View Full Version : Dove Opener report 2009

09-02-2009, 11:00 AM
Took off from OC aroond 11 PM> Wasnt sure about the traffic because of the fire in Oak Glen (off the 10) so I decided to take off early.
Made it to our spot around 2am.
Got a little rain around 130 and once again as we tried to sleep in the car.
Everything looked good. My favorite field has new grapes and barley in the rows. I envisioned a quik shoot with birds everwhere. Just after legal shooting time, I see a couple cars drive into my field. This was strange because I am on private property and didnt expect any other shooters this year (other than the occasional trespasser) Then a parade of cars pull in. These were field workers? What the F??
I retreat back close to the car so as not to shoot anyone> The foreman shows up later and told me that they would be working the new field and picking raisins in the older fields. I had a small corner to shoot and could only shoot in 2 directions. This really sucked. I shot at 6 birds between sunrise and 8:15. 3 were in my bag.
We decided to try other spots. I didnt feel comfortable shooting around the workers. As we drove out, I went by the new grapes. We flushed a couple hundred birds in about 200 yards. This was the spot, just couldnt shoot it. Frustrating:Angry:
We hit up another good looking field We had to walk it and force the birds to fly. We bagged a few more and headed to town for breakfast.
Went to our hang out for the day (a packing plant that provides some shade and an irrigation reservoir for swimming and fishing).
Realized this is where we should have started. Some of our friends were there and said they all had quik limits. 2 of them were younger kids that shot dove for their first time. Spent the majority of the day, watching the birds fly around this spot. There was steady bird movement all day.
Final stop was to my killer evening spot. This spot was been incredible for the evening shoot for the past 10 years. This year was a bust. We took one bird. And my nephew almost got shot by some idiots. Fortunately, we expected these a-holes to be stupid and inconsiderate. My nephew noticed this guy was pointing the gun in his direction, so he hit the dirt. We returned fire to let them know that we were upset. Yelled a few choice words. I told me nephew that he needed to shoot next to me because I was out of range.
Not too many people out there this year. The temps with in the low 100s, which is better than the 113 I was expecting. The birds were concentrated in a few areas.
Somewhere on the North End of the Salton Sea West of HWY 86. They do alot of shooting. Not sure if it is a small group that shoots alot or an area that has alot of birds. That area always has the most shooting in that entire valley.

09-03-2009, 10:03 AM
Nice report Joshua. You there for just the opener ? ( One day of hunting ? ) That lighting storm was INCREDIBLE viewing from Yuma. Glad everyone in your group returned home safe, Thanks for sharing your report. Mine is coming soon . I gots to clean alot of firearms this morning.:LOL:

09-03-2009, 10:06 AM
You are absolutely correct about not that many birds this year. We were at a canal by Calexico and did not see our first bird until 6:20. Then after that it was 1 or 2 here and there. I did managed to get my limit by 8:30 am. Last year I was filled by 7:30. Also, same thing happened to us about inconsiderate hunters. My bros and I had some decent shooting and then we had to groups of hunters come hunt right beside us. I mean they had other areas along the canal that had open windows for shooting, but I guess they just wanted to be right beside us.

Glad that your nephew did not get shot. I have a bad feeling that it is going to be nuts this weekend.

09-03-2009, 10:57 AM
Glad that your nephew did not get shot. I have a bad feeling that it is going to be nuts this weekend.
We have all taken bad shots that we wish we didnt. But I was ready to kick some ***. I have been rained on and have been hit where it leaves marks. These arent toys that we shoot with, they are weapons.

I dont think this weekend will be bad. If the opener doesnt fall on the weekend the crowds arent bad. Also, the Weather reports have been calling for rain in the desert areas of So CAl and AZ. This will affect the birds more than anything else. If the birds were thin on the opener. it will be terrible this weekend. Last year the opener was awesome. Went back the following saturday (5 days later) and it was terrible. I am considering going out on Sunday, only because that is my last opportunity before the end of the season.

09-04-2009, 07:07 PM
wow dove shooting sounds like a lot of fun! i have been wanting to get into shooting. what's the best way to start? any tips? Guns for starters?

09-06-2009, 04:44 PM
wow dove shooting sounds like a lot of fun! i have been wanting to get into shooting. what's the best way to start? any tips? Guns for starters?
I dont get to shoot much, so I truely enjoy dove hunting. I shoot in the same fields my dad took me to as a lil dude. This makes it extra special for me
Dove season is the first season of upland game birds, so everyone wants to get out and shoot. Quail and pheasant open later in the year.
Dove is a poor mans sport, you dont need special blinds (ducks) or expensive clubs. Dont need birds dogs to locate birds. It is a sit and wait thing. You can walk and try to flush birds. But that is only when it is sloooooooow.
Get yourself a nice 12 gauge shotgun. I prefer a semi-auto but a pump will work. I shoot a Remington 1100. Buy some shells #8 or #7 shot. Buy alot of shells.
Before you can purchase a hunting license you are required to attend a hunter's safety class. Check the DFG site for dates and locations. Some of these classes are held at Trap ranges. So you can become familiar with the weapons and safely fire them
DFG has worked out an arrange with some local farmers in the Salton Sea area. DFG, along with Quail unlimited plant fields with crops that will attract dove. This is intended to provide the general public with shooting opportunities. I am not sure if you have to submit an application for these hunts or if it is "show up and they will assign you a field".
There are dove in every county inCA. It is best in So Cal and So AZ. Best areas are Salton Sea (Coachella, Imperial County) Blythe (river area) and Yuma. But there is good shooting in many other locations.

It is a "blast". It is best to shoot with some buddies, everyone will miss shots so you can talk $heet on eachother. I havent missed the dove opener since I was old enough to drive. My dad died when I was 12 so there were a few years that I missed.