View Full Version : 8/31Hunnington Halibutts

08-31-2009, 05:44 PM
Arrived at 5am. to try for some flatties just cuz had tomorrow off too,
so could afford to stay longer this time.
Stayed 5am. to 2.30pm. for no bites for HOURS!!!:Rolls Eyes: Then went to another,
"on the other side" area and started gettin- em one after the other!!! :Shocked:
Just in that one spot too !!! No one else (Four others fishing)
got any Hali's today !!! :Shocked:
Was throwing the "Sardine Kroc." "Crack" "BH-63- Smelt, and tried drop shotting "Gulp"- sardines for nothing. Then switched to the anchovie colored
3in swimmy with 1\4oz. Black round lead head that got 4 shorts,before it
got all chewed up!!!
Switched to a 3in anchovie swimmy with a red head and IT NAILED!!! a 25incher :Shocked: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!:Big Grin: Just LOVE IT,:Big Grin: when you can see-em running
through the clear water!!!!

Some Shorty Shots



The 25 incher



08-31-2009, 05:55 PM
Always fun to get a legal, yum yum halibut tacos good job on the flats

08-31-2009, 06:44 PM
Oh boy....Good Job!!!

Wish i could be out there fishing instead of studying at school!!!

08-31-2009, 07:04 PM
if your gona head out tomarow morn also pm me. i fish that spot alot and maybe we can learn from eachother

08-31-2009, 08:27 PM
I like the war paint on that legal... well done FS. :Cool:

09-05-2009, 02:17 AM
Sweet fish dude! Hope I can get out a couple of times before the seasons change! By the way were those double A's you were using? Great pics!

09-05-2009, 06:35 AM
Don't know what they are, got them in the Clearance box
by the door at Bob Sands tackle!!! Only know
they look really close to small anchovy,which is what
some of that bait swimming around by the shore sort of
looked like. The Hali's were not even more than 30feet out!!!
Gonna slay, kill, chill ,and grill-em this week again, :ROFL:after labor day,
on two of the week days !!! Hey !!! I thought P.E.T.A. stood for
People Eating Tasty Animals !!!:ROFL:
Just kidding!!! I throw 90% plus back.