View Full Version : 3/4-Day Sandbass & Barracuda Run w/pics

07-30-2009, 02:06 PM

07-30-2009, 02:17 PM
I appreciate the report but you guys should work on the format. Its hard to read. Too much stuff packed in.

Jackpot Jimmy
07-30-2009, 02:19 PM
Nice report Ron. Gotta love fishing the Flats... I remember fishing the Clam Beds five years ago, it was so packed, I casted out my plastic, and it landed in a private boat. A guy was fishing next to me, and said, "You may be a little too close!" I thought that went without saying... :LOL:

07-30-2009, 05:30 PM

Thank you much. Me, myself, and I will consider your input !! Actually the report has evolved into some comprehensive (if I say so myself) information for PBer and Moo-moo patron alike on the very local sportboat fishing scene.

Readers should understand (and proven to me by what they've said over the years) they can take what they want and leave the rest.

Hope you'll enjoy those sections you like and the rest ...... well ...... ha ha ha


07-30-2009, 05:36 PM
Hi JackpotJimmy,

Ha ha ha Yes, the animals get quite clsoe when you go to the zoo !! Actually, when boats are drifting .... some too close unintentionally from inexperience or not paying attention for that mere minute or so. I give most PBers/anglers credit for not 'trying' to cause probems ...... especially when there's lots of open water. The bad apples .... well ... they're everywhere !!

Especially enjoyed your recent reports on Catalina ...... but I welcome the local stuff too !! Especially ....... the SMB action !!



murrieta angler
07-30-2009, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the report, always worth the read.....now I just need to hit up L.A. for a 3/4 day boat....:Smile:

07-30-2009, 08:24 PM
Hi JapanRon:Smile:, thanks for another great report, pic's and fishing information. I always enjoy what you have to say and I think a lot of folks use you information for better fishing and fun.



ghetto dad
07-30-2009, 09:28 PM
Nice report/moon phase/current/miami ink/bar graphed report ron! :LOL:Thanks man


07-30-2009, 09:46 PM
thanks for the detailed report ron. good job on all the plastic eatin bass you hooked up! im gonna hit the flats saturday morning, so your report helps alot. thanks

ghetto dad
07-30-2009, 09:55 PM
thanks for the detailed report ron. good job on all the plastic eatin bass you hooked up! im gonna hit the flats saturday morning, so your report helps alot. thanks

just look for the 24,000 boats out there homie..youll know where the fish are...lol


07-31-2009, 04:21 PM
Hi murrieta angler,

Thanks much. Yes .... nows the time to burn that gas and get to the landing for some rod flexing !! Hope to hear of your report while they're still biting !! Good luck !


07-31-2009, 04:24 PM
Hi Jig-guy,

Thank you. Looking for your next report. Hope you make out on the fish and work that iron's magic. Big ol' grumps seem to like the green mint single-hook jigs !!


07-31-2009, 04:28 PM
Hi ghetto dad,

Thanks much. Any suggestions on what other information might be of use in the reports? Somehow ..... I feel something is missing. How about a video corner ?


07-31-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi supasportkid,

Remember ... it WAS maybe not now ....... fishys were on the bottom in the AM. Pencils were on top. PM saw better grade of cuda (blue and white) on top and Bass throughout the water column. One the rubber ....green was best, green was better, green was good !!

Await your report !! and ....... success.


08-01-2009, 04:02 AM
thanks again ron

ghetto dad
08-01-2009, 09:36 AM
Hi ghetto dad,

Thanks much. Any suggestions on what other information might be of use in the reports? Somehow ..... I feel something is missing. How about a video corner ?


YOu should also post the calorie/fat content of each menu item, how much each item is, and your personal recomendations of what to order from the menu ron!! :ROFL:


08-01-2009, 12:07 PM
Hi again ghetto dad,

Sounds good .... I'll work on that one. Other ideas include;
1) A disclaimer on consumption per month on different local species.
2) Pumping fishys stomach to detail contents.
3) How many tangles and backlashes occured on the boat.
4) Number of fish on the deck versus gaff attempts.
5) Record holder for beers drunk on the trip.
6) Highlight the individual with the most rods brought on board.
7) Hold a fishing attire contest. Best and worst dressed !
8) Video interview with .......
9) Make a 'funniest thing to happen' on the trip corner.
10) Once a month ... Angler's Profile (photo and simple profile) of a regular or crew member.

You realize the above is going into an aside ! Thanks !

Let's see how many of THESE ideas a certain rag decides to put in their publication format !! ha ha ha


calico killer kevin
08-01-2009, 01:18 PM
Hey JPR, another great report. Thanks a lot.

Regarding your $3 setups, that's way more than it should cost. I'm assumming that the leadhead is where all the dough goes into, correct? Well, here's the place I buy my leadheads from.

Super, super cheap and shipping is very fast. Since, they are unpainted, I just airbrush them or powder coat them.

08-01-2009, 01:54 PM
Don't take the editing suggestion to much to heart. At first reading I considered writing a comment about the jammed up looking page, but after reading several I got use to the look and now look forward to diggin out the info you provide with in the pages and columns of the report.

08-01-2009, 06:12 PM
Hi Calico Killer Kevin,

Thanks for the into to that line of products.

Truth is ... I'm really picky on my leadheads and want the owner or gamakatsu black nickel, wide-gap, medium-gage wire hooks. I hate the cadinium hooks. Leadheads I can get fairly cheaply ... it's the rubber (swimmies) that cost although blams are fairly cheap. $3 bucks would be for the 1 1/2~2oz leadheads with a 5-inch BH or FT, the special split-ring, Glass or plastic half-eyes (optional) and adhesive, the continued loss of my fluro leader and .... last but not least, the finish I put on them !!

Anywho ..... great selection of leadheads on that site and wish them well. I'll put them in my list of plastics-realated product suppliers.

Much appreaciate your kindness,

Await your next report.


08-01-2009, 06:33 PM
Hi JL,

Being a professional writer, translator, and interpreter for many years ....... I pretty much know my business and simply rely on the tried and true maximum of a certain gutter-publisher by the name of Hearst who quipped .. something to the effect that people were gonna read what they wanted and take the slant on it that interests them and be danged with the rest of what ya try to feed 'em !!

It's a little of something for everyone. More than pleased you've taken what's valuable to your interests and pass over the rest !! But .... I warn you ..... some of the things you pass over today will become something of use to you later down the road ! ha ha ha
