View Full Version : striper fest 2009 - what a day/evening

10-19-2009, 05:32 PM
Wow, what ta say here, that was one of the most fun filled days I can remember in a long time.

There is a long list of things to say but all start with a report and I apologize for the lack of photos as I’m not always prone to take photos during the fishing day and I was so beat down from the day and busy at the event, I actually forgot to take any pics of my fish.

We got in line about 4:15 am, 3rd in line at that time.

After a short while, the line got longer and longer and soon it went way up the hill and around the corner.

We saw all the early shows there….

Boy, I’m sorry there was too many to list here but we all had a great time as we passed the time and we all enjoyed a little bit of trash talk as we drank our coffee’s and monsters…..

All while we waited patiently to hit the lake….

Awaiting our turn at bringing Mr. Stripey to the ultimate demise (and to the dinner table too for that fact).

Opening time….that means it’s “Go time” and the edrenaline instantly started pumping !

Bob was at the dock setting up the red carpet treatment as he rushed over and I gave him the crown for Trolly that I had picked up the night b4 courtesy of BK
(man that whole deal is just TOO FUNNY ! –I am still laughing as I type this ! )

Trolly and his crowning….WOW what a day already this was !

Off to the 1st spot, we saw Capt’n, fishyboy, Emilio, Geodybass and pop’s roll up behind us shortly after…

Dead water, no boils, no signs but it “felt fishy” as I slunk my trusty KPN mini shad, I got rolled on and swirled 2 times b4 I got a nice model that “blew up” on my topwater….

Zzzzzzz….Zzzzzzz ! oh yeah ! a real nice fighter….!

Hiro did my net honors and my 1st fish hit the boat, quality fish, probably about 4 lbs..

Another round of casts, right into the same 12’ parameter…

Whoosh !......

Hookup !..... within minutes of the 1st hookup !

Another cookie cutter 4 lbder peels my 12lb line drag !

This time I net my own fish as I wanted to make sure Hiro kept fishing…
It hits the boat…

Ahhh yes, 2 quality fish in the 1st 10-15 minutes or so….yeah….I like that.

At that point I was hoping for an off the hook pick at the nicer grade fish but it was going to prove to be a challenging day to find the active fish..

We moved on in search of the striper party, after about 4 sports, we trolled for about 15 minutes….metered many clusters of fish but they didn’t seem to want to join in the striper-fest festivities, or moreso-they probably didn’t want to be the “MAIN COURSE !” for our event.

Back to Elizabeth canyon…..

Zero active fish…no hookups…we moved on and on…..

I scratched a single fish off dead water on the ½ oz KPN skinny shad and Hiro managed a couple schoolies on topwater as well, again all off dead water.

We exploed some areas that I had not ventured into lately but yet still no more hookups.

Back towards Elizabeth to see if the later day bite might have developed…no fish in the target zones…they were definitely hunkering down somewhere else…

Then we found mega grouping of fish , we decided to troll on ‘em…

After 1 hookup and land….and about 8 passes, we decided to jig on them..


We ventured a little shallower to find another large grouping that provided a few quick hookups and then a fish or 2 after repeated passes, we saw out friends Jeff and Mikey in their rental boat and Jason “finsmackdown” and buddy trolling in the vicinity.

I shared a little info with them and told them what distance out on the troll line we were running (I hoped that helped you guys).

After repeated passes, the fish thinned out and the bite stopped so we were off again in search of a stripa’ killin’ party !

We saw KPN and Norm on the west ramp dock, as we passed by a boil started, Hiro and I both fired off a quick cast, I got boiled on twice and Hiro once but unfortunately no hookups : (

We came across a total of 4 sets of boils in those regions, most of them we arrived just seconds late though and the fish had gone down.

One of the boils we got on real quick and the timing was “PERECT”

BUT, I had just smeared flyline dressing on my line and I didn’t have time to properly wipe my hands off and right when I went to go fire a cast off, the line slipped from my fingers and the lure fell 3’ from the boat and my line tangled on the pole tip….
(Newb move—Dohhh!)

Damn !
While I was pzzzing away my chances at the boil…Hiro fired a cast to the boil zone..

