View Full Version : malibu 7/11 in the yak

07-13-2009, 12:57 PM
Got to the beach at 7 to find that the lock i used to chain up my yak has finally crusted over. Great. Fortunately, my gf was meeting me down there in a few hours, so I had her bring bolt cutters.
Tried throwing a sardine xrap (didnt plan on surf fishing, so I didnt have the LCs) in the surf at super low tide... no bites.
GF finally shows up around 10:30, I get the yak loaded up and head out. Normally I just throw swimbaits in the kelp, but I decided to try trolling some fin bait for a change.
Tons of bait in the water, but for the most part Id only end up with a sabiki full of 6 inch mackerel, perch, baby tomcod, and baby rockfish.
Threw on a mackerel and a tomcod and trolled the outside edge of the kelp, the middle open areas, and the inside edge.... no bites.

that got old, and since it was already late I figured I might was well go soak some bait between the kelp and some rocks. tied up to the kelp, threw out a mackerel on 20lb test on a reverse dropper loop, started to tie up my 30lb setup.... when BAM.. rod bends in half, then the line goes limp. line was cut clean. damn sharks.

put a mackerel on my 30lb set up with a 2 oz slider and threw that out.
remembered I had some shark leaders in my bag, so I tied one of those on the 20 lb set up... as I was tying, the 30lb rod gets hit HARD and rocks the kayak. bendo and instant sliced line.

determined to catch at least a damn shark at this point (and get the skunk off my back) I threw a perch on the steel leader, and threw it back out. within 5 minutes it gets hit. this guy was pulling hard. fought him for a couple of minutes, managed to get him to color, and he bolted back down and towards the nearest kelp strand. I heard my rod crack so I backed off the drag a little....when I did he managed to wrap me up in the kelp and finally spit the hook. at least I managed to get a glimpse of this one. im bad at guessing lengths, but he was at least 4 ft long.

after that I decided to move to a different spot and soak another perch on the shark leader with my 30lb set up. tied up to some kelp, threw my line in, and just laid back and relaxed. abuot 15 minutes goes by and my rod goes bendo. reel it up.... possibly my pb calico bass (which isnt sayin a whoole lot). id guess it to be around 6 lbs. really dark purplish colors. pretty awesome. unfortunately my gf put my camera in her purse the night before, and left the damn purse at home.
oh well.

set the bass free to continue spreading its genetics.
oh, I also managed to catch my pb SMALL calico that day as well... on the sabiki.

just ordered a waterproof camera, so I will definitely have that on me from now on.

not a whole lot of action on the yak saturday. but my fishing plans didnt quite work out as planned.

07-13-2009, 10:49 PM
Good report and tough to have a camera while fishing from a Yak anyway....... but thanks for the play by play!

You said you got the shark to color....... what kind of shark was it that hit the perch?

Thanks again for sharing! Looking forward to the next report.


07-14-2009, 09:05 AM
Hard to say for sure. Most likely a dogfish, since Ive caught a few in that area. Couldnt really see any spots, so I doubt it was a leopard.

07-16-2009, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the reportfrom the Yak!!!

Pictures dont always tell the story!
