View Full Version : enterprise twilight. saturday

07-12-2009, 07:58 PM
went out last night for a little twilight fishing. i was on the AM city of long beach trip which had alot of cudas on the iron so i hoped it would be the same. it wasnt... it was better.
when we showed up at the spot, it was dead. but the captain stayed there and it eventualy picked up in a big way. you'd get bit every drop but all we had was big sardines with the occasional chovie so unless you had a chovie you'd come up fishless but with a tore up bait. but every now and again we'ed drift over a deep spot and it would be wide open on big sandies. both me and tshaffer managed a limit, me with a PB sandie and tshaff a nice cuda.
we left the spot with the bite still hot, us cold.

07-12-2009, 08:34 PM
That drift was so wierd. It WFO one minute then terrible the next. But it was fun fishing and that cuda battle was epic! Too bad the AM was so crowded, you would've gotten your iron fish.

07-12-2009, 08:46 PM
thats an awesome trip! fat sandies, WTG

07-13-2009, 06:35 AM
Used to fish Enterprise a bit years ago. Glad to hear she is still going strong. Nice size sandies and cuda. Thanks for the report and the picts. You got to like the 1/2 day double header trips!


07-13-2009, 08:35 AM
Hi megafishers94,

Nice job on the fishys guys. Yes, that would be frustrating when one thought one had it all dialed in and the next minute it's start from scratch again !! Twilight fishing is fun ... especially if you've got a light load of regulars. Nothing against newer anglers it's just the tangles .... the tangles ... the tangles. And in the bad old days .... the drunks !! :)


07-13-2009, 10:58 AM
Hi megafishers94,

Nice job on the fishys guys. Yes, that would be frustrating when one thought one had it all dialed in and the next minute it's start from scratch again !! Twilight fishing is fun ... especially if you've got a light load of regulars. Nothing against newer anglers it's just the tangles .... the tangles ... the tangles. And in the bad old days .... the drunks !! :)

all the people were expirienced on the twilight but on the am i couldnt keep my line in the water!

ghetto dad
07-13-2009, 11:21 AM
Nice job man....damn...the last thing i wanna hear is that the BIG sandies are biting...that usually only happens at the END of the season....i hope we have a longer season than a week...