View Full Version : 7 day long range Cedro's Isl area..

Nessie Hunter
10-14-2009, 10:36 AM
Left Monday morning Oct 5th, from H & M on the Bright and Morning Star 105 X 22 ' ..
22 anglers on board..
had a private room to myself... :Cool:

Got the crappiest bait I have ever seen, all looked skinned and bloody. Of course it was mostly dead before we even started to fish paddies on Tues... :middle:
Still heading south toward Cedros Isl...
The Lupe was/is still closed..

Paddies produced some football size YFT and Y/T and a couple of Dodo.

Got to The Isl and went Wide *Stupid Wide Open* on smaller grade Y/T.. Bait (dropper loop), Iron anything you threw.
?? S/W area of Isl???

Example: I hooked and landed FOUR (4) Y/T in one cast... More on that later.. ????????????? :Wink:

I got a couple and went in the galley to watch the carnage.. Wasnt to interested in 12# to 20# Y/T.. I was looking/wanting for the BIG fish....

Big mistake on my part, they never showed up...
I ended up with one more decent Yellow around 25#.. for the whole trip.
Couple small footballs YFT (4) and a few smaller Y/T (5) one decent Y/T about 25#..

7 days is a very long time to rock & roll out there for me...
Didnt get sick at all, but bored and nothing to do......

Still not a bad trip, enjoyed the company, every one aboard was great, nicest passengers I have ever been with on a party boat.. Not even one dick in the bunch...

Im still rocking and rolling, sea sick at the computer!! ??
Jerry should have some more pics & a Video of me catching a Y/T and screaming like a little girl !! :ROFL:

For some reason, I dont have a lot of pics??? Guess You can only take so many pics of smaller grade fish, when your heart is set on the bigger ones...
Biggest fish were 'a few' to Almost 30# (27, 28 & 29#), and smaller jackpots winners... Most in the 10# to 20# range...

I few details..
Had a pretty good time, just to much dead time for me. 7 days is to long for my old arss out there.. I get impatient and irritated and want to kill something.. Did a lot of sitting in the galley and eating everything in sight. Great food and snacks out all the time, cookies, Mellon's, etc ..

I wanted to save a few $$ on fillets and would stop fishing on the smaller fish..
Got a few football YFT on the way down off paddies and a few Y/T on the WFO bite of smaller ones, then One larger Y/T the next day. Jerry should have a video of that?? (ill stick it in if I can later)..
Kind of funny.
I saw the bigger fish coming in as I sat in the Galley, ran out and threw the trusty Scrambled Egg Iron out.. Jerry was down the rail and said "I know your gonna hook up, and Im gonna Video it" ..
Damn, first cast and WHAM, hooked up.. Vid running, I started to act stupid for the Video.
Funny stuff (I think, havnt seen it yet).. Good Yellow also.. My biggest & last one for the trip.

Jerry ran out of patches, they kept falling off several people using them?? WTF??
He began using the pills and they tore him up.. Felt like crap the last 3 days.. :down:
I felt bad for him.. He was one of the Hot Sticks on the boat till then..
Bill (Jerry's co-worker, we carpooled together in his Crew Cab Diesel, Sweet ride) Bill Was another hot stick...
They slayed the smaller WFO Y/T!!!!
Jerry shared his catch with me to bring me up to a pretty full Ice Chest from about 1/2 (I took 4 chests in anticipation of all the GIANT fish?? :Embarrassed: ..
Thanks man, appreciate that a lot...
Had promised a lot of people some Fillets and was worried I wouldnt have enough to go around.... :love: :woot:
No major highlights that I can think of, just a long boring trip with nothing to do..
Went to Jerry's on the way home to Vacuum pack fish..

Quan (fishtaco) & Ralph (Wildhorse) came by to help, and add a couple extra Vacuum Units to use. That made the job pretty darn quick and easy for all of us..
Big thanks guys.. :thumb: :love: :woot:

For those that are questioning the 4 yellow tail I caught in one cast!

We hit a paddy and saw some bait, threw out the Sabiki rigs and low and behold, baby Y/T all over..
I had a 6 hook #2 rig and was bringing up 4 at a time to about 6/8".. Funny shiat I tell ya...
Even the babies pull hard as hell!!! :lmao: :fishing:

We did hit some rough water Fri though Sat, Looked like Deadliest Catch stuff.
Waves busting the Bow, while on the troll, the waves would rise way above our heads, cool shiat man!!! :agh:

That night I was going to bed, taking off my sweatshirt, as sweatshirt was over my head **BAM** face plant right into the upper bunk edge :EyePop: .

Thought I broke out all my lower teeth?? But only tore up my lower lip on the outside, didnt even cut the inside of lip.
Dam looked like I got my arss kicked pretty good. Still sore and scabbed over!!!! :Angry:

Sorry I dont have a lot of Fish Porn, I was either to busy fishing or to bored sitting in the Galley to take them....

