View Full Version : going to sfd in 2 hours or so

09-26-2009, 03:08 AM
yup thats about it

never fished there before and ive lived 15min away my whole life lol well its about time to try it out going to try for some kitties and blue gill (the easy bait and wait stuff) going to do some as i like to call it cholo fishing cast the line out sit down and work on catching a buzz
:EyePop::Big Grin::Cool:

if i get anything ill take pic (only got a cell camra so ill make sure its worth makeing you look at a fuzzy pic)

09-26-2009, 08:18 AM
good luck out there....

09-26-2009, 02:13 PM
a buzz? better watch it....they check ice chests from time to time....and that comes with a fat ticket...plus they make you pour your beer out

09-26-2009, 06:29 PM
well changed my mind as I was going out the door so I went to SARL instead

I went with three goals and I got all three test out my new rod and reel combos catch a fish and catch a buzz

stared off just a few yards away from big tree I thinks that’s what the map called it. I but a meal worm on my spinner tossed it out then put some catfish dough on a treble on my brand new bait caster ( I F*&^ hate that thing) tossed it out and instant backlash so I got the taken care of and spent about 45 min just practicing with it (got it down) at about 10 I moved over to the catfish lake. and the damn bait caster started giving me problems again I came to the conclusion I don’t have the line on the spool right so I gave up on it and just kept using the spinner with the dough on it was getting tons of nibbles and missed 3 hits because I got to excited and tried to set the hook to early. then I was treated to watching 4 guys accost from me pull in 5 cats in about a half hour asked them what they were using and all they said was night crawlers so I went to the bait shop picked me up some put the slimy little guy on my hook and about 5 minutes later wham. set my hook and pulled in a nice crappie a little bit bigger the size of my hand