 07:24 AM
My condolences go out to the family. Very sad. I do have one question though... Does anyone else think that all the muslim biased sense 911 had anything to do with this? I'm not condoning what he did in anyway just asking a question.

fishin fool
11-09-2009, 11:17 AM
The guy your thinking of was named Gary Gilmore. I don't know what he did to get the death penalty. However, given the number of death sentences that have been carried out on inocent persons in this country (think DNA), I wouldn't be too fast in condemning him. But, that is beside the point. What would Jesus have done? I don't believe he would go all Rambo on this psychiatrist. I do know at least one psychiatrist who is not a taco short of a combo. I don't bring these points up to start a war here. I just think we all need to consider the unintended consequences of our collective decisions. We don't know if he snapped or planned it as a terrorist action. It's more likely that he was commiting suicide by cop while committing mass murder, possibly to make a political point. Certainly, no terrorist group has taken credit for this incident. I have heard both sides discussed in the news I watch and listen to. So, it is not being politically correct in the coverage. Lastly, I also find it tragic that this happened to our soldiers who are trying to protect us. However, nothing we say here will bring them back. It strikes me as a better idea to find out why this happened and try to prevent it from happening again.
In memorium,
Fishin Fool

11-09-2009, 06:15 PM
This is just the begining from these Alah believing terrorists. One day they will give the word, and every-one who buys a cup of coffee from 7-11 will be dead from some sort of poisoning.

11-11-2009, 10:58 AM
This is just the begining from these Alah believing terrorists. One day they will give the word, and every-one who buys a cup of coffee from 7-11 will be dead from some sort of poisoning.good thing im surviving on wild fish!

City Dad
11-12-2009, 03:47 PM
This is just the begining from these Alah believing terrorists. One day they will give the word, and every-one who buys a cup of coffee from 7-11 will be dead from some sort of poisoning.

What a thoughtful and well stated opinion... However, I fail to see the connection between terrorism and 7-11. Please elaborate.