Most of the pics will be self explanatory, so I will just post em up.























Video Clip.......
CEDRO'S 7 day 09 040 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxc0bRsbw8E#normal)

Just a side note:
Had one voice-mail on my phone as I drove home (I found it and turned it on near the 138 turn off).
My close friend who I run around with all the time. George McKenzie.
Had passed away on Thur while I was gone...
I will miss him a lot..

RIP George!!
Semper Fi my brother!!!!!!

I expected it to happen, he had Bladder Cancer and the first Chemo treatment almost killed him 2 weeks ago.
Kidneys failed and heart was working at about 13%, Had Diabetes and organs were all to weak to handle it..
He was taken to Tahachapi for Hospice care...
He asked to be allowed to die.
DNR and unplug him from Dialysis....
He went peacefully and quietly into the night.....

His funeral is Thur in Bakersfield ('Arvin' outside Bakotown off 58) at a new "Bakersfield National Cemetery", with full Military Honors...
I am going to overdose on DayQuill so I can attend and say my last farewell to a very good friend.


10-14-2009, 10:50 AM
7 day trip dammmmm lol. great report man. Sorry to hear about your buddy, RIP George.

10-14-2009, 11:08 AM
Definitely sorry to hear about your buddy. Too bad you didnt pick up any giants that you were hoping for. But you still landed fish!!!

fisherman from long beach
10-14-2009, 11:18 AM
sorry to hear about your buddy.

10-14-2009, 09:06 PM
SEMPER FI.. Sorry to hear about your friend. I did 8yrs as a Force Recon Marine

10-14-2009, 09:35 PM
You'll get that cow next year Nessie!

I'm guessing it's just a matter of time (and $$) before the new Mexican agency in charge of issuing licenses for Guadalupe figures out how to milk the system, and eventually opens it up to U.S. sportboats. The season is just starting for Guadalupe, and you can be assured they know that every day they stay closed, they are losing $$.

Sorry to hear about your friend. That's a bummer.

10-14-2009, 09:43 PM
My sincerest condolences to your friend Frank. :Neutral:

On a brighter note, that was one heck of a trip... never been on a seven day myself, three at the most. Nicely done buddy, excellent report. :Shocked:

I got some reels coming your way shortly. :Wink:

10-14-2009, 10:52 PM
Hey Frank, Sorry about the loss of your buddy.

Nice read . Sounds like you made to best of it out there. You will get one of them Cow Tuna one of these days . :Wink:

Thanks for the report :Cool:

10-14-2009, 11:47 PM
Sorry to hear about your buddy.


10-15-2009, 01:12 AM
Thanks for the report. Sorry to hear about your friend and the fishing conditions. Hopefully I'll find some bigger models on my 5 day at the end of the month.

Nessie Hunter
10-20-2009, 10:27 AM
Sorry for the delay..
This is a recap of the trip By Jerry with some added pics etc… Thanks bud..
This is a recap of the trip By Jerry with some added pics etc… Thanks bud..

Here's a recap of the trip.
Day 1: Head south no fishing.

Day 2: Trollfor 10-12 lb YFT and mid teen Dodos. I keep 10 YFT and 2 Dodos
Day 3: Wake up on the anchor at Cedros. First 1 1/2 hours I land 10 YT to 20 lbs. I was disappointed on the size but they were fun. For the rest of the day I fished a little, took pics, and ate. Very fun day.

Day 4: We go offshore looking for the bigger YFT. A couple of 30lbers were caught but again the average were the 10-12 lbers. I keep 5 YFT and again 2 Dodos.

Day 5: Back to the island. The wind and waves were up and it was hard to get the iron to the bottom. I didn't get anything this day but i really didn't care or try to hard. I already had 35+ fish in the box so anything else for the trip was gravy.

Day6 and 7: Head north for home. More trolling and kelp paddy fishing. For me it was sit in the gally and watch a movie. The pills were not working and I felt like Quan. I never :puke: but I was counting the minutes to the dock.

Day 7: Woke up to flat calm seas and the guys were fishing for rock fish just south of Coranado Island. I hear some cheers and a guy is happy he caught a Boccaccio. Give me a break. i'm feeling like SH^%*e and we are fishing for Rock fish. Thank god the captain decided to head in early. We docked at 1230.

Quan and Ralph showed up at my house to help bag the fish. Thanks again you guys.

Here's a few more pics.

Video of me on a Y/T on the iron.....
http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh238/halfprice49/th_DSCF1333-1.jpg (http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh238/halfprice49/?action=view&current=DSCF1333-1.flv)











10-20-2009, 11:14 AM
Still heading south toward Cedros Isl...
The Lupe was/is still closed..

You missed it by a week. The Lupe is now open! Now get back on a boat and get down there and get your cow!

Great report! I went on a 4 day on the Bright & Morning Star a few years ago. Very good boat with a good crew.