View Full Version : Jess Ranch Again...

11-02-2009, 08:32 AM
Got a pass to go fishing from the wife and decided to hit up Jess Ranch again on sunday. I saw some very nice fish the last trip out so I had to give it another go. Got there early. An hour early to be exact. Forgot about the time change. Duh... :Embarrassed:

After an hour wait we set up shop by one of the inlets and went to work. Fishing was very slow all morning with one fish lost for me and that was it. There was plenty of fish around cruising but just none that were hungry. Once the sun came out you could see every nice fish cruising had a hook or jig in their mouth. They were nice fish over 5 pounds. Figures why they didnt wanna eat anything I threw at them.

Well 11 comes around and not one fish landed for me or my two buddies. I had gone through literally everything in my arsenal and the only thing I hadnt tried ends up being the key.(secret bait! sorry) We picked up limits for two of us and my other buddy got three in the next 2 hours. All decent fish and caught in 3-5 feet of water on 2# Pline. Watched every fish eat the bait. I love this place....:LOL: The fish here pull hard so be prepared if you guys hit it up. I ended up with a 4 pounder for jackpot and got myself a free Superbowl Dac Biet from Pho Belwood.:LOL: Thanks Linh...

Heres a few pics.

Jackpot Fish




11-02-2009, 09:18 AM
Nicely done! I'll be up there slammin them next weeked!

11-02-2009, 09:22 AM
Nice. What rod/reel combo is that. Just noticed it in the pics and your tackle warehouse shirt :)

11-02-2009, 09:52 AM
Nice. What rod/reel combo is that. Just noticed it in the pics and your tackle warehouse shirt :)

Its a Stella 1000 FB on a Phenix Elixir 7'6. I like to refer to it as "BabyGirl":LOL:

11-02-2009, 09:57 AM
quality fish man, nice work. Where does JR get the trout from, I notice they look like holdovers.

11-02-2009, 09:58 AM
Nice going on the trout. :Cool: Thanks for posting up .

11-02-2009, 01:48 PM
Jess Ranch raises it's own trout. They have a nice hatchery operation going there not only to supply their lakes, but also for many private and county lakes.

Their trout have broad shoulders, full fins and put up a great fight. For hatchery fish they taste good as well.....

11-02-2009, 05:53 PM
Jess Ranch raises it's own trout. They have a nice hatchery operation going there not only to supply their lakes, but also for many private and county lakes.

Their trout have broad shoulders, full fins and put up a great fight. For hatchery fish they taste good as well.....

I actually heard a guy talkin with the security guy and it sounded like some fish actually do get trucked in. Im thinking the smaller ones. They are all pretty fish still though. Full tails and awesome fighters...

11-02-2009, 11:19 PM
They get trucked in from their hatchery even though it is on the same grounds. That is how they are stocked in the lakes. No other way to get them in the lakes as far I can see???


11-03-2009, 12:47 AM
BEAUTIFUL fish Peter, ALMOST as pretty as the "BabyGirl" you caught it with! :LOL:

I KNOW I will be seeing you at the lake soon....


11-03-2009, 12:58 AM
sweet *** set up man

exactly what I would go with for a 600+ set up

wait til i hit the lottery

11-03-2009, 07:54 AM
They get trucked in from their hatchery even though it is on the same grounds. That is how they are stocked in the lakes. No other way to get them in the lakes as far I can see???


Ahhh. I see. Thanks for the clarification. Thats pretty sweet. How about the big boys though? Isnt that pond with all those monsters connected to the two little ponds with the bridge that connnects to one of the fishing lakes?

BEAUTIFUL fish Peter, ALMOST as pretty as the "BabyGirl" you caught it with! :LOL:

I KNOW I will be seeing you at the lake soon....


Thanks bro. Im hoping Irvine Lake. I will let ya know. Pm replied...

sweet *** set up man

exactly what I would go with for a 600+ set up

wait til i hit the lottery

Haha. It just felt so right when we touched that I couldnt just let her walk away man...:LOL:

I actually love trout fishing and fish atleast 20 times a winter so it gets work put in. The drag is sickly smooth on that baby.