View Full Version : Feds to 60 Million American Anglers: We don't need you

10-23-2009, 11:25 AM
Oceans Policy Task Force will try to completely close down Fishing in AMERICA completely!!!! ANOTHER REASON OBAMA SHOULD BE KICKED OUT OF THE OFFICE, way to go; messed up health plan and no fishing. WTF dude?


Mojave River Angler
10-23-2009, 12:29 PM
The article inplys that the future of fishing is in our hands. Seems to me that fish blood is on the hands of the Obama voters. Thanks guys.

Revolution is coming.


10-23-2009, 01:03 PM
The opportunities for ninja fishing will be enormous !

Fire Ball
10-23-2009, 02:39 PM
The opportunities for ninja fishing will be enormous !

Exactly! If fishing is banned, I'm still going to be fishing, just not legally. :Twisted:

10-23-2009, 04:06 PM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.

10-23-2009, 05:56 PM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.
I at first though Obama was awesome, an inspiration if you may say.... I was never a hater or biased to him, never cared because of religion, or race(as I am a "Latino").... This isn't anything about me hating Obama, there are lots of Obama Lovers too and I respected that.... Don't be saying that anyone is a hater of Obama.... I have a reason!! This isn't from a CHAIN EMAIL!! It's right from a fishing manufacturer(SHIMANO) in which studied anything in the law about fishing, analyzed the Oceans Policy Task Force in which OBAMA CREATED, and also got a responce from the feds in what they believe.

Go to the link and read it thouroughly and now reply.

I'm not hating or anything just telling it like it is.... and the health plan does suck.... forbes,ny times etc all have something bad to say about it....

10-23-2009, 06:37 PM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.You liberals are hilarious.

How about you prove how hes NOT a socialist fascist piece of crap?

Why dont you just go back to blaming everything on Bush while you're at it.

The Rothschilds, Bildenbergs, and Rockafellers are the string pullers. Obama is just a stupid ghetto-fabulous puppet. And you bought into it! Like every other O-Zombie out there.

So how about you actively engage in intelligent debate, instead of ridiculous ***-hominem?

10-24-2009, 01:43 AM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.

We elected him as a Nation, so we should support him as long as he is in the office. That is how I see it. However, we don't have to love him. Topic of Obama is a whole different topic.

The article is real and it is rather radical (the wrong way against us fishermen). Man, I just spent a fortune on whole new set of gears for both freshwater and saltwater fishing.... Perhaps, I need to see if my Craigslist is still active...

10-24-2009, 10:09 PM
I didnt elect him. I dont elect socialists. =P

10-24-2009, 10:46 PM
Saw this on another forum



10-24-2009, 11:39 PM
Oceans Policy Task Force will try to completely close down Fishing in AMERICA completely!!!! ANOTHER REASON OBAMA SHOULD BE KICKED OUT OF THE OFFICE, way to go; messed up health plan and no fishing. WTF dude?


Thanks for the heads up

Hog Caller
10-25-2009, 09:51 AM
This thread just confirms to me that people in general want to hate and blame someone for everything. If any of you fools think you really know whats going on you're the crazy one.

If you want something to think about...have a look on youtube at the ZeitGeist videos on religion, 9-11, the federal reserve, etc...Still made by men but, very interesting none the less. Doesn't favor any one side. Just points out interesting facts.

10-25-2009, 10:10 AM
zeitgeist on religion is amazing. Another excellent film is America from freedom to fascism, talks in depth on the federal reserve.

10-25-2009, 03:45 PM
This thread just confirms to me that people in general want to hate and blame someone for everything. If any of you fools think you really know whats going on you're the crazy one.

If you want something to think about...have a look on youtube at the ZeitGeist videos on religion, 9-11, the federal reserve, etc...Still made by men but, very interesting none the less. Doesn't favor any one side. Just points out interesting facts.Made by man? What the hell is it supposed to be made by? God? LMAO

All this is to you is interesting facts? What the hell!? You find our lack of freedom interesting. Man, go back to sleep, sheep. The libs made a nifty new feedbag for you.

10-26-2009, 08:32 PM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.

How about Obama is a give away my tax payer dollar to every-one who wants to drop out of school, get no education, have 5 or 6 kids, and collect welfare, while eating better than me, and drive a better car than me, while i work overtime to buy my kids school clothes, save for there education, and pay for there healthcare bleepin democrat :ROFL:

10-26-2009, 09:32 PM
I didnt elect him. I dont elect socialists. =P

get em smokehound! I with ya! Cant stand the socialist party! Now no more fishing? :Angry:

10-26-2009, 09:40 PM

Back to the Fishing Closure in the whole USA!!! lol

I dont care what race/religion/democrat/republican or whatever you believe in.