Hookup !....another KPN topwater stripey ! (nice work buddy)

1 of that 4 sets of boils that we rolled up on late were all real nice 6-8lb class fish too but we didn’t get a decent shot at them…

Later in the afternoon, Trailbalazer and Cutbait came by, I gave Scott a smoke and we Bs’d a bit and yes, I was all business, I get into the fishing frenzy and try to focus on the water, I’m not always Mr.conversation but don’t take it personally, I just love ta fish and try to stay focused on the goal, we had only minutes left at that point and one 6 to 8 lb fish would have brought me into the running : ) (wump wump wump wahhhh-ha ha ha ha-didn’t happen though)

This day it was anyone’ win….anything could have happened, it was such a great challenge !

One real solid boil could have made any boat the winner…!

We searched and we trolled a bit too, we caught several fish but we did not get the WFO action we all were hoping for but by all means it was a good day considering the foul weather we had a few days prior to the event.

Many fish were caught this day and much fun was had so all in all I wouldn’t change a thing if I could, the weather worked out for us and people showed up strong !
It all fell into place !

My HUMBLE 6 fish stringer weighed in a 11 lbs 12 oz if I remember correctly, not enough to take trailblazers solid limit of 18 lbs plus some odd ounces (great job buddy-real nice work !)

Now as for the event festivities..

So many to thank, please excuse me if I haven’t mentioned your name or if I have
Forgotton your name, I met so many great people, I’ll always remember your faces though.

I must give thanks 1st off to EVERYONE for showing up to this fun event, you all showed up strong and fished strong, that’s what it’s about, I am smiling inside just knowing that we pooled this large group of people out on the lake and I can just imagine the level of fun each and every one of must have experienced at any given moment on the lake…great fun everyone….great fun…so thank you for being there to not only share that fun but to add to the fun, it wouldn’t have been the same without each one of you !

Another special thanks goes out to Dana for his raffle contributions, I wanted that cooking set but Raylo snatched it out b4 I could get my # called.
Thanks again for the wonderfull prizes, hopefully we'll see you out there next year : )

Thanks to all that brought materials to make the event function, Trailblazer and Cutbait for the generator, ladder for weigh in and for weighing all the fish, that was quite a task, thanks for that, Hiro and Captn’ for the spotlights and extension cords as well as Geordybass and pops for extensions as well, also I believe it was Mohave river angler that brought us the raffle tables, those were a great help as well.
I’m still catching up mentally so sorry if I’ve left anything out…

It was awesome seeing everyone out there, I saw a little cookout happening and we did end up beer battering some stripers for tacos later on that night (thanks to No-ho art for bringing the provisions for the tacos and geordy’s dad and geordy for cooking them, I made up the batter and we were in full party mode by then !

The Raffle table was off the hook, better than any year before, thanks to everyone and I’ll ask you all to give yourself a hand for a job well done.
(thanks to Kewlwip and Bob for putting the prize packs together for us)

I also must thank Lipripper and his wife, as I noted earlier, I didn’t take many pics, most of these photo’s were provided by the happy fishing couple-remember, a family that fishes together stays together, I got props for you 2
Good to see you both on the water having a great day-I salute you !

The prize table: (what a spread !)

The weigh in:
(thanks again bako feller’s for handling that weigh in that was a huge help-I guess when I gave you 2 those 16 striper it was well worth it – glad ya got on the win there Trailblazer – I’ll expect that check to be in the mail no later than wed !-ha ha ha –j/k)
Smallest fish weigh in…..woo-hoo
The happy fishing couple spoke to me earlier and said they had it locked in…

I said “ya better be careful on what you ask for…..you might get it !” they said….Uhh oh !
I said….well, you better consider what kind of twisted mind I have, for example, take a look at my shirt:
You never know what I have up my sleeve !
Tensions built within the happy couple…they didn’t know what was coming up next !

So…then it was trophy time..

