View Full Version : TEAM 57 LEGENDS III event Pot Luck

08-27-2009, 08:27 PM
The TEAM 57 LEGENDS event seems to grow larger and larger every year, and the best part of it all, every year people bring all kinds of wonderful food. It's truly a unique fishing party.

With that being said, and especially if this is your first time coming to the event, I want to point out a few things that will make it that much more enjoyeable for everyone (at the expense of sounding like a Nazi):

If you are bringing a cooler, I would strongly suggest you mark it with your name. Everyone shops Walmart, and everyone's cooler looks the same... In fact, if you're bringing beverages, it's best to mark your cooler (with a sheet of paper perhaps) as to the contents.
If you are bringing a dish/food that requires it to be kept cold, please make arrangements to keep it cold. Every year people take the time and effort to bring fabulous food that is most appreciated, but unfortunately, within a couple hours of high heat, the food goes to waste. Make arrangements (tray with ice?) or keep it in a marked cooler.
Serving utensils. If you're bringing a platter or dish, bring the serving utensils too. Every year we have people bring crazy good food, but no way to serve it! Likewise, unless its of the disposable kind, please mark it.
Electricity: I believe we have access to it (for you crockpotters). Bring an extension cord!
Paper plates, sporks, cups, paper towels, and Saran wrap / aluminum foil. We never seem to have enough!
Extra folding tables & canopies: you can never have enough of these. FYI: It's slated to be hot saturday.
Grilling: usually Irvine provides us with a large grill that is shared, however, if you are cooking something that is going to take time, I would recommend you make arrangements with other members or just bring a grill.
The idea saturday is to kick things off around 10:30amish right by the stage where the picnic tables are located. It is preferable you bring your stuff around that time as opposed to dropping it off early in the morning while the event area is being set up..... (I guess marked coolers would be ok though). Sounds silly, but these small things make life easier for people trying to set things up.

We'll have specific areas for coolers, food, raffle prizes and your canopies and chairs.

These are just some ad hoc observations. Please feel free to add more suggestions if you have any!

Looking forward to seeing you all out there & thanks in advance to all you members & spouses that step up to the plate unasked and help out with the pot luck/BBQing. You guys are the best.

08-27-2009, 08:58 PM
I'm bringing a load of plastic cutlery, napkins and paper plates (on behalf of me, Gator and Kaitlin).

08-28-2009, 07:05 AM
Thank you Sue.

Granny Fish
08-28-2009, 11:37 AM
All good information Sansou. See you Saturday!

calico killer kevin
08-28-2009, 04:05 PM

Man, wish I could make it, but I've got a date with a very sexy man named Rick Landerer. Gotta pick up my new stick and you better believe that I gotta test it out.