10-26-2009, 09:40 PM
If Obama takes away fishing he's gonna be in some deep ish.

10-27-2009, 07:20 AM
The economy is screwed. We are still years away from a recovery and the whitehouse is spending money on shutting down fishing?:Rolls Eyes: Dont they have better things to do! How much more will they take from us?

10-27-2009, 02:33 PM
You liberals are hilarious.

Fixing this mess that is the result from the previous administration is no joke. Stop laughing. If your not part of the solution ....

How about you prove how hes NOT a socialist fascist piece of crap?

How about you prove he is

Why dont you just go back to blaming everything on Bush while you're at it.
If the shoe fits ....

So how about you actively engage in intelligent debate, instead of ridiculous ***-hominem?

Can't be accomplished while the opposition is piss and vinegar.

10-27-2009, 06:11 PM
1. Fixing this mess that is the result from the previous administration is no joke. Stop laughing. If your not part of the solution ....

2. How about you prove he is

3. If the shoe fits ....

4. Can't be accomplished while the opposition is piss and vinegar.

1. Fixing the mess? More like making it worse.
2. That didn't answer the question.
3. It doesn't.
4. Wow really? Real mature.

Mojave River Angler
10-27-2009, 06:13 PM
Hey, I have to agree with Geordy on this one. There is plenty of high priority stuff to attack with all the stuff that is going on these days. Bringing race or other stuff in only lets other know our priorities are upside down. If we could get together and agree that it important to us that fishing remain legal and not insanely difficult to comply with all the stupid regs that people we pay come up with...now we have something we can make progress on. Lets focus on policy issues so our kids can have fun...after they figure out how to pay for the health care of a dead generation.

The Shimano dude is just giving us fair warning...if we continue to create an unfavorable environment for doing business...we get offered less in the end.

After watching the ATF illegally regulate hobby rocketry for 9 years...I and many others had to give up any business in the field. Many of us didn't do it for money...it's not that big of a business...but we came up with cool inventions and other's wanted access to them. We offered our wares for a reasonable price...and most of us lost money. When the feds came in and started fooling with peoples heads...they lost intrest and went back to their Xboxes indoors where the feds want them. Dad just didn't want the hassels of studying for a test...paying $90...driving to LA...being interrogated...for a Low Explosives User Permit. Oh, no, that isn't enough...dad has to take another test and pay another fee and be interrogated again to get a California Pyrotechnicians License Class 3...just so he and junior can go out to a desert lakebed and launch a few little rockets...after getting written permission from the land owner and notifying the local fire marshal. You don't even want to know about the explosives magazine gig. Did I forget the whole part about obtaining a FAA waiver just in case the rocket goes up to a certain altitude?

Now...translate all that into you and junior going out on your next fishing trip. Is that how we want this to be? We have to stop bad policy. Period.
I can see the stamps for every species and annual limits in my nightmares in broad daylight.

Thanks for entertaining my insanity for a moment.


10-27-2009, 07:49 PM
From "DavidE"

Fixing this mess that is the result from the previous administration is no joke. Stop laughing. If your not part of the solution .... Sorry, but I am the part of the solution.. All americans against gun control and socialism are your only hope for true freedom at this point.

How about you prove he is --Oh? How about a clip of him saying "I believe its good to spread the wealth around"? Go to youtube and type "obama spreading wealth around"

If the shoe fits .... The Socialist shoe NEVER fits, its always gonna be the size of the last person to wear it..

Can't be accomplished while the opposition is piss and vinegar. Yeah, I'm piss and vinegar for following the constitution.. great. Another person that can only respond in *****-hominem. You didnt even provide any form of real arguement.. Go back to slumberland, go back to believing everything the corporate media says, and be the happy slave that you are.

10-28-2009, 08:06 AM
From "DavidE"

Fixing this mess that is the result from the previous administration is no joke. Stop laughing. If your not part of the solution .... Sorry, but I am the part of the solution.. All americans against gun control and socialism are your only hope for true freedom at this point.

How about you prove he is --Oh? How about a clip of him saying "I believe its good to spread the wealth around"? Go to youtube and type "obama spreading wealth around"

If the shoe fits .... The Socialist shoe NEVER fits, its always gonna be the size of the last person to wear it..

Can't be accomplished while the opposition is piss and vinegar. Yeah, I'm piss and vinegar for following the constitution.. great. Another person that can only respond in *****-hominem. You didnt even provide any form of real arguement.. Go back to slumberland, go back to believing everything the corporate media says, and be the happy slave that you are.

