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View Full Version : Anyone ever mixed Scents?

10-26-2009, 08:05 AM
I got some pro cure...Butt Juice I think. The one thing I don't like about it is that is washes off pretty fast, doesn't stay on the lc like smelly jelly, seems like the smelly jelly is vasaline based. Has anyone ever mixed scents before?

Smelly Jelly mixed with pro cure?

10-26-2009, 08:32 AM
i found a recipe a while back that i used that was

the oil from a can of tuna (in oil obviously) and powdered garlic i soaked night crawlers and shrimp in it before casting it in .. the cats bit on it but i cant say it was any better than without.

i also used straight tuna oil on my worms thinking it may keep the fish on the bite a little longer. the jury is still out on weather that works or not but the logic seems sound.