View Full Version : Gold Cup Reels

11-01-2009, 07:41 PM
Hi everyone pretty new to fishing and this forum. I try to get out fishing at least once a week since last April, depending on the weather.
Last April bought two Gold Cup spinning reels at BPS a GC40B and a GC50B I was
told they were a good reel? Had a problem with the 40 right away. It would slice the line on the bail roller on the retrieve. Happened about a half dozen times before I figured out what was going on ( a couple times with fish on) Took it back to BPS they replaced it. So far it's fine. Last time I went to use the 50B bearings were making lots of noise. Took it back, out of stock, called me a few days later, went in they replaced it. Went out today to throw some lures into the duct. First cast on the retrieve sliced my line! Retied, second cast same thing! Same as my first 40B defect. I also noticed the drag knob assembly was a lot smaller on this 50B. Smaller then both the other reels??
Anyone else use these reels? Have you had any problems? I'm thinking when I take it back this time I should maybe get a different brand. Any suggestions will be appreciated:Confused:
Like I said I'm new to fishing. I don't know a good reel from a bad one.:Embarrassed:
The good thing is that they have replaced the reels with no hassle. Thanks BASS PRO SHOP!!

Nessie Hunter
11-02-2009, 07:14 AM
BPS has a great return/replace policy... Use it...

Go with a Daiwa or Shimano in same price range ($65), you wont be sorry..

Quality doesnt come in those off brand reels at all...

11-02-2009, 12:05 PM
Nessie Hunter,
Thanks for the suggestion, I think I should try another brand and save myself
the aggravation. It's a drag to get to a spot, get set up and then my gear doesn't work!! That's another reason I always try to have two poles with me.
It's as bad as getting all set up and then realize I forgot something.( like bait!!)
ha ha. Anyway thanks again. Live and learn.