View Full Version : Tide Change 9/15 Catalina Island

09-15-2009, 07:55 PM
I had been looking forward to this trip for the past couple days, It was finally the night before and I didnt want to fall asleep. Last time I fell asleep before a trip I made it just before the boat left the dock. I had to be extra early this time. Hit up the 7-11 for some energy/coffee drink and breakfast... I get to the parking lot at 3:45am. Ghetto dad gets there at 4am, then Hbomb a few mins later, and finally Steelhead a few mins after that. We buy our tickets and board the boat. Very light load today as expected. We leave the dock, sign in on the manifest, and head over to the bait barge to pick up some big sardines and some anchovies.

Getting rigged up

We would be fishing the front side of the Island today for a change...It would be a couple hours til we got to the first spot so i headed to my bunk for some sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the engine slowing down...Ghetto dad, Hbomb, and Steelhead are already up and ready to kill some bass! The weather was beautiful! Clear skies, flat seas, and a little cooler than last week.


So we start fishing and it was slow picking the whole day. The wind had blown the night before and made conditions a little tough. We still managed to hook some bass...


Hbomb had the hot stick today and schooled us...

No pictures please!

Hbomb started showing off his Dan Hernandez skills so we started calling him Hernandez Bomb...LOL. Here he is with a brand new Dan Hernandez approved B52 bucktail jig.

and the results

Here he is with a Sheepy(you did good today cuz...im proud of you LOL)

And here I am with a Garibaldi(new species for me)

Ghetto dad worked the Iron most of the day but the big bass just didnt want to play. He still ended up with some fish, but none of his usual 7lb bass... What a difference a week or 2 makes...

Steelhead was camera shy today LOL...maybe next time he will let me take some pics of him with his feesh.

I hope everyone had fun despite the slow fishing... "you gotta go thru the bad days to know what the good days are" WE WILL GET OUR REVENGE!

09-15-2009, 08:08 PM
awww what a day, I had a blast today. Got to spend the day with some good peeps today, hope to do it again in the coming days. And remember, pflueger reel cajon red line, LOL :ROFL: :Cool:

Jackpot Jimmy
09-15-2009, 08:09 PM
Nice report Vic! Hopefully with this heat wave coming through it will perk the bass (and maybe some yellows) up again at the island. It's good to see Steve smiling as well. :Wink:

Good job guys!

09-15-2009, 08:32 PM
All I see in Steve's hand is pepsi cans. Wut up wit dat??? Where's da beers? I thought all Sand bass fisherman were beer drinkers...

09-15-2009, 09:31 PM
cactus cooler?

09-15-2009, 10:25 PM
sign in on the manifold
Was it an Edelbrock?

Nice job guys.

09-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Hernandez bomb... :ROFL: that was funny. Big thanks to vic and Ghetto Dad. :Cool:

murrieta angler
09-16-2009, 12:03 PM
Good job out there to all you guys. I woulda went but didn't see your post till yesterday and I'm a lil bit under the weather also..Take It Easy

09-16-2009, 03:35 PM
Looked like a nice day out on the water, thanks for the report and pics....


ghetto dad
09-16-2009, 03:57 PM
Was it an Edelbrock?

Nice job guys.

:ROFL:Yeah, I too, had to sign the "Manifold"...vic, its "ManiFEST" big homie...

sorry I wasnt my usual self that guy guys....I had a bad feeling about today's meeting..and i was right...

well get em next time Vic and HernandezBomb....great job today newb, Im proud of you man.....


09-16-2009, 04:04 PM
sorry for the slow day!:Sad:
theres always next time!

09-16-2009, 04:47 PM
:ROFL:Yeah, I too, had to sign the "Manifold"...vic, its "ManiFEST" big homie...

sorry I wasnt my usual self that guy guys....I had a bad feeling about today's meeting..and i was right...

well get em next time Vic and HernandezBomb....great job today newb, Im proud of you man.....


Thanks GD. :Cool:

ghetto dad
09-16-2009, 05:13 PM
There you go...:ROFL:


09-16-2009, 05:24 PM
awww what a day, I had a blast today. Got to spend the day with some good peeps today, hope to do it again in the coming days. And remember, pflueger reel cajon red line, LOL :ROFL: :Cool:

Im glad you had a great time man. Thats why I like going with good people...even if the fishing is slow, you still have a blast!

Nice report Vic! Hopefully with this heat wave coming through it will perk the bass (and maybe some yellows) up again at the island. It's good to see Steve smiling as well. :Wink:

Good job guys!

Thanks Jimmy... Ill see you on the Tradition once fishing at the Island picks up a little.

All I see in Steve's hand is pepsi cans. Wut up wit dat??? Where's da beers? I thought all Sand bass fisherman were beer drinkers...

that is DIET pepsi...Beer and swells arent a good combination...I dont drink on the boats much either for that reason.

cactus cooler?

DIET Pepsi!

Was it an Edelbrock?

Nice job guys.

Haha...did i type manifold? Thanks cuz...wish you were there. Next time i guess.

Good job out there to all you guys. I woulda went but didn't see your post till yesterday and I'm a lil bit under the weather also..Take It Easy

Its all good...I will try and get another trip together soon. Thanks for the reply!

Looked like a nice day out on the water, thanks for the report and pics....


Thank you TD for the reply.

:ROFL:Yeah, I too, had to sign the "Manifold"...vic, its "ManiFEST" big homie...

sorry I wasnt my usual self that guy guys....I had a bad feeling about today's meeting..and i was right...

well get em next time Vic and HernandezBomb....great job today newb, Im proud of you man.....


Hey I was half asleep when I wrote this, gimme a break! LOL... Sorry about the bad news today homie. They just lost some MORE clientele...

sorry for the slow day!:Sad:
theres always next time!

Thanks for the reply man... It was still a great day at the Island.

09-16-2009, 07:22 PM
great report and picz. good 2 see steve finally fishing more :Cool:

09-17-2009, 08:54 AM
Always nice to get out on a very light load. Looks like a great boat to fish on. Thanks for the report!