View Full Version : help on stripers

10-02-2009, 03:02 PM
can anyone tell me what are good lures to troll at castaic how deep or any other help thanks :hometown:

10-02-2009, 04:03 PM
Id go with a couple 1's and a 5 here and there. :Wink:

10-02-2009, 04:12 PM
Seriously though i see them get alot with umbrella rigs with bucktail jigs and ive gotten them on the storm shadbaits aswell.

If you wanna learn it all try TroutOnly's guide service. I think trollin is his specialty. Im sure he has all your answers. Just check out some of his reports. Dude is a killa.... :EyePop:

10-02-2009, 05:04 PM
seriously though i see them get alot with umbrella rigs with bucktail jigs and ive gotten them on the storm shadbaits aswell.

If you wanna learn it all try troutonly's guide service. I think trollin is his specialty. Im sure he has all your answers. Just check out some of his reports. Dude is a killa.... :eyepop:

thanks i noticed the miss spelling to but was to lazy to go back and change and thought it might be funny to see some replys.i also won some bucktails at legonds III i will give them a try thanks :hometown:

10-02-2009, 05:16 PM
c-rig a $20 on 65lb braid... dont cast to far they like to hang out in shalow. lol. JK but i dont know how to catch a STRIPER to save my life.

10-03-2009, 07:53 PM
back from my strippers fishing trip not able to boat a single one kept taking my bait my maybe the size 5 to big ill try 1 next trip out.

10-03-2009, 08:20 PM
...Chum some 1's next time....dont be afraid to "make it rain"

I need some help on striper fishing too...

10-03-2009, 10:49 PM
...Chum some 1's next time....dont be afraid to "make it rain"

I need some help on striper fishing too...

CHUMED THE ONES TILL OUT OF BAIT STILL NO LUCK:Embarrassed::Embarrassed::Embarrassed::Embarr assed::Embarrassed::Embarrassed::Embarrassed::Emba rrassed::Embarrassed::Embarrassed:

10-04-2009, 01:00 PM
get some dollar bills and wave em in the air, that should lure em in

10-04-2009, 04:04 PM
make it rain

10-04-2009, 06:55 PM
get some dollar bills and wave em in the air, that should lure em in

that my secret bait not only do you catch strippers sometime you get lucky and catch some crabs to :Secret:

10-04-2009, 07:38 PM
Here is a little help.
Your best bet is to "BYOG"
Then you need to hang out at lurkers row.
You need to chum for each song a one or five will do.
Remember slow and steady. A important point is to always place your chum in front of your bait (I mean girl)! You should get more action that way. After all most of those strippers play for the other side, or both sides.
Now if you want to chase after stripers it is a lot cheaper and more fishy. At least if you use cut bait. We went out got chase them today, the Stripers (less $$)! We had little luck on the troll. We were only 2 for 3 on the troll. White 3" wild eyed shad on the u-rig. We found no boils, and a lot of guys looking for boiling fish. I found one guy fishing bait in the fishing arm on a point in maybe 25' of water. He had three fish at 9am. We fished cut deans at the bouy line in 65' of water for no more than 1.5 hours it was windy and rocky as hell. We picked up four stripers and a cat. No Strippers were harmed in todays outing. We were chased off the line buy the guy in the yellow boat. I guess he did not like the way we looked (Joe was with me). He did not seem to bother the other guy in the tiny inflatable boat he may have just felt sorry for him, hell I did! We were using the secret sauce from the last team event. The fishing there may have been good but the conditions were so bad you could not tell if you were bit. That cat tried to still a pole one of the stripies too.
PS for bait and wait fishing it's 4-6Lb floro line! Leave the rope for trolling. Last year, Joe caught a 8 lber on 2lb line, so it can be done.

Now you know enough to be dangerous.


10-04-2009, 07:47 PM
c-rig a $20 on 65lb braid... dont cast to far they like to hang out in shalow. lol. JK but i dont know how to catch a STRIPER to save my life.

When I get frustrated and not catching any Striper I just go to my local Asian Market that has live fish tanks and pick one or two out to hold me over till I can catch one. :Big Grin::Wink:

10-04-2009, 08:58 PM
thanks for the the info and laughs everyone i need to get a umbrela rig and try it again. on the real went saturday i small fish on night crawler for my buddy i got the skunk saw no boils but did see some fish caught on umbrela rig by another boat. :HOMETOWN: