View Full Version : Banging my head against a wall!

07-31-2009, 04:54 PM
Tonight, one of my co-workers asked me if I've ever sent money through Western Union.
Yup, I have, so I asked him what he was sending and where.

"Oh", he replied, "I got this second job for a guy who's in Nigeria for 6 months, doing errands for him around OC. He wants me to cash these money orders, buy some art supplies and send him the rest of the money. And I get $300 a week"

Hello ALARM BELLS. I quickly brought him up to speed on Nigerian scams involving money orders and Western Union, and so I looked it up for him and showed him it was indeed a scam.

Thank **** he never cashed the money orders. So, he's off to call the FBI, and take the checks into the bank they're drawn on.

*shakes head at the naivety of it all*

08-01-2009, 12:05 AM
There's always someone who would fall for the scams. If not there wouldn't be any. :Confused: