View Full Version : Boil in the Castaic Lake Web Cam

08-27-2009, 04:55 PM
I was looking at CastaicLake.com and saw a boil in the Web Cam. Perfect!:Big Grin:

I can't tell if the guy on the dock is fishing or not.:Envious:


08-27-2009, 04:57 PM
thats awesome!!!!

God Bless


08-27-2009, 05:17 PM
there's been some impressive boils the last 2 days i been there. i posted a report for yesterdays trip.lifeguards lets you fish on the docks on the weekdays only(not the main ramp...west side'ramp only)

08-28-2009, 01:48 PM
I was pulling in to the floating craper about 3 yrs ago and noticed a bass guy waiting with his finger in the trigger, rod in hand ready for the launch. As I was dropping my buddy off to do his business, I told him tie on a top water first, Somethings happening here. As he tied on, and jumped off the boat, I heard the bass guy fire up his engine and haul butt right to a bunch of boils, As I turned my small slow boat towards them, Castaic erupted in football fields of boils center lake. Birds diving, fish crashing, the whole nine. If I hadn't seen that, I might not have ever returned to castaic. My first 6 times here was the skunk!! To this day I still dream about being in the middle of the action. That day the bass guy had 6 over 10lbs when we seen em. EPIC! Thanks for sparking my memories again with your pic. Didn't mean to hijack the post.

08-28-2009, 02:11 PM
That's no hijack, it's about boils.

I went to the west ramp for lunch on Wednesday. There were acres of boils in the jet ski area. I watched one boil as a jet ski ran through it. The fish hardly noticed. A bass boat ran up on a boil a little while later and the fish sunk out right away. I was left wondering if they know the difference.

08-28-2009, 02:26 PM
Maybe that explains why I used to nail the crap out of them on my jet ski when I used to do Pyramid often, back in the day?

08-30-2009, 04:35 PM
nice site,thankx fishinone