Atta boy! Get em smokey! The truth hurts. It feels like the country is becoming more divided every day this knuckle head is in power. I await the second civil war!

But back on topic, what is the reasoning for closing down public fishing? Isnt it the netters and commercial fisherman that are decemating the fish population. Most sport fisherman only keep stocked fish, so how is that impacting the environment. It makes me nuts when these liberals want to make a name for themselves so they try to inforce stupid pointless rules.

10-28-2009, 09:59 AM
[QUOTE=duce;402126]Atta boy! Get em smokey! The truth hurts. It feels like the country is becoming more divided every day this knuckle head is in power. I await the second civil war!


How do you have a civil war when you cant buy ammo anywhere ?

10-28-2009, 01:15 PM
[QUOTE=duce;402126]Atta boy! Get em smokey! The truth hurts. It feels like the country is becoming more divided every day this knuckle head is in power. I await the second civil war!


How do you have a civil war when you cant buy ammo anywhere ?

6 oz/ 7/0 jigs come in handy!

Goerdy...stick to showing off your skunk infested carrot stick and your disposable outboards! :Envious:

Don't get me wrong I love Shimano but before everyone starts farting off comments in reaction to Shimano's public plead not to hurt their income, have you guys read the Memorandum sent by the White house? http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/2009ocean_mem_rel.pdf Excuse the leaders of our country for giving a crap about where we live...huh! Dam them!

Have you guys read the interim report sent back by the assigned "Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force" http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/09_17_09_Interim_Report_of_Task_Force_FINAL2.pdf. If you want to be heard, send a letter.

All the comments I have read online are geared towards the Shimano corp statement and nothing about the original memorandum or the interim report, that is still ongoing and waiting for feedback from "all stake holders."

No one knows whether you need your back scratched unless you ask for it.

Seriously...you really think the government would close down recreational activities like fishing? Don't you think the commercial fishing would be about 30 steps before the recreational fisherman?

What's up with the hate filled bubbles?

10-28-2009, 01:38 PM

6 oz/ 7/0 jigs come in handy!

Goerdy...stick to showing off your skunk infested carrot stick and your disposable outboards! :Envious:

Don't get me wrong I love Shimano but before everyone starts farting off comments in reaction to Shimano's public plead not to hurt their income, have you guys read the Memorandum sent by the White house? http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/2009ocean_mem_rel.pdf Excuse the leaders of our country for giving a crap about where we live...huh! Dam them!

Have you guys read the interim report sent back by the assigned "Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force" http://www.whitehouse.gov/assets/documents/09_17_09_Interim_Report_of_Task_Force_FINAL2.pdf. If you want to be heard, send a letter.

All the comments I have read online are geared towards the Shimano corp statement and nothing about the original memorandum or the interim report, that is still ongoing and waiting for feedback from "all stake holders."

No one knows whether you need your back scratched unless you ask for it.

Seriously...you really think the government would close down recreational activities like fishing? Don't you think the commercial fishing would be about 30 steps before the recreational fisherman?

What's up with the hate filled bubbles?

They dont read any of that, they just see Obama and all of their bitterness and hatred come pouring out. Only a Communist or Socialist would try to help the environment.

I do have a question though for all of you modern day confederates. When is your little revolution/civil war/race war going down, I want to be sure I put aside an hour or two to watch that on the news. Its a great cause you will be fighting for, be sure to go directly to the front lines and fight to the death.

10-28-2009, 03:37 PM
Hiro: Well said....(except the boat and carrot stix thing n000b).... Everyone, don't hate obama for being president.... don't hate him for being a "minority"....wtf? All you guys keep that racist crap to yourselves. I'm really just pissed that the government would allow that.... I also read somewhere else that the task force wants to close down coast to coast and lake fishing very soon.... But I ask myself self, how the heck are they gonna fund all of that? how is even the mlpa gonna fund it? I am in total confusion,,,lol,,, But really, If anyone mentions anything about racism etc, I'll get this shut down.

10-28-2009, 04:32 PM
How do you have a civil war when you cant buy ammo anywhere ?

Wars are fought in the courts now. Didn't you know?

10-28-2009, 07:39 PM

They dont read any of that, they just see Obama and all of their bitterness and hatred come pouring out. Only a Communist or Socialist would try to help the environment.

I do have a question though for all of you modern day confederates. When is your little revolution/civil war/race war going down, I want to be sure I put aside an hour or two to watch that on the news. Its a great cause you will be fighting for, be sure to go directly to the front lines and fight to the death.Man you are brainwashed... There's no hope for you, Guilliani.