Biggest fish went to none other than the Team Trolltoon member himself Pontoon !
Terry it was my pleasure to present you with this trophy, couldn’t have gone to a nicer guy…..very nice my friend, this give you and “the KING” back to back wins, you should both be very proud, what a slay pair you make (all pun intended)
I won’t speak about how I heard that you two were going to the “Motel No-Tell” down the hill with the romantic in-room spa’s to celebrate !
Again, huge congrats on the at 6 lb plus fish (you’ll have to let everyone know the ounces)
Then it was the heaviest stringer trophy..
This was taken by none other than one of the bako boys himself, Trailblazer !
Scott, one might say that I shouldn’t have talked so much smack about beating you in this tournament, well buddy, I wouldn’t have it any other way, we talked smack and had fun but in the end YOU showed me how it’s done, I got nothin’ but love for ya brotha’ but that don’t mean I’m still not gonna talk mo smack, I’m especially glad that you lost that pole on that fish that pulled it into the water, cause after I followed you for about 20 minutes…watching with binoculars..
I fished that spot, and low and behold, I snagged up a pole with a fish on it….that was # 6 on my stringer too and I scored me a new rig to boot…thanks again buddy !
Ha ha ha ha ha ! – J/K
Seriously, both you and Mike represented team 57 Bako style, great job, you took it to the stage !
Huge congrats on the win, you really earned it !

Then, it was the smallest fish trophy, I kept this one hidden till it was presented, I don’t think anyone quite expected what was going to be unveiled at this point, only Hiro and Khanh knew what I had done !
Ha ha ha ha ha…..oh…man, I’m still laughing but I’ll tell you 1 thing, only 3 people would leave this event with a trophy and none other than Lipripper himself would end up taking the 3rd one !
Through long painstaiking hrs and diligent stalking of all the schooling fish, Lippripper found his prized quarry, and after painful culling of his striper catches and throwing back numerous 3-5 lb fish, he achieved the ultimate goal with his fine 6 oz. prized catch..

Man, that’s dedication if I ever saw if, I’ll be sending you box of saltine crackers so you may make a meal outa that sucka !
Congrats on a job well done !
Here I am explaining how I was a shoe in for that trophy but somehow that 4 ouncer slipped through the loops in my net !
Another Huge congrats to you Lipripper !

Catfish KING seemed to approve of the festivities !

Then it was raffle prize time !
Many lures, what a great raffle we had, so much great stuff, I for one was gunning for that classic 1970’s fishin’magician (dohhh!)but I think Bob snachted that up to troll with!
Trolly, wondering if there were any Geritol packs on the table !
Trolly…FINDING a Geritol Pack on the table !
Here’s Bob receiving a special gift from myself, a floating Bobber Cooler !
Trolly was spending quite a long time in his special spot that day…..that give “chumming” a whole new meaning !
Afterward, I saw the SS relief SINK !....must have been all those meal worms !
Another great day on the water….couldn’t have asked for a better time..
And the day came to an end !

Thanks again to Lipripper and his wife for these wonferful photos, without them I’m sure my post would have been pretty boring, my fishin’ hat goes off to you both
Thank to ALL for a wonderfull event !
It was cause all of you that it was such a success.
I salute you all and congrats on all the feesh !


there was film footage done of some of the fishing songs, hopefully that will make its way on here.
Also, the beer battered fish tacos were da' bomb !
I'll encourage everyone to stay on through the night next time, the fun continued after !
I wrote tha original song "striper fest 2009" and I've already got an idea for the 2010 rendition !

Ooops, I almost forgot the group shots !

Looks like a happy group of anglers to me !

10-19-2009, 05:39 PM
Looks like everyone had a good time!

Congratulations to all the winners and CONGRATULATIONS PONTOON!
TEAM TROLLTOON continues to knock it out of the park this year!

Well done Gary, Bob & Hiro.....


10-19-2009, 06:11 PM
a couple last group pics that would not fit into my post..

Parting shot;;;;;

trail blazer
10-19-2009, 06:18 PM

a GREAT GREAT day/evening.

greatest bunch of people you could ever be involved with,,FNNers

Thanks gary for inviteing us <thanks to evbody who made it posible

10-19-2009, 06:56 PM
Gary, I just want to thank you and Hiro for putting a lot of hard work into Saturdays Striperfest. It was definitely a success and I'm hoping there'll be another one next year.
Great job you guys!:Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:
I had a blast all day Saturday Learning about how to catch those non-whiskered fish and casting into the boils. It was quite an experience. The down home music was a lot of fun and the only one missing from your playlist is The Ballad of Team TrollToon.....:LOL:

Once again, Great Job! and I hope to see more striper slayage reports from you real soon.

