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09-20-2009, 07:16 AM
Tuna-schmuna!!!! With the exception of true diehard "coastal fisherman" like JapanRon, all I have seen posted lately are catch reports of pelagics and exotics in the saltwater reports section of FNN. Coastal bass and rockfish fight WAY bettttter than any YFT or BFT...

So, with that said, I took my daughter and a buddy out on the Speed Twin on Saturday. Love to fish that boat cuz no matter how many people are aboard, there's always plenty of room to move about.

We started the day out on the bass reefs. The captain was metering big schools of fish but they were lock-jawed for the most part cuz the few we did land were puking up whole squid. I did manage 2 nice 2+ pound fish out of the deal. I saw a small handful of others caught including one that was a 4+ pounder that eventually ended up winning PJ for a kid. How exciting for him it was!

We stuck with the bass for hours, finding school after school that was unwilling to come out and play. Fairly strong uphill current inside on the bass spots.

Finally, and reluctantly, the captain gave up and moved out off the East end of Anacapa to fish the cods. The curent was SCREAMING out there. Needed a pound to stay on the bottom in 150 feet! Major tangles with the strong current, too.

It was also fairly dead out there on the cod grounds. I guess the fish took the day off? I ended up with 4 decent cods which consisted of one red, two starrys and one green spot.

On the way out to the island, we came across a huge pod of porpoise. Several of the porpoise did the bow riding thing for the kids and they stuck with us for sometime so the kids really got a good show from them.

My poor friend Matt only caught one tiny, 4" Square patch rockfish all day! LOL!!!

The weather was really nice, not much swell, a mild breeze and O/C all day to keep us from getting hot. We all had a great time cuz you know what they say.....



09-20-2009, 09:54 AM
Hi Ambassadorhawg,

Very nice report. Glad the season is still open up that way. Been meaning to fish up there and about have a buddy convinced to go.

Appreciate a peek at how the coastal fishing is up that way as we get relatively few reports. I KNOW the catching is good up Ventura-way.

Personnally, I kinda like the Tuna-trip crowd as it usually reminds me of my own great trips in the past and sometimes of why I'll never go on a Tuna moo-moo trip again. :)



09-20-2009, 01:13 PM
WTG on getting out there and spending time with your daughter. You ll get them next time.
Not trying to rain on your parade but I have to disagree on your statement of inshore fishing and offshore fishing. Offshore fishing is way better than Bass and rock fishing.

09-20-2009, 01:40 PM
Porkchop, I think he was joking...

09-20-2009, 03:42 PM
Porkchop, I think he was joking...

Yeah Porkchop, I WAS joking....