View Full Version : Later report - Castaic shore 10/01

10-05-2009, 10:52 AM
Got to work Thursday and the boss asks me if I want to leave early? I thought it was a trick question at first, but I said yes anyway, so she told me to leave when I finished whatever I was doing...sweet! Went to Castaic around 12 noon, hoping to witness and take part in some of that striper action I've been reading about.
Got to a spot on the West Ramp and the wind was really blowing, started thinking I made a mistake. My bro told me we should stick to the plan and good thing we did. We saw a couple boils too far to cast to, but still good to see the action. As I was checking out all the dead shad, my brother starts yelling, "BOILS, BOILS!!!"
The stripers were boiling right in front of us about 15 feet off the shoreline...grab the rod and throw out a shad swimbait. Start reeling in through the action and BAM! Solid hit, good hookset, and I am on! My heart was pounding as we battled, good runs all over and I finally bring him in. A solid four pounder. Now I know what it's like to hook into a nice striper...I finally landed one of the bigger models. My bro couldn't get into the action, but he did land a 3 pound largemouth, so no skunk for us. We packed it up just before 4 pm and left home happy. Going to try to catch more than one this Thursday and hopefully bigger.

Thanks for reading.


10-05-2009, 10:06 PM
NICE 4 POUNDER BRO! yeehaw load up dinks while their out!

10-06-2009, 10:08 AM
NICE 4 POUNDER BRO! yeehaw load up dinks while their out!

Thanks Jeff, gonna try again this Thursday for some bigger ones.

10-06-2009, 11:14 AM
Congrats on the striper.

When you're there at the right time it's wide open, even in the middle of the day. You just have to put in the time on the water or get lucky.

Good luck on Thursday.

10-06-2009, 11:27 AM
Nice job out there. It 's been hot out there for months now. keep them coming.

10-06-2009, 11:42 AM
Congrats on the striper.

When you're there at the right time it's wide open, even in the middle of the day. You just have to put in the time on the water or get lucky.

Good luck on Thursday.

That's true, right place at the right time. Definitely a little luck there also, never hurts to have some.

Thanks Fishinone!

10-06-2009, 11:44 AM
Nice job out there. It 's been hot out there for months now. keep them coming.

Sure has, you have been doing well yourself, I see! I'm going Thursday and renting a boat, hopefully pull in some bigger models.

Thanks SCCA!

10-06-2009, 12:42 PM
keel them....keel them dead