10-19-2009, 07:42 PM
what a great time Gary! good fishing, good folks, good times. Thank you Gary, Hiro n Bob.....

I would encourage everyone to camp out next year. We had a BLAST all night! Gary really knows how to have a good time and make you feel Specail:Embarrassed: like when he came up to each and everyone of us who stayed and sang us songs at the top of his lungs about a half inch from your face:ROFL: where else you gonna get that kinda treatment, AHHH man GOOD TIMES!
Kinda funny how we all braught tents but were too intoxicated to pitch them so we all slept in our cars:LOL:
Were just a bunch of big kids, like chasing raccons and throwing potatoe bugs:ROFL:

thanks to Goerdys pop and NOHO for the fish fry and tacos,,,,,anyone who hasnt had Garys beer batter is seriously missing out!
Thanks again Gary,GREAT job brotha. we got to get together n do some SANGIN!

10-19-2009, 07:46 PM
Good call to have the event now instead of January Gary. :Wink: Maybe you can have it on a Sunday next year so I could come. :LOL: Good times and I like those trophies. :Cool: Congrats to all the winners! :Envious:

Cow Patty
10-19-2009, 08:10 PM
Hey Gary,
Just wanted to give You, Bob and Hiro a Big Thanks for such a great event. This is a better time of the year to host this event. Lot's of fish caught this time. Which is only secondary to the friendship we all have.The plaque I won in the raffle says it all. Arrive Early Stay Late.


10-19-2009, 08:28 PM
Thank you for all the good times/memories!!! Gary, hats off to ya for the organization- and more, Bob- ya know tha deal, stripey slayer- ( Gary, ya can count on me always to help put the "goodie bags" together..sorry some of the raffle #'s- i had striper adrenaline while i was writing..every so often Hiro would say, kewly--what does that say? hahaaha), and all that participated, and gave up for the raffle, rods tipped!

Striperfest Class of 2009!! hahaah


10-19-2009, 08:31 PM

Panfish Junior
10-19-2009, 09:17 PM
Looks like everyone had a blast out there. I hope I could get one of those trophy next year... :LOL: Thanks for sharing!

Bucket bay
10-19-2009, 09:30 PM


Good times good people.

10-19-2009, 09:31 PM
good job you guys!!! looked like a good time...


10-19-2009, 11:10 PM
Oh that children of the corn, children of the earth thingy was creepy. Gary touched it. Looked like some alien spawn

10-20-2009, 12:00 AM
great report. looks like you guys had alot of fun

10-20-2009, 06:32 AM
realy nice meeting a lot of new faces. gary ,hiro, and bob thanx for a great event. what a blast.

10-20-2009, 08:51 AM
Thanks 4 everything Gary, Hiro and Bob! :Beer Toast: That was cool. let's set up another one! Dont forget to throw me into one of those songs... wawawawa!

10-20-2009, 10:20 AM
Realy nice meeting you finaly Gary it was a blast .
Thank you again for your dedication on putting this whole shindig together , wish i was able to stay longer for the fish fry, i needed to go and get some sleep for the the next days work.


10-20-2009, 10:40 AM
Gary, Hiro & Bob.
My hat is off to you guys for setting up the event....Everyone had a blast....Tons of raffle too :Wink:. It was nice to meet some new & old friend at the raffle :Big Grin:.
We should do that again soon :LOL:.


10-20-2009, 11:28 AM
Thanks Gary, Hiro, and Bob for such a wonderful event. Can't wait to see you guys on the water again.

10-20-2009, 01:55 PM
WOWOOW!!! looks fun out there

10-20-2009, 05:21 PM
only one missing from your playlist is The Ballad of Team TrollToon.....:LOL:

We're gonna have ta work on one for ya...not sure if it will be a ballad though.....lets see what comes out of my cranium !

I'll have ta do it though you've earned it !

10-20-2009, 05:49 PM
It was great fun meeting you and everybody else.
You are one heck of an entertaining guy! :EyePop:
I put together a video of the awards gathering and some of the music that you were making.
Google video is no longer accepting new uploads so I burned you a DVD and it is in the mail to your work place. You should get it later this week.


