View Full Version : New species for me, Legal for VG, Watchin' the fight for free 8-24

08-24-2009, 05:00 PM
VG and I had plans to hit the surf this morning to test the waters again.

We got there early and found a spot for VG's car so we could do some carpool style spot hopping.

First spot I see people running down to the water trying to beat each other to the fishing spot. I started mumbling and grumbling about it to VG while we unload and gear up. We get down to the spot and these two dudes that rushed down there are literally at each others throats cussing at one another for casting over their lines already.

The one guy who was yelling stayed and hooked a big hali in front of the guy he was fighting with and the other guy got so mad he left! :EyePop: Then the guy who was doing all the yelling told us he was sorry for the ruckus and the other guy pulled a knife on him. I don't know but I could see that all the people rushing down to the spot first thing in the morning was going to cause problems. VG showed me his way to get to the spot before anyone else no matter what for next time so I don't have to worry about it and can fish more gray light anyways. :LOL: Just sucks to see the morning go awry for both those guys, cause seems everyone just wanted a fish or two.

Anyways, Vg makes a cast after the fighting and catches a shortie on a clear big hammer with a chartrues tail on it! lol I think it was the same short flattie that followed in my bright orange LC but turned away in a half inch of water. That was cool to watch the tiny butt follow in my orange LC into extremely shallow water without hesitation. VG let the lil guy go with no pic.

We weren't getting anything for a while and I needed that LC fish bad on the rod I bought for throwing them. I had caught spotties on big hammers and bass on jerks with it but not a hali yet with the 110, for which I bought it. Determination mindset. I untied my orange LC at least happy it drew a follow for once. Tied on the ol beat up ms american shad with TJ sardine dots and red owner trebs. Made a quick move across the water and cast out. Nothing, so kept at it unwilling ot give up. Then the ol familiar brick wall CHOMP followed by the thump thump thumps as the rod loaded up and the fish ran for the deep. Not long later I brought it in, happy to accomplish today's mission.

Then I called Adam over to this side and sure enough they were over here today as opposed to last time. Gotta move around and find them suckers!
Asked Adam if he would like to test out my trippy carrot stick/custom Sol combo. Any time you ask somone to try your spiffy rod, you know what happens! :LOL::Cool:

"So what do you think?"
"Feels good!"

Another shot of that same fish of Adam's while I toss his spiffy new combo too. Casts for miles! I was amazed! I think I might go down a step or two in line diameter on my combo now too :LOL:

Gave Adam back his rod and he just flat out had the hot stick with the LC today! Nice work brother.

Adam's fish in comparison to my Carrot Stick

After releasing that fish, Adam and I were laughing and talking, having a good morning so far! I was looking directly at him when I see his face jerk and his shoulders tense up and his rod pop into the air! Lol about scared the crap out of me it looked so cool. Bam kido was on to a legal. All you hear him say is "Doh! It's a good one!" under his breath as he muscles in the fish leaving it no room to escape! 22" exactly, and I'm damn happy I got to stand back and watch that whole thing happen. Way cool :Cool:


He released the fish to fight another day. Risky keeping fish anywhere near the limit anyways. We also did run into a DFG survey officer later in the day so it's good we let it go!

The bite kinda died off on the LC and we aren't folks to stick around and materialize it. Not to mention the current was picking up. I hunkered to the ground for one more..
Put up a pretty nice fight in the current on 6lb.

Then we moved to one of Mike the PMB's spots to kill some time. I also had to prove to VG that there was fishes in here so he would come by and give it a try later. Took me about 20 minutes or so but figured it out. Flashtrix smelt dropshot like Mike always says. this fish is for you PMB!


Adam's long rod handle is about 22" in length. This but put up a pretty good fight too and the water was clear so we got to watch the whole fight like an under water camera. Hali's are freakin fast!

We couldn't drum up any more fish here so we grubbed some sammiches real quick and decided to move one more time before calling it a day to beat the traffic. SB never fails to put out something.

It was pretty cool. We parked and I jumped out, grabbed my stuff and walked to the water. I said "Look mang, I'm gonna get a fish under that dock right there". We walked up and I cast out and like first or second cast I get a new species for me! A lil baby Calico bass! Man he was cool lookin. Not much but I was major stoked! Take that Ghetto Dad haha. j/k
The fish had a big ol roach on him so we yanked it off and sent him about his way. See his tail fin, you can't miss it.

nasty things

No More Roaches! It was fate I found you today sir, to yank the thorn from the lion's foot in the name of Karma. Now return to the sea from whence you came! Thanks! I'll be back to study your uncles and relatives later. :Twisted:

All in all, a great day for both of us! VG got the quality, We both got a small quantity and I got a new species! VG also farmed like 10 needlefish when he figured out their mouths are too small to eat the bait and it was just their honkin' teeth getting stuck in the rubber. lol was funny watching him fish for farmy needlefish all day while I picked up one more tiny lil scrappy butt about 6" on the drop shot. That was it. We bounced about 12:00 noon.

