View Full Version : Daughter's First Fish at Eisenhower Park, Orange

07-20-2009, 05:56 PM
Decided to get a trip out on Friday after work. This time I brought along just my 3 year old daughter Katelyn to Eisnehower Park near our house. Got my light 2# tiny rod and gear (same we used the last time my son Jonathan and I went to Eisenhower after bluegill) and still had some mealworms in the fridge.

Got to the park and there were some anglers out fishing the bass. Set up on the same spot on the east side of the lake near the bench. I went with the same set up of a small trebble hook and bobber but kept loosing the mealworms. Went with the only small single bait hook in my box and changed up gear.



First cast out we hooked up with a small bluegill. Handed the rod over to Katelyn and let her bring it in. A few photos...





She had fun, and was proud of her first fish. I think she will make a fine angler. Still need to work on her touching the fish, but we have time :)

Continued on before it got too dark and ended up with another 4 bluegill for a total of 5. Katelyn reeled them all in, a few were snag jobs, but still fun to fight. Not huge fish, but big for a 3 year old. Maybe next time we go out together we'll go after some larger game :) After we were done we went over to the park area and she played for a while. I got to untangle some line that got twisted up. Great day, I'm happy she got her first fish!







07-20-2009, 06:00 PM
Nice going mann cool to see the pics!!!

07-20-2009, 06:48 PM
Awesome, well done Dad! :Cool: :Big Grin:

07-20-2009, 07:30 PM
Nice pictures!!! Looked like a fun day out there for the both of you...

07-20-2009, 11:14 PM
Awwwwww man, they grow up to fast don't they???

07-21-2009, 03:53 PM
Classic pics! Looks like she had a blast :Cool:

07-21-2009, 04:07 PM
Now that's what I like to see "Big Koolaid Smiles"
Great going Dad!! Beautiful Daughter. Dad and Daughter having fun... Priceless! Cindy:Big Smile:

07-25-2009, 06:38 AM
Awesome thread and pics and those are fantastic fish!!! Kinda reminds me of the days my late father took us fishing as little kids at Lake Piru back in the late 70's. Looking back I have great memories of catching bluegills.

Please keep us posted on your next fishing adventure.
