View Full Version : Ship Wrecked at Sea

07-26-2009, 06:10 PM
Today, my uncle took his 20 foot Grady White out of Ventura harbor and was heading out to the Channel Islands with his buddy. As soon as he entered the shipping lane, his boat mysteriously started losing power and he noticed it was starting to take on water. He also started to notice it was tipping as if it were about to capsize. Him and his buddy abondoned ship and sure enough, it did capsize. Luckly there was another boat close by who witnessed this and came to their rescue. I haven't heard anything but I am sure the boat is a total loss and it had to be towed in by the coast guard for a whoppin 7,800 dollars. I still haven't heard what actually happened to the boat and am pretty curious. It was only 2 years old and my uncle kept great care of it. Anyways, just glad they were both uninjured and alive. And I will leave this with a little quote I found...

"Anyone who said "A bad day of fishing is always better than a good day at work" never had their boat sink"...

07-26-2009, 06:26 PM
Thats is to bad glad every one is okay and now safe. Do you think they forgot the drain plug.?


07-26-2009, 06:27 PM
Glad to hear they are OK, A nightmare for sure

07-26-2009, 06:32 PM
Thats is to bad glad every one is okay and now safe. Do you think they forgot the drain plug.?


That's what I was thinking at first but it sounds more like something just went wrong on the boat... I guess I will hear the full story soon enough.

07-26-2009, 06:55 PM
$7,800 is insane. Sorry to hear about losing the boat and that charge. You could mention Vessel Assist to him if he buys a boat again.

07-26-2009, 07:43 PM
sounds like he took a wave over the stern when he wasnt paying attention.

07-26-2009, 08:11 PM
mannn sorry to hear that, that must of been a nightmare day, but glad to here everyone is ok.

07-28-2009, 11:26 AM
Grady Whites are quality boats, it didn't fill up with water on it's own, I'd assume it's an outboard so water coming in came in through a thru hull or a missing drain plug! Every boat that has a bilge should have at least two bilge pumps, one shoud be automatic

fisherman from long beach
07-28-2009, 11:35 AM
that has to be one of the worst stories ive heard.i just got a boat,and i will pray everyday im in the water nothing like that happens to me.

08-02-2009, 03:02 AM
Wow crazy story. A bad day on the water to say the least. Graddy's are solid boats but not with out a drain plug. Was he able to fire off a distress call to the Coast Guard before the boat capsized? They were very fortunate that another boater was there to witness the incident and assist. I would consider it literally a life saver if they did not have time to send a disstress call to the coast gaurd. Unless the equiped the boat with an EIRP. Glad to hear everyone was safe. Hope they had insurance. If so he should be able to recover his losses.


08-02-2009, 06:06 AM
Today, my uncle took his 20 foot Grady White out of Ventura harbor and was heading out to the Channel Islands with his buddy. As soon as he entered the shipping lane, his boat mysteriously started losing power and he noticed it was starting to take on water. He also started to notice it was tipping as if it were about to capsize. Him and his buddy abondoned ship and sure enough, it did capsize. Luckly there was another boat close by who witnessed this and came to their rescue. I haven't heard anything but I am sure the boat is a total loss and it had to be towed in by the coast guard for a whoppin 7,800 dollars. I still haven't heard what actually happened to the boat and am pretty curious. It was only 2 years old and my uncle kept great care of it. Anyways, just glad they were both uninjured and alive. And I will leave this with a little quote I found...

"Anyone who said "A bad day of fishing is always better than a good day at work" never had their boat sink"...

is there a such thing as boaters insurance??? and if so would it cover the tow and the boat??

08-02-2009, 06:42 AM
Crazy dude!
Glad to hear they made it out alive!
That's why I don't do boats in the ocean. Hells to the fawk no.

08-05-2009, 12:55 AM
is there a such thing as boaters insurance??? and if so would it cover the tow and the boat??

Most the people I know who are boat have their boats insured. Any boat worth over 5k is probably worth insuring. I don't think vessel assist would have been able to tow the vessel in this situation. It sounds as though the Coast Guard actually salvaged the boat. Boat insurance is not going to cover towing but depending on the coverage they may cover some of the salvage costs.


08-05-2009, 12:57 AM
is there a such thing as boaters insurance??? and if so would it cover the tow and the boat??

Most the people I know who are boat have their boats insured. Any boat worth over 5k is probably worth insuring. I don't think vessel assist would have been able to tow the vessel in this situation. It sounds as though the Coast Guard actually salvaged the boat. Boat insurance is not going to cover towing but depending on the coverage they may cover some of the salvage costs. The boat should be covered by insurance if it was insured.


08-05-2009, 08:38 AM
When bait pumps have leak (hoses), they put water on in a hurry, and depending on where your tank is you never see it. A friend had this happen when we were out buddy boating and I saw it happen fast.

08-05-2009, 02:44 PM
When bait pumps have leak (hoses), they put water on in a hurry, and depending on where your tank is you never see it. A friend had this happen when we were out buddy boating and I saw it happen fast.

Thats why your bilge pums have to pump more water out, than a bait pump can pump in, it's simple mathematics.

On my 22 ft Mako, I have a 1100 gph bait pump and a 1500 automatic gph bilge and a 2000 gph bilge

ghetto dad
08-05-2009, 02:47 PM
Strange....I was just watching the Discovery Channel last week, and they had an episode about LOTS of boats just vanishing up in that area for years....and mysterious things like that happening too.....

Glad everyones ok brother


08-05-2009, 03:01 PM
Damn.....$7800 to salvage it....I would tell them to leave it in the water...haha

08-05-2009, 06:07 PM
It's gotta be a missing drain plug for a boat that size. Next time he gets a boat tell him to get Vessel Assist and have a VHF marine two-way radio aboard his boat. That was a bummer, but glad they came out alright.