View Full Version : Local Bass/Barracuda 08 / 05 Trip w/pics

08-06-2009, 07:11 PM

08-06-2009, 10:17 PM
good job on the quality bass ron! thanks for all the info. im goin out 2morow morning. expect a report later.

08-07-2009, 07:11 AM
Hi supasportkid,

I wish you luck. It was mentioned that the water rolled and that often sorta puts a damper on the catching for some time.

Whatever, know you'll have fun.


ghetto dad
08-07-2009, 07:26 AM
Great report ron....damn water got colder the last few days, i think we lost at least 10 degrees.....hopefully, we get a 2nd and 3rd wave of sand bass like we usually do.....


08-07-2009, 10:05 AM

Have you ever tried one of the boats out of LBSF? Thanks for the weekly report!!

Sac au Lait
08-07-2009, 10:41 AM
come on Ron quit being such a hater. Ya gotta roll with the punches when you fish the summer moo moo trips. Plastics is the best way to avoid "that guy" fly lining up by the wheelhouse,lol. BTW, does Capt George X still run the boat on any days? I have had some phenomenol days on the water with him at the helm.

08-07-2009, 12:12 PM
Hi ghetto dad,

Thanks. Yes, let's hope that those bigger Bass coming over the side are just the tail-end of the first wave. At least the cuda bite has dropped so I can use lighter line and not worry about the dogs !! Still enough cuda to make the iron slingers and JP fishers happy.


08-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi deanhall32,

Why yes .... now LBSF but actually formally Queen's Wharf .....has been patronized by me over a 40 year span. Great operation. One could NOT be better treated than at the hands of their office via..... office manager .... Ghetto dad. Why .. great hands-on .. that's hands-on backup support, good promotional discounts, roomy boats, excellent skippers like Morgan .... Jason .....

Haven't fished with them recently but I can tell you .... they're in my top 2 landings (1- LBSF NS or Icon and or 2- Redondo's boat the Tradition (due to crew) to consider fishing if I don't hit Pierpoint. I've heard especially good things about LBSF twilight runs over the last two years !! And the guys talking are strictly no-BS, talented anglers expecting to take home fish .... and receive good service.

Of interest ... the two older guys (guy on the right) in one of the galley shots in this report is an OLD buddy from LBSF. We have fished together there for ........ 30+ years !! I was a Tuesday regular and I mean regular and the gentleman was going 3, 4 or 5 days a week !!

Await your next fishing adventure .... you must be wanting to hit the tuna grounds .. I'll bet !! Good luck.


08-07-2009, 12:53 PM
Hi Sac au Lait,

Thanks for the reply. Actually .... being judgmental is not hating therefore I'm no hater but ..... someone who sees someone pulling some garbage, the perp knows is wrong, and calling them on it .... garbage behavior= garbage on two legs is in the right .... right ?! :)

I noticed the guys that cry out 'It's OOOOOOKKKKKK' , 'What's the Problem'?, 'Take a chill pill', 'You need to take an anger management class' the loudest on the boat are often the very donkeys that try to get away with the afore mentioned stuff, defending the behavior as they don't want to be called on it themselves !! If eveyone was shut up or gagged .... the alpha dogs could run over everybody !! That's just how some would like it !! I'm not gonna be bullied or browbeat by anybody .... after all .... the black and whites can be waiting at the dock upon our return. Disclaimer: the above is not a rant but statement of fact .... judgemental but fact.

On a happier note: Yes, George usually runs the boat on Sunday and Monday. I believe Cliff is his 1st deck and I'm thinking Richard is the cook but not sure on that one. Two different styles but both catch fish so I ain't sorted that one out yet !! ha ha ha

08-07-2009, 04:02 PM
Nice report JR. But what does SBJ stand for?

08-07-2009, 05:07 PM

You talk about the moo moo boats up there hanging out together. Same thing down here but for the purpose of splitting up the sea lion population instead of one boat having to endure the whole pack. Interesting concept in both areas.

08-07-2009, 07:58 PM
Me and my buddy got zapped by one fat moron who pulled
the old .... 'following my line' to the exact stern corner then
stops in mine and my buddies assigned spots. That's while
donkey's line goes across the length of the stern !! People
are laughin' and yellin' ...................blah blah blah


That's unbelievable!!

08-07-2009, 08:41 PM
Hi daveg456,

Sorry didn't mean to speak code. SBJ stands for Sandbass Junction ... an area just a little north or is it west of the Flats. It's also a little outside of the Flats in some areas and inside elsewhere. Pretty much around the two rigs one being Eva.


08-07-2009, 08:48 PM
Hi again deanhall32,

Yes, I think last week I had a photo with 5 moo-moos all in a line !! I'm sure you're also aware of kind of a dirty trick some guys pull. They wait until another boat is positioned just right then they pull anchor and drive past ... passing off the dogs following their boat on to the other boat !! ha ha ha

There is some positive coordianation by some too where the dogs get passed off to a boat that is ready to head home while the boat having the dogs is free to move on to another spot !! Lots of tricks of the trade to see if observant !! ha ha ha

I love it when skippers are buddies and work together to the betterment of all. I see lots of mutual help and advice being exchanged .... I think especially highly of assistance between skippers at different landings !! That's the way it should be !! Everybody wins .... except the fish of course !!


08-07-2009, 08:51 PM
Hi klocked,

Yea .... pretty funny stuff in retrospect !! Can you imagine the fun the poor family members have trying to exist with these reject losers !?!


08-08-2009, 10:17 PM
Hi klocked,

Yea .... pretty funny stuff in retrospect !! Can you imagine the fun the poor family members have trying to exist with these reject losers !?!


That's not what I meant.... not everyone was born with a pole in their hands. You seem a little bothered by these people but at the same time, you didn't elaborate on if the same guy had pulled this before or if it was a noob being a little confused about the whole situation and really not sure what to do. Either way, I find it easier to let it roll off your back and forget about it. It didn't sound like it affected your catching.

08-09-2009, 08:19 PM
Hi klocked,

The guy in question was pretty hard-core and had 4 or 5 rods and was fishing the bow ... with iron ... etc. I would never ridicule a newbie IF.... when it became evident that he was doing something unacceptable to me, the deckhand, and incidently the skipper ... he reeled in and walked away. This guy was playing the alpha-dog, look at me, macho ....BS seen on the boats so often.

I don't just understand why anyone would think 'just let this stuff go' 'don't worry about it', 'it's cool' guys with that attitude are the very guys' behavior (on the boat) I'm judging .... how 'bout that !?! ha ha ha

Wrote the aside (just a small part of the whole report) to let newbies know it's NOT ok , one doesn't just have to be cool when stuff is intentionally done to victimize them or somehow diminish their fishing experience.

I've let it go....... till the next donkey (experienced angler who pulls the afore mentioned garbage) appears to impose themselves on me or my fishing according to the accepted rules of the boat.

Stated in this way, I'm sure you'll agree.


08-09-2009, 08:39 PM
LOL, thanks for clearing that up....