View Full Version : Fishing Advice for huge largemouth?

10-01-2009, 04:41 PM
What is your Favorite Lure, which has caught you A big bass? Going to a private resovoir where no one has fished for years and largemouth are jumping all day long. I want to hit a big one this saturday but I want to hear what lure people have used to catch big bass.

What should i use?

J. Owen
10-01-2009, 04:55 PM
ya dude good luck with that man...
um well not to many people are willing to give up there hard erned bass secrects including i
but here an idea
fish the water cilum from top to bottom
lipless crankbait to start
then thow an med diver crankbait
then thow a plastic worm
thats about it
colors/brands/ect that takes time and work alot of bass anglers wont tell what they use to catch there trophys and win tournaments but that is a generalization of how to do it
hope this helps
good luck and tight lines

10-01-2009, 07:24 PM
Even though I might get some flak for this, I'd start out with something basic like big plastic worms if the bass haven't seen a bait. Swimbaits are expensive, and if you are just looking to catch a lot of bass with some nice ones thrown in plastic worm are the way to go. They are cheap, and make a great search tool for a new lake.

Texas rig these in 6in, 8in, and 10in sizes. Hook size varies for each, but a 1/0 or 2/0 for 6in, 3/0 or 4/0 for 8in, 5/0 or 6/0 for 10in offset would be a good bet. Wide gap for Texas rig. Gamakatsu hooks are perfect for this. Some 3/8oz and 1/8oz bullet weights are necessary too.


Pick out some 4in and 5in baits, 1/4oz dropshot weights, and size 2 dropshot hooks from this page:


Those would be some good bets. I like Roboworms a lot, but if you want to buy something cheaper check out Yum, Zoom, or Berkley. Buy like 1 pack from each category, the matching hooks, and the matching weights. This should run like $40 or $50, and you'll have baits to cover different conditions for catching bass.

Use 10lb or 12lb line for the curly tails, and 6lb for the dropshot worms. If you only have one rod/reel, pick the worms that match that line class.

Colors are pretty much the various companies shades of greens (moderate water clarity), browns and purples (clear), shads (crystal clear), and black and blues (poor clarity). Some type of flake is always a plus. Scent is good too, and most companies salt and scent their baits in some way. After market scents like Pro Cure are also nice.

Now, if I were going to hit that lake up, I'd be tossing swimbaits the whole time trying to get that one big bass. Mattlures Bluegills, Ultimate Bluegills, Hard Bluegills, 6in plastic Lunker Punkers, 8in wood punkers, a Mattlures hard bass in slow sink, 3:16 Wake Jrs, some 3:16 Rising Sons, and a 6in and 8in Hudd thrown in for good measure. Heck, grab a 3:16 Freestyle when they come out too. Use 20lb minimum for the smaller 2oz and 3oz baits, but bump up to 25lb for anything heavier.

As for guys who won't tell their bass fishing secrets, you can't get upset if somebody won't share. They worked for it, so they don't owe anybody anything. That being said, a decent amount of the swimbait guys will gladly share their knowledge if you are nice about it. Butch Brown is a great example. If you run into him at the Castaic Lagoon he'll happily answer ALL your questions about fishing Hudds. Then you have the guys who just glare at you when you say hi. Just recognize when somebody is willing to talk, and if they aren't just say "Good Luck" and leave them alone.

Remember to post up a report with a pic of that monster bass!

10-01-2009, 07:54 PM
There's nothing more exciting than topwater blowups.....

10-01-2009, 08:15 PM
hell if if it private and no ones going to be down there.....BLUEGILL!!! lol j/k

Bassnman Mike
10-02-2009, 07:51 AM
If your looking to target big bass I'd suggest 12-15 inch plastic worms, big jigs and big swimbaits. Dont get me wrong, smaller bass will still hit big baits but in my opinion you up your chances of a big un by throwing the big baits.

10-02-2009, 08:34 AM
If there are no trout there your huddleston will not be as effective. The goal for you to catch the larger fish would be to find out the largest source of forage there. Are there shad there? Are the larger bass feeding on Fry from the spring time? That info could help you.

If shad are there, consider a BBZ-1 4" hard swimbait. Ive killed bass on those at private reservoirs. Also, Huddleston makes a small baby bass soft swimbait that swims awesome.

Those would be my two weapons of choice.

Of course, if your gonna fish structure in shallow water, My good ole standby, a pearl white 6 inch tube rigged weedless is nearly a sure thing. It imitates a perch very nicely and flutters down near reeds and submerged trees.

Also, take some full size jigs or spider jigs with you in case there is a big crawdad bite. Some guys will probably plug the big *** worms over 10" but texas rigging those is boring sometimes. It can be very effective though.

Hope this helps

Ray Lopez
10-12-2009, 04:15 PM
i use 1oz castmasters in chartruse/purple. I then dip it in garlic oil. Then i put a big ol fat nightcrawler on one of the hooks and then powerball eggs on the other two. Then i slow troll it about 187 feet from the back of my tube and just haul *** around the lake. I land the fat backs that way! Oh and then smother it with carwfish/salt pro series smelly jelly, now it has to be the pro series because anything else is just crap but just rub then on the powerballs.

that method caught me this monster back in december

10-12-2009, 05:55 PM
If you want quantity fish a drop shotted robo worm.
If you want a small and big fish throw a fly lined senko
if you want big swim bait baby!

10-17-2009, 02:35 AM
if you want quantity fish a drop shotted robo worm.
If you want a small and big fish throw a fly lined senko
if you want big swim bait baby!

true !!!

Big fish..

Big baits..

Big plastics..(senkos . Cut tails , )

also dont be affraid to throw a big swim bait out there..trust me lmb love it....
.good luck

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
10-21-2009, 08:21 PM
bass professor snakes, killer floating action,big lmb's.any area where there's snakes that make it to the water.

10-21-2009, 08:52 PM
Big Baits = Big Bass (and some confused small ones)

I recomend a huddleston or a bbz. One of my favorites is a lunker punker.

10-22-2009, 09:10 AM
Helicpoter Lures


10-22-2009, 01:44 PM
bass professor snakes, killer floating action,big lmb's.any area where there's snakes that make it to the water.

i been wanting to try these out..were can i get them at?

10-22-2009, 01:49 PM
Helicpoter Lures


Lol hey are you serious ..i seen them but just walked away..lol..
have you ever used them?

canusmellwhat i'mhookin
10-24-2009, 05:45 PM
go to bassprofessor.com
doug hannon the bass professor

10-24-2009, 06:26 PM
Spend your money on something on a proven California 10lb bass catcher like a Huddleston ROF 5 in Rainbow trout instead man. I'll admit that I haven't tried them, but if those things were the insane trophy bass catchers he says they were he wouldn't need to market them the way he does. Guys like Mike Long or Butch Brown would have already done it for him. Good lures generally don't need infomercial segments.