10-28-2009, 09:30 PM
We elected him as a Nation, so we should support him as long as he is in the office. That is how I see it. However, we don't have to love him. Topic of Obama is a whole different topic.

The article is real and it is rather radical (the wrong way against us fishermen). Man, I just spent a fortune on whole new set of gears for both freshwater and saltwater fishing.... Perhaps, I need to see if my Craigslist is still active...

Im with you 200% once elected all RED WHITE & BLUE AMERICANS SHOULD SUPPORT.But that being said us fisherman need to be heard so we can protect what we love so our kids and grand kids etc.......CAN HAVE THE OUTDOOR EXPERINCE WE ALL ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-28-2009, 10:06 PM
The only civil war I see is when they ban fishing and they really try and stop the people on this website, white, black, red, brown , yellow and any other race I may have missed, from fishing....

10-28-2009, 10:39 PM
Obama- the messiah of the parasite.

10-30-2009, 03:26 AM
We can complain about Obama. We can say " LETS START A REVOLUTION". We can express our frustrations and outrage over how we are slowly loosing the basic liberties and freedoms that make up the foundation and principles for which this country was built upon. What about all the people who fought many of which lost their lives so that generations to come could have the freedom we enjoy today (but stand to lose tomorrow)? In my opinion I don't really care much about national security if it means I have give up my rights to fish.. Give me liberty or give me death...

We can point fingers argue about it on the internet but it won't do a dam thing to help us preserve our rights to fish. The fishing community in California has expressed outrage over all the corruption and injustice taking place with in the MLPA process. Which helped a little but really not much. Until we can effectively stop the politicians and extreme environmental lobbiest from making laws and creating policies which take away our rights nothing will change. If closures were based on science and the condition of our fisheries there would be no closures but it's a political game which so far we are not a part.

We (Anglers) as a group must unite and stand together as a group. Not just in California but throughout the country. We need to form an organized association something like the NRA but much larger. Our power is in numbers. If we remain separated and unorganized our representation will not be taken seriously by politicians (decision makers) and our voices will not be heard. If we represent 60 million votes plus all the friends and family we can sway for votes politicians in Washington are going to more interested in working with us. Even in California if we stand together as Anglers when election rolls around and we all get behind a candidate who is fishing friendly. Although it's hard to complete extreme environmentalists who are far fewer in numbers however have endless amounts of money to dump in the campaigns. Our strengths lie with in our numbers. Please introduce the great sport of fishing to others we need to continue to grow our team...Arguing among each other will do nothing to save our rights to fish. Divided we fall, united we stand.


J. Owen
10-30-2009, 04:36 AM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.

dude obama is no beter than any other pres we have had the only difference people see is he is black
that is all he has going for him he has been in office for a while now and hasnt done **** this is why i love my country but not my government

J. Owen
10-30-2009, 04:38 AM
and ps a revolution man ok dream on. i agree its bullstuff what he is tring to do but what can you really do about it the liberals won thats that but remember it will be over in 4 years:ROFL:

10-30-2009, 06:13 AM
It seems Obama's usefulness has hit its limit.

The media is starting to viciously slash him lately... Well..except NBC, they just LOVE obama... After all, they do live at Rockafeller center.. LMFAO!

But when the revolution starts, you bet your arses I'm gonna fight (and i dont mean that stupid protest B/S, i mean fight!! Hell, what do i have to lose? A life in a marxist-ruled country is hardly a life at all... I have no child or wife to leave behind. Only my blood to feed to the roots of liberty.. its necessary. its required!

I dont think the general public will tolerate another bush for long, more and more people are hating him, alot of them being former supporters! Whatever happens, it's going to be UGLY. You guys better have some guns!

10-30-2009, 09:33 AM
You Obama haters are hilarious, you just never give it up. Obama is an illegel alien, Obama is gonna take your guns away, Obama is a muslim, Obama is a terrorist, Obama is going to open up our borders, and now he is going to ban fishing. Dont believe every Email you get from some racist in a red state.
Are you so enamored with Obama that you are completely blind as to what is going on?
Instead of presenting facts to dispute what is obvious you just disparage the report and then disregard it.
Simplistic thinking by another simple minded liberal that believes anything the left says.

10-30-2009, 10:54 AM
California and the United States is in a hurt right now and they want to spend more of our money to shut down fishing. This is a bunch of bull #%*!.
What about putting more people out of work and most of the tackle stores and fishing boats that are owened by private people that have there live savings in. We need to unite and fight for our right to fish. I know I have lots of money in equipment. What about the you guys. Let fight to keep our rights. We pay higher taxes on fishing equipment to go for restoration of fishing areas.