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ghetto dad
09-08-2009, 10:15 PM
Good evening,

Well, after yesterday’s trip on the Tide Change, I found out that when I got off the boat that my schedule has changed, and that I had today off. I had two choices, to either sit at home and look at the walls, or to go fishing again today. After about 2 seconds of contemplation, I decided to jump back on the Tide Change and fish for my favorite SW species, Calico Bass! Also, the Captain running the boat today was my homie, Jeff, a.k.a. “Throwback Ranger!”

I am really getting old, because this morning, it was very tough for me to get out of bed after yesterday’s Iron throwing marathon at the Island for bass. Got all my gear loaded in the truck, and headed down to Long Bech Sportfishing.

Arrived at the landing at around 3:45 a.m., and looked at the Tide Change’s reservation sheet, and it had only 12! After yesterday’s NEWBS FROM HELL holiday crowd, this was going to be very nice. I changed out my 25 lb test on my MXL, grabbed a few last minute items, and boarded the boat along with the other 14 anglers. We all started signing in, and left the dock at 5:00 a.m. sharp.

My choice of gear/rigging today was:
1. 12 lb with a green wham on a ¼ oz yellow leadhead
2. 15 lb with a #2 Owner Flyliner live bait hook
3. 25 lb with a Tady C in Mint Green

Today’s crew was Captain Throwback Ranger Jeff, Mitch and Danny on deck, and Wendy in the galley.
Jeff informed us that we would be headed to the bait boat, and hope, once again, that they would have sardines, which would help us catch more quality bass than just having the chovies. Once again, no sardine on the bait boat, so we took the anchovie they had, and headed across to the Island.


Ghetto Dad aside: One of the passengers, who was African American, who basically walked on the boat looking at acting all “O.G. CPT Thug” was standing at the tank while they were loading bait. He busts out a napkin, and attempts to pick up an anchovie….WITH the napkin! Needless to say, I clowned him pretty bad. “I ain’t touching them things with my hands!!” I was rolling…. :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

After my excellent breakfast made by Wendy consisting of french toast, hash browns, bacon, and orange juice, I decided to jump in the bunk and try to catch up on some much needed sleep. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep, and what seemed like 20 mimutes later, we arrived at the West End of the Island.

Jeff decided to actually start out here, instead of heading down the back to start as with previous trips with Anthony. Danny started a chum line, and immediately, Calico Bass were doing backflips on our chum. Mitch dropped the anchor, and we started fishing.

I decided to start with the Iron, made my first cast, and hooked a Calico. Boated the fish, which was short, but still a bass. Guys fishing the chovies were landing short bass left and right, which was the reason that we needed the sardine. I continued fishing my Iron, which the bass were slapping almost every other cast, but weren’t sticking. Made another cast, and finally landed my first legal Calico Bass. Bass were more of a “show then go,” which was ok, believe it or not, I don’t like them to be WFO, I actually like to have the challenge. I strategically planned another cast, in between two kelps laying down, and on the way back, I got stopped hard! This one was hooked solid (btw guys, when fishing iron, never “set the hook” when you get bit, just continue winding steadily) and when it actually put a bend on my SSD8, and pulled back, I knew it was a nicer fish. Got it to the boat, and had my first quality bass for the day.


After that, Captain Jeff came down, and fished next to me. After a few casts, he also lands a nice quality bass. This spot produced a few more bass, lots of boils, lots of fish boiling on our Iron, and lots of follow ups. The seals moved in, and shut the bite down, so Jeff decided to head down the backside. I believe I already had 3 nice bass, and quite a few shorts. Appx final count for this spot was 12 legals, and many shorts.


The farther we moved down the back, the worse the conditions were. Don’t get me wrong, the wind wasn’t horrible, but just enough to continue swinging us off the next few spots we fished down the back. It was more of a “pain” than “uncomfortable.” At every spot, the bass made a tremendous showing. There were only a few of us on the boat that could actually bass fish, and the ones that could, and worked at it, would get bass. Captain Jeff knew that even though he knew he had a few bass fisherman on the boat, he had to find something that produced better for the other passengers, who were having trouble. He wanted to try a boiler he likes to fish, and this spot produced another couple fatties for me, on the iron.


Again, this spot had major potential for bigger bass, but the conditions did not allow that. So we pulled anchor, and headed back West, towards where we started.

Captain Jeff put us in this nice, calm cove, right into the kelp. This spot had way too much kelp for me to throw the Iron, so I broke out the 12 lb with the Wham. It was WFO on the shorts, which was very fun. We also picked a few nice sheephead, including one that “Mr. O.G. Thug” landed, that made me second guess my shot at JP, which I had sewed up from the first spot in the morning. I eventually landed a legal out of the approximate 25 shorts I landed, and Jeff wanted to head farther down West. It was getting late, and we were running out of time.


