View Full Version : Fishing Flukes?

08-17-2009, 06:31 PM
Looking to get any info, on fishing flukes either weightless or weighted. Want to know if you guys have had and success? What colors and what time of year is best? Thanks for the help! And Tight Lines!

08-17-2009, 07:37 PM
have one fluke that was giving to me but haven't tried it out yet.

anyways i was told to fish it weightless.

08-19-2009, 01:11 PM
Flukes are great baits when the bass are feeding on shad. If you can locate the shad near the surface, try working a weightless fluke on the surface or just under it. I have noticed weight really kills the action on these baits, so I don't fish them too deep unless trying to get to the shad when there deep, I'll actually just drop shot a fluke in those situations. If you use a small mosquito hook just in the nose of the bait for fly lining, it gives it better action, but it also twists your line up pretty good, small worm hooks (lite models) are perfect for working top water. Ive seen some people fish them on a jig head and use it like a regular jig too. Try matching the color of the natural forage of whatever water your fishing.
Good Luck

08-19-2009, 01:54 PM
Zoom Super Flukes are awesome! Most of the time I fish them weighted (Falcon 1/32 oz. hook). I like to throw them around cover, especially stickups. Favorite colors are baby bass, baitfish and smokin shad.

Bassnman Mike
08-19-2009, 02:15 PM
Flukes and Sluggo’s have to be one of my favorite surface lures, they can be deadly. They can be worked on the surface, just below the surface and down deep pending on how you rig them. You will need a big hook when using these type’s of baits because there is allot of plastic involved. I’m about to share with you my favorite way of rigging these lures but don’t tell anyone because it is a secret. I fish 2 Sluggos at the same time, one in 6 to 8 inch and the other in 4 to 6 inch so it looks like the bigger one is chasing the smaller one. This drives the bass crazy. I have on more than one occasion caught 2 bass doing this, that is how effective it is.

The way I rig it is I’ll take 2 size 10 or 12 black barrel swivels without the clips, yes they are small. Next I’ll take 2 lengths of line, one about 12-16 inches the other about 20-24 inches. Tie the leaders of line to the swivels, next slide the swivel with the shorter leader onto your main line and then tie on the swivel with the longer leader. I then attack a 2/0 X-Point wide gap hook to the shorter lead and a 3/0 X-Point wide gap to the longer one. Put the shorter one on the shorter leader and you can guess where the larger one goes. I’ve tried using the good old 3 way swivel for this rig but in my opinion with the swivel being fixed you don’t get the freedom of movement you get when the shorter leader can slide up and down your main line.

Throw it out and use a jerk, jerk pause retrieve. Go faster or slower until you figure out how the bass want it. As to colors, Smokin Shad, Albino Shad and Baby Bass work well. I have a friend that throws the pink one and does well but I just don’t have any confidence in it and if you don’t have confidence in a lure it will not catch fish.

08-19-2009, 08:53 PM
Flukes and Sluggo’s have to be one of my favorite surface lures, they can be deadly. They can be worked on the surface, just below the surface and down deep pending on how you rig them. You will need a big hook when using these type’s of baits because there is allot of plastic involved. I’m about to share with you my favorite way of rigging these lures but don’t tell anyone because it is a secret. I fish 2 Sluggos at the same time, one in 6 to 8 inch and the other in 4 to 6 inch so it looks like the bigger one is chasing the smaller one. This drives the bass crazy. I have on more than one occasion caught 2 bass doing this, that is how effective it is.

The way I rig it is I’ll take 2 size 10 or 12 black barrel swivels without the clips, yes they are small. Next I’ll take 2 lengths of line, one about 12-16 inches the other about 20-24 inches. Tie the leaders of line to the swivels, next slide the swivel with the shorter leader onto your main line and then tie on the swivel with the longer leader. I then attack a 2/0 X-Point wide gap hook to the shorter lead and a 3/0 X-Point wide gap to the longer one. Put the shorter one on the shorter leader and you can guess where the larger one goes. I’ve tried using the good old 3 way swivel for this rig but in my opinion with the swivel being fixed you don’t get the freedom of movement you get when the shorter leader can slide up and down your main line.

Throw it out and use a jerk, jerk pause retrieve. Go faster or slower until you figure out how the bass want it. As to colors, Smokin Shad, Albino Shad and Baby Bass work well. I have a friend that throws the pink one and does well but I just don’t have any confidence in it and if you don’t have confidence in a lure it will not catch fish.

Yea! I like to fish sluggo's. Here is my DVL bait


08-19-2009, 10:33 PM
I fish them two ways and both are weightless....

1) I run the fluke on top of the water with a slow retrevie.

2) I do the jerking/twitching motion and it really looks like a wounded fish.

Both are equally effective.

08-20-2009, 02:56 PM
Great tips guys! Thanks for sharing your rigs and ideas.