Totals:? Insignificant when you're having a good time.

Thanks for reading. Off to catch up on some of your reports everyone. Been busy lately. Still haven't touched a cigarette in 12 days now!

08-24-2009, 05:47 PM
i fish the bridge next to the harbor all the time and have nevre caught anything! jealous... nice fish man

08-24-2009, 07:07 PM
way to go man. Nice report and great job out there.

bergie berg
08-24-2009, 08:36 PM
great job on all the fish!! I am sure that calico appreciated you pulling that isopod off of him.

08-24-2009, 08:52 PM
Now that's a nice session Casey. Congrats on the nice catches. :Cool:
Fighting over fishing spots... ridiculous. :Neutral:
That's why wherever I stand in the surf... there's usually no other fisherman in sight. :Wink: Just S.W.A.T. members... :Envious:

08-24-2009, 09:17 PM
Haha fishin right in my stompin grounds. Awesome fish man.

matt duarte
08-24-2009, 10:23 PM
nice halis and calicos dude! looks like a good day wish i could of made it.. maybe next weekend

calico killer kevin
08-24-2009, 11:40 PM
Beautiful. There it is VG, you got him brotha.

Was surfing there yesterday. In the channel and just outside. The tide was rippin the whole time it was nuts. The waves were big and really messy which churned up the channel.

BTW, the fastest way to get down there is to have someone drop you off at the bridge. You don't have to wait for the gate to open.

So did you pay the $15 to get in or do you still have your annual pass? I'm gonna be driving soon and I want that pass, but it's $175 now...

08-25-2009, 06:22 AM
Yeah dude my poppy pass doesn't work for there. You need a special beach pass. I don't have one.

I kinda like the fact that they upped the price. Even though it's harder on my wallet, it might make the spot less crowded! :Wink:

I can't believe those dudes ran down to the spot like that only to be neck and neck with each other 3 seconds later. I was sitting there telling Adam "Damn dude I hate it when people run down to the spot like that trying to beat each other" and then all the drama started :LOL:

I'd swear I have a bit of psychic (psycho?) ability sometimes. Like when I said they should rip this nasty building down by my house and two weeks later nothing left but dirt at that lot and I had no prior indication. lol

08-25-2009, 08:59 AM
Nice going TJ & VG. Nice surf report. Thanks for sharing:Cool:

08-25-2009, 09:28 AM
yeah thi bite died about 2 hrs after low tide when it started rippin in. i like that carrot stick TJ. i want one to throw LC's on and use my clarus for d/s or c-riggin. also all the halis today were nice and thick and really healthy looking.

08-28-2009, 09:13 PM
Nice catching Casey, went there myself a couple days ago but no legals for me.

08-28-2009, 09:38 PM
That area got really sandy and glassy from what it was like at the start of the summer. I might have to try it again now.

Congrats on a solid outing Casey and VG! I bet those two guys were stunned to see that their race didn't matter when the two of you started pulling out those halibut.

08-29-2009, 08:30 AM
Nice catches. Never knew fights would break out over there. I always fished the other side but never fished the spot you guys are standing. What do you look at or what conditions do you look at to decide what side to fish on. Or does it not matter.

08-29-2009, 12:24 PM
i fish the other side first at low tide cuz it seems a little deeper and move to the other side when the water starts moving back in.

08-29-2009, 02:36 PM
TJ you the man. Great Job out there VG.

I will have to join you on one of your escapades to the surf.

08-30-2009, 01:34 PM
that place changes every day. :Wink:

Nice catches. Never knew fights would break out over there. I always fished the other side but never fished the spot you guys are standing. What do you look at or what conditions do you look at to decide what side to fish on. Or does it not matter.

It all depends on how you like to fish it I suppose.
I've seen people do good in ripping tides when I cannot produce.
Drives me crazy when I'm standing right there but hey, what can you do. I usually move to another spot then. lol

It would seem I am more often looking for the right type of structure or where the fish would be placed in the current in question. If I can find multiple places I'd be hiding as an ambush predator looking for baitfish, I will cast to each of those locations no matter the water conditions. Just depends on what bait is going to entice them in those conditions, if they are there.

If I'm not catching in one location, I don't stand there and keep casting for too long. I "move to the other side" as I did that day. Fan casting the whole time until I found the magic spot. Then they all came from right in that same spot.

i fish the other side first at low tide cuz it seems a little deeper and move to the other side when the water starts moving back in.

Man that things always changing too. Never the same twice in there.
last summer the other side had the trench. Sometimes it doesn't even matter and I'll hook up on both sides, so I will usually try both anyways. It's a small area to cover.

TJ you the man. Great Job out there VG.

I will have to join you on one of your escapades to the surf.

You're wlecome to come along, although our trips are usually pretty random. I'll try and give you a shout out with any warning I can next time.

Santa Fe Eric
08-30-2009, 11:17 PM
Dang! Y'all killed it out there!