We arrived at the West End to fish the first spot we fished in the morning, and conditions were different. Current was running downhill instead of uphill, and there was a breeze. We picked up some more legals though, including another nice Iron bass for myself, and Jeff decided to give us more time to fish, so we pulled the anchor, and headed around the point and headed down the front side.

A short time later, Captain Jeff gets on the mic, “MARRRRLIIINNN!!!!!!” It was nice to see, and of course, I forgot to get a picture of it. So we observed for a very short time, and continued our Front side Quest.

Ghetto Dad Aside: One of the funniest things I think I will ever see is watching a couple of the guys trying to bait the Marlin with a 2 oz sinker and a squid strip! LMAO!! Only at Long Beach Sportfishing, I swear. :ROFL::ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:

Arrived at our last for the day, set up, and started to fish. We picked some more bass, and right before we were about to leave, the yellows went absolutely ballistic on the outside!!!! So the few of us that could actually throw and iron, fired our jigs as far as we could. They were just out of casting range, and they finally made their way to within casting distance…..and the wind picks up and the boat swings inside!! GRRRRR!!!! They yellows sunk out, and Jeff informed us that it was time for us to leave.

Final count was: 15 anglers 66 Calico Bass, 12 Sheephead, and 1 bonito.
My count: 10 Quality Calicos, 9 on the Iron.

The fishing was tough for the most part, but not for lack of effort on part of Captain Jeff, who busted his butt trying to put us all on better fishing. It was great to fish with you homie, it’s been way to long!! If there was a little more experience on the boat, we would have had limits...

Mitch called for jackpot fish, and I beat out the OG Thug’s sheephead with my bass. He wasn’t too happy, he had thought for the last hour of the trip he had jackpot, and was already making plans for what he was going to do with his jackpot money. Sorry buddy, I win…lol…I kicked the crew the JP back, which made them very happy. They took care of my fish cleaning and galley.

Ghetto Dad Aside 1: Just an FYI guys, on the Tide Change, they take around a “Fish Cleaning” board, like they do on overnight trips, to ask if and how you would like your fish cleaned, which means you don’t have to stand in line and wait, and you can hit your rack for a little well needed rest on the ride home. After filleting/cleaning your fish, they put your cleaned catch down in the fish hold for you, which is really nice.

Ghetto Dad Aside 2: Once Mitch got out the JP Scale, we seriously had to wait 10 minutes for OG Thug. He absolutely REFUSED to touch his sheephead to put it on the scale. I said “come on, you’re a grown a** man” and he still refused. Another passenger finally gave him one of those fish grabber deals, and he grabbed his fish to weigh for JP, which he lost. LMAO!! Only at Long Beach Sportfishing!!!

Another great day on the water, with an excellent Captain, and great crew. Back to back JP’s for Old G.D. Good to know I still got it…lol……

Thanks for reading!


09-08-2009, 10:25 PM
Wishing Ghetto Dad was joining me on Saturday. Could I borrow your nice irons lol? Just kidding, but I could use lessons from the iron master. So, what do I get for crew on Saturday? I'll have a great time regarless. Thanks for the great report and congrats on the JP's.


09-08-2009, 10:29 PM
LMAO @ OG CPT Thugh!!! thats some funny stuff man...should of got a pic of him grabbing the anchovy with the napkin.

Congrats on the JP once again...I hope to make it down there sometime this week...at least for a twilight session. See you soon...

09-08-2009, 10:54 PM
Wow seeing that marlin musta been really cool...musta been even cooler seeing someone tring to catch it with a squid strip lol. Thanks for the awesome bass report.

09-08-2009, 11:32 PM
Great report GD. More checkerboards on the iron. Way to go.

09-08-2009, 11:39 PM
You sure have been getting in your fishing time lately. :Cool: Glad you are able to do that Steve. Thanks for an entertaining report. the Napkin story had me :ROFL:

09-09-2009, 07:13 AM
Wow!! You are quite a fisherman!! Way to nail those bass...

09-09-2009, 10:19 AM
Thats why I like reading your reports GD, you say it like it is. great report :Cool:

09-09-2009, 12:54 PM
The bass fishing at the island has been off the hook for those that knew what they were doing. Man only if we had sardines yesterday. Nice job btw with the surface iron fish and once again congrats on taking down jp. Tell me next time you go out on the Tide Change, I might tag along.

09-09-2009, 01:23 PM
What? No sandbass???? You're slippin'....LOL

Nice job on the iron checkers & JP!

The pics of the coastline look really yellowtailish...I'm surprised everytime I see these bass reports but no yellows. Weird.

Jackpot Jimmy
09-09-2009, 03:42 PM
Nice surface iron bass Steve, and way to go on the JP!

09-10-2009, 08:33 AM
Hi getto dad,

Musta missed this one or waited for pics !! Great reinforcement when one's weapon of choice not only catches fish but realllllly catches fish but also catches the biggest average and the biggest fish of the species and sometime the biggest fish on the boat and rarely ones own personal best !!

Great to hear of the experience.
