View Full Version : Not maid of money...

08-01-2009, 12:27 AM
How does this happen? Last year they tried to buy stuff from my credit acount. intuit and apple stuff. This year they got it from walmart and they wre successful. Before then I keep track of my account online and told them about the unathoriZed transaction.
they will credit my account and i need to fill and affidavit.

08-01-2009, 12:31 AM
no one has my debit card. just me... I guess i have bad luck.

08-01-2009, 12:34 AM
Right away i closed my debit card.

08-01-2009, 02:12 AM
Daym...they got me once like that. They told me when i swiped my card somewhere, they made a copy of the magnetic strip code...so they pretty much made a copy of my card and used it to buy stuff.

The bank got to the bottom of it, but wouldnt give me any more info.

Nessie Hunter
08-01-2009, 07:30 AM
Similar thing happened to me over a yr ago...

B of A, showed a $600 purchase (computer etc) on my card in a Minnesota Best Buy??? WTF??
I made contact, telling them it wasnt me. Instant Card change & hold on money. They did a quick investigation and said it was a face to face transaction (not on line) the card was actually swiped & PIN entered....
Sent me a question form in a day or so, very short one...
Filled it out, saying it wasnt me, I was in Calif at the time...
In about two weeks it was resolved and money was released back into my account.....
Very pleasant people to deal with......

No one has my card or PIN..... Must have been copied at a transaction location locally???

I have been with B of A since 1980...
99% of all my banking is Online (bill pay & paypal etc) or debit card since about 1997....


08-01-2009, 08:37 AM
I dont know how this happened. I have not made any online purchases other than cabelas and i trust their site. Must have been locally that they got my information and then went to Anderson walmart and made the purchase. Hopefully this all gets resolved.

By the way i meant MADE not MAID LOL

08-01-2009, 08:54 AM
This can happen various ways...

The most common is morons responding to phishing scams in which they actually send someone their account number, and their PIN to who they think is their financial institution, when in reality, it's some 17 year old kid who uses his mother's basement as his club house. It's extremely easy to make and magnetize the credit card with the correct account information, and they can then use the PIN (which requires no ID check from the retailer) and you're in business.

Or, you can have fallen victim of someone who scanned the card while you were making a mundane transaction using a 'skimmer,' which makes it easy create a new card based on legitimate information like above. Dishonest employees are all over the place, and are always looking to make a quick buck.

Hopefully everything gets resolved. As Nessie said, banks are pretty good with resolving these types of issues with account holders. Just a tip though, always use your debit card as a 'credit' card, because if you use a PIN, it's easier for someone to see what that PIN is, and transactions are usually never reversed when the bank sees the card has been use as a debit card by utilizing the PIN.

08-01-2009, 02:20 PM
This can happen various ways...

The most common is morons responding to phishing scams in which they actually send someone their account number, and their PIN to who they think is their financial institution, when in reality, it's some 17 year old kid who uses his mother's basement as his club house. It's extremely easy to make and magnetize the credit card with the correct account information, and they can then use the PIN (which requires no ID check from the retailer) and you're in business.

Or, you can have fallen victim of someone who scanned the card while you were making a mundane transaction using a 'skimmer,' which makes it easy create a new card based on legitimate information like above. Dishonest employees are all over the place, and are always looking to make a quick buck.

Hopefully everything gets resolved. As Nessie said, banks are pretty good with resolving these types of issues with account holders. Just a tip though, always use your debit card as a 'credit' card, because if you use a PIN, it's easier for someone to see what that PIN is, and transactions are usually never reversed when the bank sees the card has been use as a debit card by utilizing the PIN.

I agree with you. I usually do credit all the time because it take longer to post on your account. I know this was done on credit because when you enter your PIN it clears right away. I just hate to punch in numbers when it can just be ran by credit. So obviously they used it as a credit card. How they got it... thats the mystery. I check my banking account every day online. This has happened to me 3 times now.

So guys be careful out there. I know I always check for something not looking right on the swipe card "thingy" lol

All i can think of is being taken from a local place i went to and they got my info. No other way.

08-03-2009, 10:00 AM
I got one that will blow your socks off..i guess I became really good freinds with Sandy Kofax a few years ago. And all of sudden I am paying his or hers I dont really know in Austin Texas! All this was done with my bank card..Funny thing is I bought gas the same day thirty minutes prior in Orange CA to my PURCHASE in Texas also swiped! Is there no logic here?

ghetto dad
08-03-2009, 10:03 AM
I got one that will blow your socks off..i guess I became really good freinds with Sandy Kofax a few years ago. And all of sudden I am paying his or hers I dont really know in Austin Texas! All this was done with my bank card..Funny thing is I bought gas the same day thirty minutes prior in Orange CA to my PURCHASE in Texas also swiped! Is there no logic here?

Ill be your BFF jimmy if you pay all my bills homie!! :ROFL:

Thieves suck......


08-20-2009, 10:19 PM
I just found out where they got my information. It was from the purchase at extremelures.com. The company TransUnion sent me letter stating they were compramised and they got credit cards from buyers. So im not buying there any more. They caused me too much work and a headache even thoug its not the merchants fault but i wish not to deal with that service. They say they will give me a year worth of credit monitoring for their fault and they are investigating.

08-20-2009, 11:00 PM
thanks for the heads up

08-20-2009, 11:30 PM
thanks for the heads up

They are doing the right thing. Extremelures had nothing to do with this. I would just call them and place the order. The company they use for payments got hacked and they got my infor as many others. Thats how they managed to buy stuff at walmart but my bank reinburst me and they are investitgating. I filled the affidavit. So my bank will do the rest.