10-20-2009, 05:53 PM
It was great fun meeting you and everybody else.
You are one heck of an entertaining guy! :EyePop:
I put together a video of the awards gathering and some of the music that you were making.
Google video is no longer accepting new uploads so I burned you a DVD and it is in the mail to your work place. You should get it later this week.

Aww man, thats mighty nice of you, thanks a heap for doing that, that was one helluva hoot out there, I havent had that much fun since.....well...we won't discuss what happened then : )

Thanks again buddy, my pleasure meeting you and hanging out ...hope my deraingment has not rubbed off on you (no pun intended guys !)
Thanks again, I look forward to getting that dvd and checking it out and re-living the memories,

I'd still say put it up here on you-tube so everyone might have a peek..(as I noted I cannot view utube though)

Thanks again,

10-20-2009, 06:10 PM
what can i say that hasn't bin said before it was just an all around grate event bro.
i appreciate the hard work you and hiro put in to this event :Worship:
the fun started from the lineup in the early am saturday and lasted until passed 3am sunday looking for firewood and chasing raccoons :ROFL:
thank you for all your hard work and can't wait to do it all over again

Ps: love the parting shot can't really make up my mind witch one is cuter: your pet or wingnutpug:ROFL:

10-20-2009, 09:51 PM
Great event Gary, and Hiro!

I think this thing is gonna get a whole lot bigger next year.................

10-20-2009, 11:39 PM
It looks like everyone had a great time out there. Nice looking prizes. Is there any fish porn? Or did I miss it. I have done a 12 1/2 hr. shift tonight. Thanks for the report Gary. Cindy:Big Grin:

Ray Lopez
10-21-2009, 07:23 AM
Another special thanks goes out to Dana for his raffle contributions, I wanted that cooking set but Raylo snatched it out b4 I could get my # called.
Thanks again for the wonderfull prizes, hopefully we'll see you out there next year : )

lol you weren't the only one that wanted that BBQ set bucket bay and i were eye balling it the whole time. Luckily for me my number got called first!!!!!!.

Looks like everyone had a good time!

Congratulations to all the winners and CONGRATULATIONS PONTOON!
TEAM TROLLTOON continues to knock it out of the park this year!

Well done Gary, Bob & Hiro.....

hey Dana thanks for adding that bbq set to the raffle you made my woman and myself very happy i wont need to use here kitchen gear anymore on the grill lol.

Hey Gary,
Just wanted to give You, Bob and Hiro a Big Thanks for such a great event. This is a better time of the year to host this event. Lot's of fish caught this time. Which is only secondary to the friendship we all have.The plaque I won in the raffle says it all. Arrive Early Stay Late.

Thanks again Tony for letting me ride with you on your boat again. Definitely had a great time.

what can i say that hasn't bin said before it was just an all around grate event bro.
i appreciate the hard work you and hiro put in to this event :Worship:
the fun started from the lineup in the early am saturday and lasted until passed 3am sunday looking for firewood and chasing raccoons :ROFL:
thank you for all your hard work and can't wait to do it all over again

Ps: love the parting shot can't really make up my mind witch one is cuter: your pet or wingnutpug:ROFL:

yea hiking in the backwoods of castaic at night looking for firewood and chasing the coons was great. Gay-ordy was the Mule of the team lugging back all that good wood!!!!!!! lol

Ray Lopez
10-21-2009, 07:25 AM
On a side note I look like a freaking giant in the group pics hahaa Holy hot hell man i was like a foot taller then anyone on the bench!!!!

Also i got to use that bbq gear last night and it worked fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-21-2009, 09:20 AM
Looked like a great time was had bad all, bummed I could not make this one...it looked and suonded like a great day on the water based on all accounts. EXCELLENT job putting together the event, hope to see you on the water very soon G-Steel.


10-21-2009, 10:15 AM
Thank You Gary, Hiro & Bob for all your hard work and making this a fun memorable event!!! Good times!

10-21-2009, 05:47 PM
Gary, I can't say enough about your efforts in putting this together and what a super cool bunch of guys and gals who participated. The party was a blast with just the right mixture of laughter and sincerity. I only with there were another one this weekend. Oh, well, we can still fish. Your a clown with a heart of gold man!!!