View Full Version : Malibu- 6-8ft. Waves/ 1-Croaker

07-26-2009, 05:47 PM
Arrived in the areaat 5.30.am., Left at 1.30pm.
Arriived to 6-8ft. waves with strong surge !!!
One of the reasons I even went was because "wavewatch. com said the
waves would subside during the day!!!! :Smile:
You was gonna almost be seein on the news tonight -
"Malibu Surf Fisherman gets sucked in and under" :ROFL:
Well !!! I sure did feel like a SUCKER for sure!!!:LOL:
BUT !!! I did beat the SKUNK!!! anyways, in all that mess :Smile:


This pic was takin under one of the houses, cuz at times the water
would cover the whole beach and go under the houses!!!



Catch and Release Pic.


Departing Shot


07-26-2009, 06:41 PM
ha ha... at least you survived... and beat the skunk.

07-28-2009, 04:59 PM
Almost ventured out myself but changed my mind when I got word of the hi surf on the radio. Great pics

07-28-2009, 05:23 PM
nice job beating the skunk. which day were you out there? i went out on saturday and was greeted by 6-8 foot waves too. first spot was littered in sea weed and couldn't get in a decent cast. next spot was much nicer but nothing was biting. i was going for perch though using gulp camo sand worms. tried a small live sand crab for a bit with no bites either. what bait were you using?

07-28-2009, 08:28 PM
nice job beating the skunk. which day were you out there? i went out on saturday and was greeted by 6-8 foot waves too. first spot was littered in sea weed and couldn't get in a decent cast. next spot was much nicer but nothing was biting. i was going for perch though using gulp camo sand worms. tried a small live sand crab for a bit with no bites either. what bait were you using?

I was using the biggest Crabbies I could find!!!
Bigger crabbies bigger Perch!!!
BUT !!! :Rolls Eyes: more half- bite -offs too !!!
Broad Beach at low tide up intill about two weeks ago had some humungus Crabs!!! Don't know now ?

ghetto dad
07-28-2009, 09:02 PM
Nice Victor101 white seabass brother..thanks for the report


07-28-2009, 10:02 PM
You're brave one... nice job on facing the rough stuff and catching a few. :Cool:

07-29-2009, 09:40 AM
I was using the biggest Crabbies I could find!!!
Bigger crabbies bigger Perch!!!
BUT !!! :Rolls Eyes: more half- bite -offs too !!!
Broad Beach at low tide up intill about two weeks ago had some humungus Crabs!!! Don't know now ?

oh cool, thanks for the info on the big crabs. I've always tried to find smaller ones (not tiny) thinking they would fit nicely into the perch's mouths :Smile: i didn't think they would go for the bigger crabs. i'll be trying that next time.

07-30-2009, 07:28 AM
Good job,,,,,,,,