View Full Version : Twilight Trip on the Enterprise 8/2/09

08-03-2009, 08:42 PM
After watching the fish count all week we decided to get a twilight trip in on Sunday night. Took a look at all the fish counts and load counts and decided to go out on the Enterprise out of Long Beach Marina Sportfishing. My cousin Jason and friend Chauhan came along for the fun. The numbers had been very good all week across the fleet at the flats so we were hoping for a great night.


The City of Long Beach had just come in with 70+ on board but our total load ended up only being 39 for the night. Lots of room on the boat which was nice. Did not need bait, had some left over from the day trip and went straight out to the flats.



To keep this short and to the point, it was tough out there on Sunday night. 3 stops over 3 hours and only 4 fish on the last stop for the whole boat. A few short barracuda as well. The captain and crew were working hard trying to find fish. It was not just us, the whole fleet was calling in low numbers or none at all, we heard the calls from the wheel house. One boat had 70 people and only 10 fish.




Everyone on the boat was very patient that night, no complaining at all. 10:30pm rolled around on the 3rd stop and the captain got on the horn and said usually it would be time to roll in, but he could not let us go home empty handed so he was going to push it to one last stop. 10 minutes later we anchored up and our patients paid off. First drop both Jason and I pull up near legal sand bass and it was wide open after that.


Chauhan pulled up a very nice model around 3lbs, and I got one in the same range. It was non stop for about 30-45minutes and the captain pushed it to the very end so everyone could get fish.

Jason and a nice turd roller.


Rare picture of me with a fish. I realize that I don't have many pictures of myself fishing, always the photographer.


The captain and crew worked hard to scrape out a good day for all of us on the boat, and the passengers appreciated it. Great save by the crew!



Ended up with 17 sand bass between the 3 of us, threw back 3 near 12 inchers myself and Jason about 3 as well.

Total for myself in 30 minutes or so of fishing:
7 Sand Bass Kept, 3 thrown back




Once again, the crew came through and everyone thanked the crew out loud when we got in around 12:30am, first time in a long time that I've heard that from everyone after a trip. The Enterprise will have repeat business from us in the future. Hope to get out on Saturday on my friends boat, maybe do another twilight this week as well.

08-03-2009, 10:31 PM
Hi glumace,

Very, very nice report !! Many thanks for the effort.


ghetto dad
08-04-2009, 07:21 AM
Great job brother....yeah, sunday was tough for the fleet at least during the day....and the twilight stuff has been a "late" bite all week....

thanks for the report


08-04-2009, 07:27 AM
Great report, :Cool: