View Full Version : Garage floor, Epoxy or paint???

Nessie Hunter
09-15-2009, 05:10 PM
Im doing an upgrade in my garage...
Painting, shelves, cabinets etc etc..

It is striped and painted now..

Before I go any further I need some HELP !!!

Has anyone done or have an epoxy floor????

I sure like the way it looks and wears.
But am afraid its to big of a job with 'critical' work time and Preparation.
Whole thing could turn into a mess in a heart beat!!!

Ive asked every one I can, and no one has any experience with it..

Any input would help a whole Lot...



09-15-2009, 05:16 PM
Try this link.



Nessie Hunter
09-15-2009, 05:34 PM
Try this link.



I have been researching it for TWO weeks now... :EyePop:

It is not an easy task, and I thought someone might have some Experience with it...


09-15-2009, 05:42 PM
very easy!
make sure the floor is nice and clean, be sure theres no oil spots.
if there is oil spots,use muriatic acid(home depot).be sure to wear gloves and scrub with a stiff brush.
then rinse area with water ,let the floor dry really good.
next you get your two part epoxy mix together really good pour in paint pan and start rolling with a paint roller.
give it plenty of time before the second coat.

buy epoxy at local paint store,better than home depots.
any other questions paint store will answer them...

09-15-2009, 07:04 PM
It is a very easy task. It just depends on how many chemicals you have in your concrete floor. Like someone mentioned earlier you can use hydrochloric acid to clean the top layers. However anything that has leached into the concrete is really there until you lay a new floor. Epoxy paint has a few pros and cons. Because it creates a solid layer, harsh chemicals are easier to clean up. I do not know what chemicals you work with, but my mechanic friends use acetone and other chemicals like they were going out of style. Carcinogenic stuff. So to them they prefer the epoxy paint for easier cleanup. Now when you seal the concrete you are preventing the concrete from breathing and hardening. YES concrete gets HARDER through the years. Depending on who you ask you will get a different answer. Some will say that concrete is cured at 10-30 days depending on the humidity and temperature range. Others will tell you it can take almost 50 years. Really the truth is it depends on the grade of concrete as well as the climate. Now once you seal your concrete with epoxy paint, there will be increased cracking and you will prevent your concrete from getting harder. 1/8" of cracking is actually normal and usually not covered under warranty. Now as far as rates of cracking that varies depending on climate, usage, maintenance and tectonic plate activity. I have one friend who has an epoxied floor that has ZERO cracking at twenty years, but he regulates his garage humidity and temperature. While another friend epoxied his floor and it cracked in 2 years. The grades of concrete are not known, but definitely make a difference. A driveway I had laid in Woodland Hills uses high strength super concrete and cost me $11K. It still has ZERO cracking even though the tenant had all SUVs fully loaded with contractor equipment. It is presently at the 3 year mark. So my best advice is this. If you have newer concrete with no cracking, then I would not do It. If you already have a messed up cracked concrete floor then do it. It will only make it look better and fill in all the cracks. If you do it then make sure to get the proper masks and be careful with the acids and other solvents you use as cleaners for the prep. Contrary to popular opinion, acids won't eat away at your flesh right away, but over time if left on your skin. Most solvents go right through your skin anyway. Apply it in multiple thin layers. A thick goopy layer will not protect as well as many thin layers. Good luck and do it RIGHT the first time.

Nessie Hunter
09-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Thank you for the input....

What I think I am in need of is someone that has done it, and/or has it done and can give me some input on how much etching is needed and how it lasts or holds up...

I dont do anything heavy/dirty/greasy in the garage, dont even park my Truck in there..(unless I get a new one??).... :ROFL:

09-17-2009, 07:37 AM
Thomas Roney (951)973-4234. That is my concrete guy who would be a better person to talk with about all of your concrete concerns. I don't know for a fact if he has applied epoxy paint to concrete, but he understands concrete well and if he doesn't I am sure he could get you the information. Incidentally he used to live in Hesperia. He goes fishing to Bahia De Los Angeles often, you guys might even go for a trip together. One of his former clients also has a nice place to stay in Mexico. Not at the Bahia De Los Angeles as that is a remote camping place where the electricity cuts out at night. Good Luck!

Nessie Hunter
09-17-2009, 08:15 AM
Hey, thanks WaterBound.... :Big Grin:

I may give him a shout today...