View Full Version : Bait Survey from the Jewel

07-30-2009, 07:28 PM
Alright here's the deal! I've pretty much mastered the drop-shot rig at the jewel for bass. Now I'm moving over to the lure categoria; chatter bait / Underspin set ups. Let's hear it. I'm looking for the chatterbaits, underspins set-ups and spinners everyone uses at the Jewel. I have all the giant swimbait info so I don't need that. Any type of the above mentioned stuff anyone has used at the Jewel and it is worked for them, let me know. I started going to the jewel about 1 every two weeks. Thanks boys!

08-01-2009, 08:58 AM
I dunno, i think chatterbaits and underspins are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

I haven't used any chatterbaits with much success so i can't be much of help there, but with the underspins, there really is not 'secret' or anything, as the bait lends itself to be fished without too much thinking. I've found success with tossing the bait, maybe fished with a small fluke or another trailer, and retrieving it slowly. The big thing i think is to find the depth the fish are crashing the shad at. once you've found that, just throw the underspin into that school and hope they eat it.

As far as setups go, I honestly just use my drop shot rod, that has either 5 or 6# flouro. i fish the 5# in open water obviously.

I have used smaller underspins earlier in the year when the shad are smaller, and fished it on 3.5#, which makes fighting even the smallest of largies an exciting venture.