View Full Version : Prado Runoff Channel-Fishing?

10-05-2009, 02:01 PM
Hey everyone,

Friend was driving around Chino Hills, and spotted a pretty decent body of water/channel in the area. It is bordered by the Chino Hills Parkway, Chino Valley Freeway (71) and Central AVE. I did a lookup on Google Maps of the region and it seems to be a runoff channel from Prado Reservoir.
Here's a link (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=auto&sll=34.059308,-117.244205&sspn=0.02535,0.038581&ie=UTF8&radius=1.1&ev=zi&ei=VfOBSpn1IoHUsAPU6JT_Aw&cd=1&usq=auto&pcsi=13741497266900199857,1&geocode=FbLCBwId4M8C-Q&cid=13741497266900199857&li=lmd&hq=auto&hnear=&ll=33.979311,-117.695611&spn=0.013221,0.01929&t=h&z=16)to the Google location:

Anyone ever fish there? I'm guessing if it is runoff from Prado, it should have plenty of different fish. And, if there is actually water in there at this time of the year, it should hold enough water year-round to have fish in it year round...any thoughts?
(and yes, before anyone says so, it's probably really dirty. I C&R, so I could care less):LOL::LOL::LOL:

10-05-2009, 05:55 PM
only carps there, only some dude who loves angling would fish that hole, but who?????lol...

10-05-2009, 06:22 PM
It's a great place to fish!

10-05-2009, 08:51 PM
It's a great place to fish!

Lol, more info please?

And yeah, BGH, that would be me:) Would be nice if there are some bass too, heh.

10-05-2009, 08:55 PM
Lol, more info please?

And yeah, BGH, that would be me:) Would be nice if there are some bass too, heh.

i hear massive splashes from there and i live in mira loma..lol..hey if you wanna ninja for good size carp in the i.e..let me know..

10-05-2009, 09:03 PM
Totally mang, I'd be all over that. I'll let you know whenever some serious free time comes up (whenever that happens:Confused:)

Isn't Mir Loma a little far from there though?

10-05-2009, 09:17 PM
its usually dry

10-05-2009, 09:33 PM
Eh, fail then. Still might check out.

10-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Eh, fail then. Still might check out.

But...There is a place at the 91/71 interchange where the channel is always full and I see cars parked on the turnout on the 71 ramp and people head down there to fish all the time.

Tilapia and carps for sure.